
  • 网络wave acoustics
  1. 从波动声学的角度讨论声波测井的探测深度问题。

    Depth of investigation in sonic logging is studied based on wave acoustics .

  2. 利用主动式近场声全息方法反演全向声反射系数,是一种基于波动声学理论的声学测量方法。

    The reconstruction of reflection coefficients using active Near-field Acoustical Holography is based on the theory of wave acoustics .

  3. 总结了耦合空间声场模拟的几种方法:统计声学方法、几何声学方法、波动声学方法等。

    Besides , the methods for simulating the sound fields such as statistical modeling , geometrical modeling and wave modeling are summed up in this paper .

  4. 根据波动声学和几何声学原理,将列车看作一运动着的有限长线声源,建立了有声屏障时城市高架轨道交通沿线声场分布计算模型。

    According to the theory of wave acoustics and ray acoustics , train is regarded as a moving limited line sound source and the mathematics model of sound field distribution is set up around the elevated railway .

  5. 指出了实现小尺度封闭空间可听化的关键问题是如何基于波动声学实现可听化的三个建模过程、并解决大容量内存消耗以及较长计算时间。

    The key problems for auralization of small enclosed-room are pointed out , that are , how to realize three modeling tasks of auralization based on wave acoustics , how to solve the consuming of big capability memory and long calculating time .