
  • 网络Action Concept;movement concept;motor concepts;aetion eoneept
  1. 运动技术动作概念的嵌套表征模型

    Representing the Concepts of Actions of Sport Skills

  2. 在研究动作概念形成时,动作概念结构问题是研究的关键。

    When I study the action concept formation , I find the key point is the action concept structure .

  3. 因此在投篮者的大脑里必须先建立一个完整的技术动作概念,经过一段时间的训练,才能有利于正确理解、掌握投篮动作,从而提高投篮命中率。

    Therefore , athletes should firstly construct integrated technical action concept and make long-term training so as to master shooting actions , and raise the percentage of hits .

  4. 对运动技能学习的研究是体育心理学研究的一个重要内容,研究运动技能学习,对动作概念形成的研究是其中一个重要环节。

    The study of motor skill is an important subject of psychology of physical education , in which the main link is to study motor skill and the concept formation of action .

  5. 本研究以实验方法为主检验动作概念嵌套表征机制在运动技能学习中的作用,证明其科学性、可行性和有效性。

    This study is mainly based on experimental method , testing the function of concept of action nesting token represent in the motor skill learning , proving the scientificity , feasibility and effectiveness .

  6. 言语教学法有利于学生形成动作概念,发现示范动作的内在认知规律,但应按照先简后繁的认知规律进行讲解;

    Language teaching method is beneficial to for the action concept , to discover the internal cognitive rules , but the teacher should analysis the cognitive rule by teaching the simple one first .

  7. 目前,国内外对动作概念形成、动作概念结构的研究,只是对其作用、意义等理论层面进行研究,缺少应用于教学、训练实践的实证性研究。

    At present , the study of the action concept formation and the action concept structure just focus on the theory in the function and meaning but not the practical study in teaching and training practice .

  8. 分组对比法用于竞技体操教学训练,能加快学生对动作概念的理解和对动作技术的掌握,同时使动作质量得到较大提高,可以加快教学训练进度,提高教学训练质量。

    Used in the teaching and training , it can accelerate the students ' understanding and skills mastering , improve the quality of both teaching and students ' performance , quicken the teaching steps as well .

  9. 依据学习的元认知理论,论述了元动作概念提出的意义及其应用价值,用元动作概念区分了动作的结构与层次。

    According to the meta-cognition theory of learning , a discussion have been made about the meaningful and useful value to set up a new conception - meta-motor , and motor-skills have been divided into structures and levels with meta-motor conception .

  10. 示意法作为讲解、示范的补充,贯穿在整个教学的始终,它能有效地帮助学生尽快建立正确的动作概念,提高技术水平,巩固动作的动力定型。

    The signal method is complement to explain and set an example , ran through he all teaching from begging to end , can help the students that soon grasp movements technology , improve the technology levels , consolidate the movements .

  11. 通过对学生在技巧教学中运用表象训练实验,结果表明,表象训练可促进动作概念的形成,加速学习和改进动作技术,提高教学质量。

    The experiment with students ' mental image training in skill teaching shows that the mental image training can promote the idea of acting formation , fasten the learning rate and improve the skill performance , in short , raise the teaching quality .

  12. 将扣球技术教学步骤划分为建立动作概念,简单条件下练习,复杂条件下提高,比赛中运用和巩固四个教学阶段,并对主要阶段的教学重点、主要的教学手段和方法进行了研究。

    This article attempts to divide volleyball smashing technology teaching into four steps , practice under simple conditions , improvement under complicated conditions , application and enforcement in contests , and it is also concerned with teaching key points , main methods and teaching technologies .

  13. 动词名物化是动作的概念化。

    Verbal nominalization refers to the conceptualization of action .

  14. 同时,就有效解决界面的表现级共享问题而提出的状态同步和动作同步概念进行了阐述。

    Finally , Status synchronization and Action synchronization concepts to solve interface shared problem are provided .

  15. 动作的概念上的模型被特意的普通化,从而提供数据流和控制流计算模型。

    The conceptual model of actions was intentionally made general enough to accommodate both data-flow and control-flow computing models .

  16. 但在非模态对话框中改变是立即生效的单击活动按钮即发生没有取消所有动作的概念。

    But because the changes made from a modeless dialog box are immediate-occurring as soon as an activating button is clicked-there is no concept of Cancel all of my actions .

  17. 在高等职业教育中,技能的学习又是以物理实验教学为基础的,因此,文中用了一定的篇幅来阐明物理学、物理实验教学的涵义,以及动作技能的概念。

    Argues that artifice training bases on physic experiment studying in higher vocational and technical education . So the paper analyzes Physics connotation , physic experiment teaching role and artifice concept .

  18. 提出了动作单元的概念,并通过设计历史结构&原理的逆求解方法,获取产品的结构基型、组合动作单元、转换关系流程图以及原理解框架等模型。

    The concept of " action unit " is proposed . And through the method of design history structure-principle inverse solution , the structure-based , combined action unit , the structure-based conversion relationship , and principle solution framework model would be obtained . 2 .

  19. 通过分析数据对象和组织管理中的权限水平、权限分类、数据状态以及动作方法等概念,提出了面向对象和分层次的安全权限授权管理策略。

    By analyzing the data object and the concept of security level , security category , data status and action methods in the data object and organization management , the management strategy of security authorization based on OO ( Object-Oriented ) and hierarchy method is derived .

  20. 宝宝很早就有对动作和空间的概念。

    Perception of movement and space starts in very early infancy .

  21. 本文依据动作可靠性的基本概念,结合机器人动作可靠性评价的基本要求,建立了机器人运动误差分析模型。

    According to the concept of motion reliability , an analysis model for movement error is established by considering basic requirement of robot motion reliability in this paper .

  22. 通过对综合操作命令的归纳,提出用最大动作元件集的概念来智能分析、产生倒闸操作票的方法。

    On the basis of summary of integrated operational commands , this paper offered a method which can intelligently analyze and create dispatching tickets by concept of maximum set of operational devices .

  23. 这对开发学生智能、加快动作技能形成和概念的理解是至关重要的。

    Which is of utmost importance to the development of the students mental ability , to their quick cultivation of the skills and techniques and to their appriciation of the concepts as well .

  24. 演示法是速滑教学中最基本、最重要的教学手段,是教师传授速滑知识、技能及帮助学生建立技术动作表象和形式概念的基本途径。

    Demonstration is the most basic and the most important method in skating teaching ; is the basic way for teachers to pass on skating knowledge , skill and help students set up skill action 's representation and form concept .

  25. 按照动作发生学观点及其元动作概念的动作层次结构分析方法,对跑跳类田径技能的元动作结构和动作学习的类属同化问题进行了相关讨论。

    According to a point of view about motor genetic theory and a conception of meta-motor , the authors discussed about run-jumping types athletics skills-construct and category assimilation model of motor learning with structure-levers analysis method .

  26. 这个想法和使用摄像头识别一名游戏玩家的动作,并将其转换为屏幕上动作的XboxKinect概念如出一辙,

    The idea is similar in concept to the Xbox Kinect , which uses cameras to recognize a game player 's movements , and translates them into an action onscreen .

  27. 动作形成的分化和信息反馈得到了提高,有利于建立正确的动作概念.说明在排球公选课中采用表象训练法,其教学效果明显高于传统教学法。

    The effect of adopting representation training in public volleyball course teaching is obviously superior to traditional teaching methods .