
  • 网络Byte order;Endianness;byteorder
  1. 注意,网络通常使用大端字节顺序,因此在Systemz上运行的应用程序在这里不需要转换。

    Note that networks usually use big-endian byte order , so an application running on System z does not need conversion here .

  2. STAB二进制数据的字节顺序取决于对象文件格式。

    The byte order of the STABs binary data depends on the object file format .

  3. 一些特性,如字节顺序、CPU一致性以及其他硬件基本特性就像在一台真实计算机上一样运行正常。

    Features such as endianness , CPU identification , and other hardware basics work just as they do on a genuine computer .

  4. 有些工具包不能对其它工具包发送过来的Unicode字节顺序标志进行语法分析。

    Some toolkits were unable to parse the Unicode byte order mark sent by other toolkits .

  5. 在文档的开头部分,省略XML声明,并使用UTF-8编码,或者使用UTF-16Unicode字节顺序标记(ByteOrderMark,BOM)。

    Omit the XML declaration , and use the UTF-8 encoding , or use a UTF-16 Unicode Byte Order Mark ( BOM ) at the beginning of your document .

  6. 这作为一个“特征符”或“字节顺序标记(byte-ordermark,BOM)”来识别文件中使用的编码和字节顺序。

    This acts as a " signature " or " byte-order mark ( BOM )" to identify the encoding and byte-order used in a file .

  7. 使用文本编辑器工具编辑同义词库文件时,必须以unicode格式保存这些文件并且必须指定字节顺序标记。

    When you are editing thesaurus files by using text editor tools , the files must be saved in Unicode format and byte order marks must be specified .

  8. 存储器存取的字节顺序(Big-Endian或Little-Endian)是由操作系统指定的。

    The byte ordering ( Big-Endian or Little-Endian ) for a storage access is specified by the operating system .

  9. 这些磁盘文件可以在不同字节顺序的计算机之间移动。

    These disk files are portable across different byte-ordered machines .

  10. 一些相似的函数可以处理与通过网络传输数据相关的字节顺序问题。

    Similar functions exist to handle byte-order issues related to data transferred via network .

  11. 本文提到的所有问题(字节顺序、传递到编译器的选项等等)都有可能与移植有关。

    All issues mentioned in this article might be relevant ( byte-ordering , the options passed to the compiler , and so forth ) .

  12. 学生在做嵌入式系统的实验时,经常会遇到字节顺序的大小端转化问题。

    When students do these embedded experiments , they do often face the problem of the transformation between big-endian and little-endian about byte order .

  13. 第一个阶段是将字符序列从字节顺序(字符在内存中如何存储)转换成正确的手写顺序(字符如何在纸面上显示)。

    The first phase translates the sequence of characters from byte order ( how the characters are stored in memory ) to the proper written order ( as it would appear on paper ) .

  14. 脚本能力,该格式包括标签提供的堆栈式机器解释字节码的顺序。

    Scriptability & The format includes tags that provide sequences of byte codes to be interpreted by a stack machine .

  15. 这些函数在/usr/include/netinet/in.h中进行声明并且能够转换网络字节与主机字节之间的顺序值。

    These functions are declared in / usr / include / netinet / in . h and convert values between network-and host-byte order .

  16. 很有希望,您对究竟为什么字节缓冲区需要一个字节顺序有一点迷糊了。

    Hopefully , you 're a little puzzled at this point as to why the ByteBuffer class would need a byte order setting at all .

  17. 这些方法编码和解码字节的方法依赖于缓冲区的字节顺序设置。

    The way these methods encode or decode the bytes is dependent on the ByteBuffer 's current byte-order setting .

  18. 如果可以选择的话,请使用标准库函数来进行字节交换操作,并按照字节在数据文件中存储的顺序进行标准化;网络字节顺序最适合这种工作。

    If you have the option , use standard library functions to do byte-swapping operations , and standardize on the order in which bytes are stored in your data files ; network byte order is the best .

  19. 注意:根据不同平台,以及men结构是大端字节序还是小端字节序,您可能需要交换读取字节的顺序。

    Note : Depending on the platform and whether the mem structure is big endian or little endian , you may need to swap the order in which bytes are read .