
tīnɡ jué fǎn kuì
  • auditory feedback
  1. 为了能够与用户交流操作的结果,相比较使用一个弹出的提示框,Cooper更提倡使用内嵌的状态提示和积极的听觉反馈。

    Rather than provide pop-up notifications , in order to communicate the result of actions , Cooper favors inline status alerts and positive auditory feedback .

  2. 变换听觉反馈(TAF)实验就是通过对正常听觉反馈信号的干扰和变化,来考察听觉反馈在正常言语发声中的作用。

    TAF ( Transformed Auditory Feedback ) experiment is such a study as designed to examine the corresponding role of auditory feedback on normal speech production by means of disturbing and changing the normal auditory feedback signal .

  3. 用ΔZpp和T控制一组视觉和听觉反馈信号。

    A group of visual and audio signals are used to indicate the change of Δ Zpp and T.

  4. 但精确听觉反馈要优于非精确听觉反馈。

    The precision auditory feedback was better than the non-precision feedback .

  5. 有问题时发出噪声称为负面听觉反馈。

    Emitting noise when something bad happens is called negative audible feedback .

  6. 变频听觉反馈对两种语言被试音高变化的影响程度不同。

    FAF affects participants ' pitch variation in different degree .

  7. 在临床上,变频听觉反馈研究成果对口吃者的康复治疗具有直接的指导作用。

    Clinically , the research of FAF offers direct guidance on treatment of stutterers .

  8. 负面听觉反馈:宣告用户错误

    Negative audible feedback : Announcing user failure

  9. 和视觉反馈一样,计算机游戏擅长于正面听觉反馈。

    As with visual feedback , computer games tend to excel at positive audio feedback .

  10. 当然,听觉反馈必须在正确的音量状态。

    Of course , the audible feedback must be at the right volume for the situation .

  11. 鸣禽鸣唱与人类说话一样,都是在教习和听觉反馈下形成的感知运动学习过程。

    Like human speech , singing of songbirds is sensorimotor learning by tutor and auditory feedback .

  12. 也许负面听觉反馈最受谴责的方面在于其暗含成功只需沉默,人类喜欢听到一切正常的声音。

    Perhaps the most damning aspect of negative audible feedback is the implication that success must be greeted with silence .

  13. 正面听觉反馈的有效性起源于人类的敏感性,没有人喜欢别人告诉他失败了。

    The effectiveness of positive audible feedback originates in human sensitivity . Nobody likes to be told that they have failed .

  14. 在无声音与柔和悦耳的正面听觉反馈之间,人们会选择后者。

    Given the choice of no noise versus soft and pleasant noises for positive feedback , however , many people will choose the feedback .

  15. 听觉反馈对言语的在线控制和长期校准功能的共同作用在语言习得过程中起重要作用。

    The mutual operation of online speech control and long-term calibration function coming from auditory feedback has a significant effect on the language acquisition .

  16. 在感觉运动学习期,鸣禽通过听觉反馈与模板匹配逐步建立稳定的鸣啭。

    In a later , sensorimotor phase , birds gradually match their vocalizations to the memorized song , using auditory feedback from their own vocalizations .

  17. 对近年来听觉反馈在鸣禽鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述。

    During vocal learning , juvenile songbirds learn to sing by using auditory feedback to match their variable song patterns to a memorized tutor model .

  18. 负面听觉反馈有多个缺点,因为它是在出问题时发起的,所以自然承当了警报的角色。

    Because the negative feedback is issued at a time when a problem is discovered , it naturally takes on the characteristics of an alarm .

  19. 在大部分系统中,错误消息框通常伴随高而刺耳的嘟嘟声,听觉反馈因此与它们强烈相关。

    On most systems , error message boxes are normally accompanied by a shrill beep , and audible feedback has thus become strongly associated them .

  20. 提出了应用语音信号处理及计算机多媒体技术,强化生物反馈(视觉反馈、听觉反馈以及心理激励)提高失语症康复治疗效果的新方法。

    Author proposed a new aphasia feedback treatment method that utilized biofeedback including vision , hearing and psycho-activity promotion based on speech signal processing and computer multi-media technology .

  21. 在自然语言信息处理上,若要在人和机器之间真正实现自然语言对话,就需要充分开展语音听觉反馈对言语发声影响的研究。

    With regard to NLP , it is quite necessary to fully develop the researches of how auditory feedback affects speech production in order to make available human-machine exchange in natural voice .

  22. 在语言学理论上,实验中获得了在不同听觉反馈条件下言语发声变化的重要参数,这些数据对儿童语言获得、成人外语习得以及语言神经心理机制研究亦具有一定的借鉴作用。

    Theoretically , the parametric alteration of speech articulation under different feedback conditions may contribute to child language acquisition , adult foreign language learning and the study of neuropsychological mechanism related to language .

  23. 鸟是自然界除人类之外最具复杂发声行为的动物,鸟类语言与人类语言在很多方面都有相似之处,尤其是发声学习的听觉反馈。

    The birds are the most sophisticated vocal behavior animals in nature except human being . Birds languages have something in common with human 's , especially the auditory feedback of vocal learning .

  24. 言语治疗是当前口吃治疗的主流,本文也介绍了一些口吃治疗方法,例如:延迟听觉反馈、计算机辅助训练、药物治疗等有助于放慢言语速度和控制其它的言语机制。

    Speech therapy is currently the mainstay of stuttering treatment . Some treatment approaches , such as delayed auditory feedback , computer-assisted training and medicine treatment are all conducive to slow down speech speed and control other speech mechanisms .

  25. 正面听觉反馈真正的价值在于,它的缺失是非常有效的问题指示器。面包往下掉的时候,抹了白脱一面冲下的概率和地毯的价值成正比。

    The true value of positive audible feedback is that its absence is an extremely effective problem indicator . The chance of the buttered side of the bread falling face down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet .

  26. 视觉信号反馈的练习方法要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。

    The practical method of vision signal feedback is much better than the practical method of hearing signal feedback .

  27. 采用两种练习方法(即视觉信号反馈和听觉信号反馈)进行实验,并且从中找出能够提高体育院校普修课学生长传踢球准确性的相对较好的方法。

    This experiment adopts two kinds of practical method ( namely vision signal feedback and hearing signal feedback ) and finds it be better way to increase the accuracy of physical college students ' kickball of long pass .

  28. 实验结果表明,听觉加视觉信号反馈的练习方法对长传球准确性的教学效果要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。

    The result indicates that the practice method of hearing and vision signal feedback is much better than that of hearing signal feedback in the teaching effect of long pass .

  29. HVC接受前脑听区听觉信息的传人,并将听觉反馈信息传递给RA核。

    Forebrain auditory inputs enter HVC , which project to robust nucleus of the archistriatum ( RA ) . RA receives feedback on auditory information from HVC .

  30. 听觉皮层神经编码机制同时也受到听觉反馈和语言或发声过程中发声信号的调控。

    Neural representations in auditory cortex are also modulated by auditory feedback and vocal control signals during speaking or vocalization .