
  • 网络dynamic content;active content
  1. 基于静、动态内容分离的Web应用性能优化技术的研究

    Research on performance improvement of Web applications based on separating static and dynamic content

  2. 允许具有windows帐户的所有用户查看静态和动态内容。

    Allows users with a Windows account to view static and dynamic content .

  3. Web服务器动态内容缓存模块的设计及实现

    Design and Realization of Web Server Dynamic-Content Cache Module

  4. 当前的Web缓存机制不能有效地处理越来越多的动态内容。

    Current web cache schemes can not help more and more dynamic contents effectively .

  5. XML能帮助用户实现动态内容生成、企业集成和应用开发。

    XML can help users with dynamic content generation , enterprise integration and application development .

  6. Portlet是基于Java的Web组件,用于处理请求和生成动态内容。

    Portlets are Java-based Web components that process requests and generate dynamic content .

  7. 区域(Region)是可以从模块(Module)中载入动态内容的占位符(placeholder)。

    Regions are placeholders where dynamic content can be loaded from Modules .

  8. 对于包含动态内容的Web页面,您可能希望不同类别的用户看到不同形式的内容。

    For Web pages containing dynamic content , you might want different categories of users to see different forms of content .

  9. WORLDWIDEWEB在最近几年已经从提供静态内容过渡到提供动态内容。

    The World Wide Web has over the last few years evolved from sites offering static HTML pages to sites generating dynamic contents .

  10. 并保证用户访问到最新的内容,对提高Web服务器峰值负载下的运行能力,减少访问动态内容的延迟时间起到优化作用。

    It would be optimized greatly for the ability to process in peak load of Web server and cutting down the latency to call dynamic contents .

  11. 文章介绍了Web服务器动态内容缓存模块的概念,优点,原理以及具体模块的实现流程。

    This paper describes the concept , advantages , principles and concrete realization procedure of a dynamic content cache module for web server based on Apache .

  12. 通过允许Web服务器直接访问包含动态内容的其他数据资源(比如数据库),2层Web架构可以满足这些需求。

    The2-tier Web architecture addressed these requirements by giving Web servers direct access to other data resources ( such as a database ) that provide dynamic content .

  13. 内容提供者还需要将动态内容定向给几个不同用户媒介(从Web浏览器到手持移动设备)。

    Content providers have the growing need for targeting the delivery of dynamic content to several different consumer mediums , ranging from Web browsers to hand-held mobile devices .

  14. 这个文件是非常强大的,它可以为某些类型的动态内容定义缓存,比如servlet/JSP片段、Web服务等等。

    This file is very powerful that it can define caches for a few types of dynamic content , like servlet / JSP fragment , web services , etc.

  15. 动态内容从MySQL数据库检索得来。

    The dynamic content is retrieved from a MySQL database .

  16. 该技术很容易:您可以快速掌握并创建更多的高级Web页面,其中包括一些具有数据库支持或其他动态内容的页面。

    The technology was approachable : You could ramp up quickly and create much more advanced Web pages , including ones with database backing or other kinds of dynamic content .

  17. 就像其他脚本语言一样,JSP允许根据提交给Web页面的内容生成动态内容。

    JSPs allow you to generate dynamic content based on what 's submitted to the Web page just like any other scripting language .

  18. (服务可以提供文件或打印服务、DHCP、Web内容、动态内容等)。

    The service can offer file or print services , DHCP , Web content , dynamic content , and others .

  19. 它能与HTML协调工作,并且PHP代码也经常会嵌入在标准HTMLWeb页面内以帮助实现动态内容。

    It works harmoniously with HTML , and PHP code is frequently embedded within standard HTML Web pages to facilitate dynamic content .

  20. 然而动态内容比静态内容需要更大的资源需求,并且给Web服务器带来了一个很大的问题,就是伸缩性。

    However , dynamic content has significantly higher resource demands than static web pages ( at least one order of magnitude ) and creates a huge scalability problem at web servers .

  21. 基于WWW的应用系统是由动态内容和静态内容组成的。

    WWW application system is composed by the dynamic content and the static content .

  22. 动态内容生成是Web2.0应用程序的一项特性。

    Dynamic content generation is a feature of Web2.0 applications .

  23. 简而言之,Ajax提供服务端动态内容,同时看上去像客户端动态内容。

    In short , Ajax gives you the benefit of server-side dynamic content while still looking like client-side dynamic content .

  24. WCAG2.0旨在涵盖大多数已有Web技术以及可能的未来技术,包括Web2.0技术中的动态内容。

    It is designed to cover most of the existing Web technologies as well as conceivable future technologies , including dynamic content in Web 2.0 technology .

  25. 然而,JSP页面还包含特殊的JSP元素,这些元素使得服务器可以把动态内容插入到网页中。

    However , a JSP page also contains special JSP elements that allow the server to insert dynamic content in the page .

  26. 在Lift中,使用包含一些扩展标记的XHTML文件,扩展标记让Scala能够注入动态内容。

    In Lift , you use XHTML files that included some extended markup that allow for Scala to inject dynamic content .

  27. 这是wiki网站的第二个区域,它以Webfeeds的形式为此特定的扩展点提供与架构师相关的动态内容。

    The second area of the wiki Web site provides dynamic content relevant to the architect for this particular extension point in the form of Web feeds .

  28. JSP页包含有静态HTML加上动态内容,这些内容是基于对特别行为标签说明(在页面要求时)的。

    JSP pages can contain static HTML plus dynamic content that changes based on the interpretation ( at page request time ) of special action tags .

  29. 但是,对Web2.0技术来说,动态内容和出色的可视效果有时会让可访问性测试难以进行。

    But for Web 2.0 technology , dynamic content and fancy visual effects can make accessibility testing very difficult .

  30. 使用格式为RSS或Atom的联合Webfeeds将所有此类动态内容嵌入wiki可做到这一点。

    This is made possible by being able to embed all of this dynamic content in a wiki with syndicated Web feeds formatted as RSS or Atom .