
qǐ kuà tuǐ
  • takeoff leg
  1. 跨栏跑中起跨腿的动作结构特征和技术效能特点

    Movement Structure Features and Technical Effect Characters of Takeoff Leg in Hurdle Race

  2. 实验研究表明,在跨栏跑教学中,强调起跨腿适宜的提拉时机对跨栏步技术的掌握、跨栏步与栏间跑的衔接、运动损伤的避免以及初期的教学效果有影响。

    The experiment shows that in hurdling teaching , emphasizing the " driving opportunities of takeoff leg " has influence on mastering the hurdling technique , the connection of the hurdling steps and running between hurdles , also preventing sports injuries and the initial teaching results .

  3. 跨栏跑起跨腿提拉时机的教学研究

    Teaching research on " driving opportunities of takeoff leg " in hurdling

  4. 跨栏跑起跨腿侧平拉过栏时踝关节的动作特点

    On Ankle 's Active Characteristics of Takeoff Leg Striding Hurdle

  5. 起跨腿的足部在过栏前达到其飞行弧线的顶点。

    The foot of the lead reaches its apex of the flight curve prior to clearing the hurdle .

  6. 起跨腿,作用应相当于蔓延腿,在过栏时必须充分伸展。

    The take-off leg , which will serve as the " trail leg ", must fully extend at take-off .

  7. 跨栏运动技术比较复杂,特别是起跨腿在摆越过栏时,需要速度快、技术娴熟。

    The skill of hurdle race training is complex , especially athlete need high speed and skilled when across the hurdle .

  8. 当起跨腿的大腿部分平行于跨栏时,动力转向自然伸展的小腿。

    When the thigh of the lead leg drives up to a position parallel to the track , momentum is transferred to the lower leg , which extends naturally .

  9. 发现在跨栏跑初期教学中,在运用传统的教学方法的同时强调起跨腿折叠、外展,并在适宜的时机进行提拉能起到良好的教学效果。

    It was found that when applying the traditional teaching method , emphasizing the folding and stretching outwards of the takeoff leg at the proper time would obtain good teaching effect .

  10. 摆动腿下压的时机始于身体重心位于栏上瞬时,大约经过0.031s的时间,起跨腿加速向前提拉。

    Swing the opportune moment that leg descend press to begin from the body center of gravity to be located on the hurdle , about pass by 0.031 seconds of time , rise to across the leg to accelerate forward lift to pull .

  11. 浅析110m栏起跨技术中摆动腿屈膝高摆的作用及训练方法关于短跑途中跑摆动腿技术教学与训练研究

    The Function of Swaying Legs in Bending Knees and Swaying Highly in the 110-meter Hurdle Race Study on the Teaching and Training of Swinging Legs Skill in Middle-way in Short-distance Run