
  • 网络byte code;bytecode
  1. 按照Ben的说法,Coverity强于其它字节代码扫描工具的能力是:它可以通过代码定义行为,确定可能导致出错的部分

    According to Ben , one of the capabilities Coverity has over other bytecode scanners is the ability to identify behavior in the code and anomalies that are likely to be mistakes

  2. 它们都使用了相同的JIT、字节代码循环、缓存和GemStone/S提供的持久化。

    Both use the same JIT , bytecode loop , cache , and persistence provided by GemStone / S.

  3. Java字节代码程序的部分计值

    Partial Evaluation of Java Byte Code Program

  4. 对于Java,他们起初很乐观的打算分析调试模式下的字节代码,因此不需要再写一个编译器。

    For Java they first attempted to optimistically analyze debug mode byte code , thereby removing the requirement for writing a compiler .

  5. JVM可将字节代码即时编译为机器代码。

    The JVM performs JIT compilation of byte code into machine code .

  6. Findbugs是一个流行的开放源代码工具,它对Java™字节代码执行静态分析以查找常见编程错误。

    Findbugs is a popular open source tool that performs static analysis on Java ™ byte code to find common programming errors .

  7. 这样做的优点是节省了Perl每次将脚本从源代码编译成字节代码的时间。

    What this does is save Perl from having to compile the script from its source code into the bytecode each time .

  8. 由于编译时可能会将很多JSP包含到其他JSP中,所得的Java源代码和Servlet字节代码文件可能会非常大。

    Since many JSPs might be included into others at compile time , the resulting Java source and servlet byte code files can potentially be very large .

  9. 这包括JiBX如何将Java对象映射到XML,以及JiBX为最小化运行时开销而在构建时使用的字节代码增强过程。

    This includes how JiBX maps Java objects to XML , along with the byte code enhancement process JiBX uses at build time to minimize runtime overhead .

  10. 在第一次访问JSP文件时,将对文件进行分析,将其转换为常规JavaServlet源文件,该源文件将随后编译为字节代码。

    Upon the very first access to a JSP file , the file is parsed and translated into a regular Java servlet source file , which is then compiled into byte code .

  11. 因此,由于后续的两次转换(从JSP到Java源再到字节代码),第一次请求时通常比较缓慢,但对于之后的所有请求,JSP将同任何其他Servlet一样工作。

    Hence , the very first request to a JSP is typically slow due to the two subsequent conversions ( from JSP to Java source to byte code ), but then it works like any other servlet for all future requests .

  12. 为了性能测试,我手工编写了代码,通常通过字节代码增强添加该代码,并使用JiBX运行时的当时版本来运行它。

    For the performance tests , I hand wrote the code that would normally be added through byte code enhancement and ran it using the then-current version of the JiBX runtime .

  13. 这会导致解决方案的性能低下,或涉及不适合于许多生产环境(如JVMPI代理或字节代码插入)的技术或技巧。

    This results in solutions that are poorly performing , or involve technologies or techniques that are unsuitable for many production environments such as JVMPI agents or byte code insertion .

  14. 代理的字节代码一变更,旧的用户签名就变成无效的了。

    As soon as the byte codes of the agent change , the old user signature becomes invalid .

  15. 此指令没有使用获取任何字节代码,因为它不需要跳到另一个处理程序中。

    This instruction is not using any bytecode fetcher because it doesn 't need to jmp to another handler .

  16. 它最大限度地减少了对性能的影响,并且不需要附带其他代理或使用字节代码插入。

    It has minimal performance impact and does not require the attachment of additional agents or use byte code insertion .

  17. 对它运行一些事件,观察它加载类、编译字节代码以及管理内存。

    Run some events through it , watch it load classes , compile bytecode , and of course , manage memory .

  18. 对于下一篇文章,我们将探讨这个框架的高级特性,这些特性提供用于编辑字节代码的查找和替换技术。

    For the next article , we 'll look into the advanced features of this framework that provide search-and-replace techniques for editing bytecode .

  19. 但是它更先进,提供许多优化措施,使得已解释的字节代码几乎与预编译的代码运行得一样快(有时更快)。

    It 's more advanced , however , providing many optimizations that allow interpreted byte code to run nearly as fast ( sometimes faster ) than precompiled code .

  20. 已经存在一些源代码分析与字节代码分析以及哪种分析提供更好结果的比较,但是该讨论超出了本文的范围。

    There has been some analysis of source code versus byte code analysis and which provides the better results , but that discussion is beyond the scope of this article .

  21. 其静态分析功能分析源代码和字节代码,基于模式以及基于流和基于路径,并且能够跨方法、类和包查找违规行为。

    Its static analysis analyzes source code and byte code , is pattern-based as well as flow-and path-based , and is capable of finding rule violations that cross methods , classes , and packages .

  22. 处理多字节字符代码序列的函数行为依赖于当前语言环境的LCCTYPE类别;它确定了依赖语言环境的多字节编码。

    The behavior of functions that deal with multi-byte character code sequences depend on the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale ; it determines locale-dependent multi-byte encoding .

  23. 在测试中,调用Ex版本的strsafe系列函数的程序会在调用失败时把缓冲区设为NULL,并以0xFE作为填充字节,代码如下

    For this test , the Ex versions of the strsafe functions set NULL on failure and0xFE as the fill byte

  24. 本文介绍了MCS48单片微处理机控制多字节二进制代码转换和显示原理,设计了实用的MCS48微处理机最小系统,着重讨论了数据取样和软件编制的方法。

    The multi-character binary code transforming and displaying principle controlled by MCS-48 single-chip microprocessor are presented . The practical minimum system for MCS-48 single-chip microprocessor designed The article puts stress on discussing the methods of data sampling and software programming .

  25. 首先,它可以从面向字节的代码集编码单字节字符,其次,当在数组中使用时,它可以从多字节字符集(如Unicode),编码任何多字节字符。

    First , it can encode a single byte character from any byte-oriented code set , and second , when used in an array , it can encode any multi-byte character from a multi-byte character set such as Unicode .

  26. 在字节码代码中,却没有代码作用域的概念。

    Inside the byte code , there is no concept of code blocks as such .

  27. 在多字节的目标代码页中,没有此Unicode字符可以映射到的字符。

    No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page .

  28. 虽然MBR提供1字节分区类型代码,但GPT使用一个16字节的GUID(Globallyuniqueidentifier,全局唯一标识符)值来标识分区类型。

    Whereas MBR provides a1-byte partition type code , GPT uses a16-byte GUID ( Globally unique identifier ) value to identify partition types .

  29. 该新功能是向JRuby快速调试器迈进的另一步&然而要注意到这种方式只适用于已编译成字节码的代码。

    The new capabilities are another step towards a fast debugger for JRuby-however it 's important to note that this method only works for code that gets compiled to bytecode .

  30. 这样几千字节的Java程序代码可在你的计算机上变成一个强大的程序。

    A few thousand bytes of Java code can turn into a powerful program on your computer .