
  • 网络listening;listening practice;Listening Comprehension;ear training
  1. 基于Web的听力训练和测验

    Web-Based Listening Training and Testing

  2. EFL听力训练中的真实与非真实材料对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Authentic and Inauthentic Materials in the Training of EFL Listening Ability

  3. 文章从语境(context)的两层含义出发,说明了语境在听力训练中的重要性并相应提出了把握好语境线索的方法。

    On the basis of the two senses of context , this article analyses the functions of context in listening comprehension and also gives the way as to how to grasp contextual clues in the listening materials so as to improve listening ability .

  4. 由于英语听力训练的要求,提出了一种WAV音频文件分句播放技术,并给出在VC++上实现的一个实例。

    This paper describes a new separated playing technique for WAV audio-files that can be applied to English listening tests . Furthermore , an instance is offered by the VC + + .

  5. 加强听力训练,提高综合运用语言的能力

    Training in Listening and Improving the Ability in Using the Language

  6. 大学英语听力训练方法探索

    Delving into the Method of Drills in Focus Listening in College English

  7. 听能的理性认知与听力训练的创新

    Rational Cognition of Listening Capability and Innovation of Listening Training

  8. 从新托福考试看英语听力训练

    The New TOEFL and Its Inspiration on the Teaching of English Listening

  9. 互动式听力训练环状阀升程

    Interactive Listening Practice THE LIFE OF RING TYPE VALVE

  10. 英语听力训练中的语篇理解

    Discourse Understanding in the Training of English Listening Comprehension

  11. 功能语言学理论在听力训练中的运用

    An Application of a Functional Approach to Listening Training

  12. 语法衔接手段与英语听力训练

    Grammatical Cohesive Device in the Practice of English Listening

  13. 汉语教学中听力训练之我见

    My View of Listening Training in Chinese Teaching

  14. 他们的课外听力训练量总体上远远不足。

    Their extra-curricular training is far from sufficient .

  15. 语法知识在听力训练中的运用

    The Application of Grammatical Knowledge to Listening Training

  16. 欢迎来到听力训练的帮助文件。

    Welcome to the reading comprehension exercise help .

  17. 英语听力训练中的几个非语言因素

    Several Non - linguistic Factors in Listening Training

  18. 略谈和声听力训练方法

    Discussion on Training Methods of Harmonic Audition

  19. 听力训练在英语学习中有着不可忽视的作用。

    Listening training plays an important role in language learning , especially for college students .

  20. 大学英语听力训练的策略

    Strategy on College English Listening Capability Training

  21. 听力训练是英语教学中重要的一环。

    Listening comprehension of English News is a kind of essential training in language teaching .

  22. 多媒体听力训练及考试系统

    Multimedia Hearing Training and Testing System

  23. 英语语音学习与听力训练

    English Phonetics Learning and Listening practice

  24. 良好的课堂气氛有助于降低学生在听力训练中的情感焦虑。

    A better class atmosphere can decrease greatly the affective filter of students in listening training .

  25. 语境在听力训练中的作用

    Functions of Context in Listening Practice

  26. 英语听力训练浅谈

    About the Training of English Listening

  27. 课外自主英语听力训练是学生提高自身听力水平的一种有效的自主学习方式。

    Extracurricular listening practice is an effective self-determining learning strategy which pro - motes students'listening ability .

  28. 英语听力训练中的预测法

    Forecasting Method in English Listening Training

  29. 今天我们进行听力训练。

    Today we have aural training .

  30. 我们以听力训练法学习。

    We learn by listening .