
kuài sù qǐ dònɡ
  • quick start
  1. 具有快速起动性能,从起动到额定输出时间仅为8s;

    The system has a quick start performance , capable of reaching a rated output in eight seconds ;

  2. 本文结合混合动力汽车关键技术开发项目,根据混合动力发动机测试需求设计搭建了模拟起动发电一体化电机(ISG)混合动力汽车发动机快速起动瞬态测试平台。

    In this thesis , together with the progress of HEV key technology development project , a transient performance test system was established to simulate the engine quick start process in integrated starter and generator ( ISG ) HEV systems .

  3. 仿真结果表明,所采用的ISG电机满足快速起动发动机的时间要求。

    The result shows that the ISG motor can drive engine quickly and the simulation meets well with the need of starting time .

  4. 该软起动装置具有连续、快速起动电机的优点。

    The equipment has advantage which can start motor continuously and quickly .

  5. 空分设备冷状态下的快速起动

    Fast starting an air separation plant under cold state

  6. 预热快速起动荧光灯

    Preheat and rapid start fluorescent lamp

  7. 快速起动是鱼类很重要的一种机动能力,有助于鱼类的逃逸和捕食。

    Fast-starts are an important maneuver capability for most fish to escape from predators and for some fish to capture prey .

  8. 结果表明,击球手向前的线运动与髋部转动的结合为产生较高的击球速度及快速起动跑垒提供了良好的基础。

    The results showed that the forward linear movement of the hitter combined with the rotational movement of the hip provide a foundation for generating high bat speed and quick start .

  9. 并利用遗传算法来优化设计转速调节器和转矩调节器,使其转速输出曲线和转矩输出曲线逼近该系统的理想快速起动曲线。

    The genetic algorithm is applied to design and optimize speed regulator and torque regulator for making the output curve of speed and torque similar to the ideal fast starting curve of the system .

  10. 实现了稳定控制喷油压力和精确控制喷油量、喷油定时的目标,同时满足柴油机快速起动和平稳运转的要求;

    According to various conditions of diesel engine , detailed control strategy enables steady rail pressure , precise fuel quantity and injection timing , as well as the performance of rapid starting and stable running .

  11. 通过对柴油机的运行状态进行划分,对不同运行状态给出相应控制算法,包括喷油量、喷油定时和共轨压力等参数的控制,实现柴油机快速起动和平稳运转的要求。

    With the running conditions divided properly , different control strategy for each control parameter , including injection quantity , injection timing and common rail pressure , for different running condition have been obtained , which help to meet the demand of quick start and steady running of engine .

  12. 一种基于虚功原理的步进电机快速空载起动转矩选配方法

    A Method of Matching Stepmotor Moment Based on Virtual Work Principle

  13. 用快速的起动来赢得比赛。

    Won the race with a jackrabbit start .

  14. 不要使用快速充电装置起动发动机!

    Do not use a rapid charging unit to start the engine !

  15. 因此,当故障发生时,快速有效的起动旁路模式十分重要。

    Therefore , it 's very important to start bypass mode rapidly and effectively when fault occurs .

  16. 由于贯流泵站出水流道短且直,出口一般设快速闸门,在起动过程中,泵扬程增加速率较快,使水泵水力矩在起动后的短时内出现较大值,容易引起电机超载甚至造成起动失败。

    As the tubular turbulence is short and straight , there is often installed fast gate in the export . In the transition process , the head increases so fast of the speed of the gate that it will lead to motor overload .