
  1. 通过查阅文献资料,对中外优秀男子110m跨栏运动员的技术特征进行分析,研究表明:平跑速度、过栏技术和跨栏节奏是影响110m栏成绩的重要因素。

    Through checking on the documentaries , this paper analyses the characteristics of the excellent hurdlers of domestic and abroad and gets the viewpoint that the running speed , hurdling skill and rhythm are the three key factors to the performance .

  2. 四百米栏的全程过栏技术综述

    A Summary About Hurdling Technique Of In 400m Hurdle

  3. 对科林杰克逊这些过栏技术参数的分析和讨论具有很高的理论和实践价值。

    It is highly valuable in theory and practice to analyze and discuss these parameters regarding Jackson 's hurdle clearance techniques .

  4. 实践表明,利用多媒体课件进行跨栏跑过栏技术的教学,能有效地使学生从广度与深度上正确理解掌握技术,提高学习效率,培养运动兴趣,增强审美感。

    The practice make clear that multimedia courseware can help students to improve their technique correctly , advance exercise efficiency , cultivate interests and buildup taste feeling .

  5. 功能训练后学生平衡协调能力得到显著改善,由此带来的跨栏技评成绩较对照组显著,技评成绩的提高主要得益与过栏技术的改善。

    4 , functional training hurdler balance and coordination capacity has been significantly improved , resulting in a significant hurdle technology assessment scores than the control group , a major achievement to improve the skills assessment and benefit improvements over the hurdle technology .

  6. 跨栏跑过程中的速度利用和过栏时的技术能力是决定跨栏跑成绩好坏的关键。

    Speed level and technical ability over hurdles in hurdle run are the key factors determine results .