
  • 网络threshold of hearing;auditory threshold
  1. 人听觉辨别阈和听阈的加龄变化

    Aging changes in human auditory discriminating thresholds and hearing thresholds

  2. 大鼠听觉反应阈的测定

    Measurement of auditory reaction threshold in rats

  3. 听觉辨别阈的测定

    Measurement of auditory discriminating thresholds

  4. 应用40Hz听觉相关电位反应阈判断客观听阈的探讨

    Application of 40 Hz auditory event-related potential threshold to evaluate objective threshold

  5. 成人感音神经性聋听觉稳态诱发反应阈与听性脑干反应阈比较

    Just perceptible difference limen Comparison of auditory steady-state responses and auditory brainstem responses in audiometric assessment of adults with sensorineural hearing loss