
  • 网络pedal
  1. 起跳技术是由支撑落地、屈膝缓冲和蹬伸离地几个部分组成的,其中任何一个环节的不合理都会影响最后的起跳效果。

    Take-off technology is by supporting landing , knees buffer and pedal stretch from several parts , including any link is not reasonable will affect the final takeoff effect .

  2. 结论:①国家优秀女子标枪运动员在最后用力阶段标枪出手瞬间,左腿强直蹬伸可能是造成左膝关节外侧半月板损伤的重要因素。

    CONCLUSION ; ① The national outstanding female javelin athlete finally makes an effort at the stage javelin to get rid of instantaneous throwing , the left leg strongly straight pedal extends , which possibly attributes to the left knee joint flank meniscus damages .

  3. 停训后SJ形式蹬伸力量的动力学分析

    Dynamic analysis of speed force with SJ in detraining

  4. 由此推测,Clap式冰刀与传统冰刀在下肢蹬伸技术动作上的差异并不是由膝关节所引起,可能与踝关节和髋关节蹬伸技术动作的改变有更大的关联性;

    Therefore , it can be inferred that difference of pedaling skill of low limbs between clap and traditional skate was not caused by knee , and probably had great related with pedaling skill of ankle and hip .

  5. 踏板蹬伸阶段膝、踝关节伸展不充分;

    Their knee joint anklebone don 't stretch well in the footplate period ;

  6. 起跳表现出前支撑蹬伸特征;

    The knee is shown the characteristics of fore support push in takeoff .

  7. 上举式起跳技术主在出台瞬时腿部有明显的积极蹬伸过程。

    Raising arms in the starting jumps needs to kick the legs energetically .

  8. 通过踝关节提前蹬伸补偿膝关节蹬伸能力的不足。

    Advanced propelling ankle can compensate for the declined knee extension . 4 .

  9. 摆动腿蹬伸效果都不好,蹬伸幅度偏小。

    Swinging leg stretch effects pedal is not good , frog stretch amplitude smaller .

  10. 蹬伸阶段蹬伸的幅度、速度不够,向前性不好,损失的速度没有得到很好的补偿。

    Inadequate stretching and velocity so that lost velocity can 't be compensated well .

  11. 优秀男子跳水运动员跳板起跳积极蹬伸时机的运动学分析

    Kinetic Analysis on Opportune of Positive Stretch of Excellent Man Athletes Springboard Diving in Takeoff Stage

  12. 左腿强有力的支撑与快速蹬伸与投掷效果高度相关;

    The firm supporting and rapid extending of left leg are highly correlated with throwing distance .

  13. 高的能量输出主要是通过大量的蹬伸做功而产生。

    The high energy output is mainly generated from the great deal of strength of extending .

  14. 在起跳蹬伸过程用时偏长,导致对起跳的速度、腾空高度有所影响。

    Using slant in the process of takeoff stretching influence take-off on the speed , height .

  15. 踏板时,减小膝关节角度,提供蹬伸所需条件;

    When foot contact , minish the angle of knee joint , provide condition for take off ;

  16. 通过分析人板间力作用的特点,确定了积极蹬伸的评价标准。

    The criterion of active stretch was confirmed by analyzing the feature of the force about human-board system .

  17. 本文研究建立的体能主导类举重、田径运动员下肢蹬伸力量能力的系列结构模型可供运动员在力量实践中参照应用。

    A series of structure models established by this study can be used for reference in the strength training practice .

  18. 结果表明,我国运动员三跳中的着地角和起跳角均小于世界优秀运动员,表现出摆动腿摆速偏慢和支撑腿的快速蹬伸能力较差。

    The result shows that the landing and takeoff angle of our jumpers is smaller than that of world elite jumpers .

  19. 压网阶段膝关节先缓冲或保持一定角度然后再蹬伸,而踝关节却处于缓冲状态;

    In dropping bed phase , knee first diminished or kept certain angle then straight and the ankle kept diminishing angle .

  20. 起跳快表现为起跳脚蹬伸速度快,摆臂摆腿快且节奏明显。

    Quick take-off means an instant extension of the take-off foot and the rapid swinging of the arms and the legs with obvious rhythm .

  21. 辽宁省优秀少年女子跳远运动员起跳腿蹬伸不够充分,同时起跳腿一侧髋角较大。

    Liaoning Province Outstanding Young Women Long Jumper jump with insufficient leg kicking , while the legs off the side of the larger hip angle .

  22. 较早的蹬伸能获得较长的重心工作距离,缩短起跳时间,提高起跳效果。

    The earlier drive - stretch can obtain longer gravity working distance , decrease the time of takeoff , and increase the effect of long jump .

  23. 结果表明:我国优秀女子铅球运动员在滑步阶段,左腿有效摆动不足,右腿蹬伸力量、速度不佳。

    The result shows that the effective swinging of left leg is insufficient and extending strength of right leg is not good at the stage of sliding .

  24. 建议他适当减小助跑速度,减小水平方向速度分量,加长蹬伸时间,增大腾起角。

    Recommended that he reduce the approach speed appropriate to reduce the horizontal direction of the velocity components , lengthened kicking time , increasing the flight angle .

  25. 踏跳缓冲技术中,形成以膝、踝关节主动缓冲的积极缓冲阶段和以屈踝缓冲为主的反射蹬伸阶段;

    Takeoff buffer technique involves positive buffer stage formed with knee and ankle active buffer and reflex driving leap stage that takes knee-bending buffer as the dominant factor ;

  26. 这样既不利于充分缓冲,也不利于快速蹬伸,对提高腾起初速度也是弊远大于利。

    This is not conducive to the full buffer is not conducive to rapid kicking , but also to improve the speed at first jump harm than good .

  27. 结果:通过辅助杠铃架,用测力台可实施静力性蹬伸最大力量、疲劳特性的测试;

    RESULTS : Force platform could be used to test the static maximum force and the fatigue characteristics of the muscle during stand up by an additional bar frame .

  28. 刘海莉最后用力阶段右脚落地缓冲过大,缓冲阶段过渡到蹬伸阶段时间过长,影响到动量传递的时间和制动效果。

    During the final thrust phase , the time her right foot landed for buffering and transiting to stretch lasted too long , so the momentum transmissibility and braking was impacted .

  29. 另外,沙滩排球扣球起跳的加速蹬伸时间占起跳时间的比重太小是影响在沙滩上起跳时间结构的关键因素。

    In addition , the proportion of the duration of accelerating thrust to jumping time is smaller so as to ruin the structure of jumping time of spike in beach volleyball .

  30. 结果表明:(1)膝关节点在蹬伸过程中的位置变化是向前并且向下,而髋关节点却是向前且偏上;

    The conclusions are : ( 1 ) in kicking the direction of the kneel joint is forward and downward while that of the hip joint forward and more upward ; Pedal .
