
bō zǔ
  • wave drag
波阻[bō zǔ]
  1. 计算表明,前掠翼比后掠翼更接近最佳载荷分布,应用跨超音速面积律计算有鸭翼的前掠翼组合体,其轴向截面分布较易接近最佳当量分布,因而零升波阻显著减小。

    According to the area rule computation , the area distribution of FSW is easier to approach the optimum form than that of ASW . The configuration with FSW thus leads to an apparent reduction of the wave drag .

  2. 超高速后掠飞片的厚度波阻系数计算

    Calculation of thickness wave drag coefficient for hypervelocity sweepback space debris Flying

  3. 其关键在于通过井约束反演获得高分辨率的波阻抗体,从中求取真实地层速度Vi;

    The key lies in acquiring high-resolution wave impedance volume by logging-constrained inversion and further computing true formation velocity V_i ;

  4. PLK方法在非线性波阻理论中的应用

    An Application of PLK Method in the Nonlinear Wave Resistance Theory

  5. 重力波阻参数化方案及其预报试验

    The scheme of gravity wave drag parameterization and forecast test

  6. 内波场中水平桩柱波阻的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Wave-Resistance of a Horizontal Cylinder in Internal Waves

  7. 高速弹丸曲线形头部波阻估算

    An Evaluation of Wave Drag of the Curved Projectile Nose at High Speed

  8. 有限水深慢船理论及波阻计算

    The Slow Ship Theory at Finite Water Depth and Calculation of Wave Resistance

  9. 在跨音速时,波阻系数也与上翘角有关,上翘角增加会导致波阻系数进一步加大。

    The wave drag coefficient also increases with increasing upswept angle at transonic speed .

  10. 地震属性主组分分析预测技术是一种精细测井约束反演技术,其最大优点是以测井资料为基础,地震资料为桥梁,最终得到的波阻抗体几乎接近或达到测井分辨率;

    Principal component analysis and prediction is a technique of detailed well log constraint inversion .

  11. 金属与陶瓷界面波阻性能与材料状态关系研究

    Study on relation of wave resistence property of interface between metals and ceramics to material states

  12. 对物面上压强积分,求得物体的升力和波阻。

    Integrating the pressure on the solid surface , the lift and wave drag is obtained .

  13. 在上述工作的基础上,对浅水波阻特性进行了分析和讨论,合理地解释了若干实际现象。

    The wave resistance characteristics in shallow water are discussed and some practical phenomena are explained .

  14. 认为与桩等波阻的细长状锤体能够产生理想的应力波波形;

    Slender hammer that is equal to wave resistance of the pile can bring ideal stress waveform .

  15. 旋转体跨音速零升波阻和压力的差分计算

    Finite difference computation of wave drag and pressure on slender bodies of revolution at transonic speeds with zero-lift

  16. 结果表明重力波阻参数化方案的引入是成功的。

    The results show that the scheme of gravity wave drag parameterization entering into the spectral model is successful .

  17. 利用三维相对波阻抗体,对储层物性的横向非均质性进行了分析,并确定了气水边界;

    The relative impedance is used to analyze the lateral inhomogeneity of reservoir petrophysics , and to identify gas-water contact ;

  18. 理论分析表明,具有椭圆载荷分布的斜置椭圆机翼有最小的升致波阻和诱导阻力。

    In theory , oblique elliptic wing with an elliptic load has the minimum wave drag due to lift and induced drag .

  19. 前掠机翼拥有许多优越的气动特性,如临界马赫数高、波阻小和翼尖失速度大等优点。

    Forward-swept wing has many advantages in aerodynamic characteristics , such as high critical Mach number , low wave drag and no wingtip stalling .

  20. 在跨音速范围,给出了一种简单的上翘后体波阻的估算方法,拓宽了马赫数的适用范围。

    In transonic flow , a simple empirical formulation is given to predict the wave drag of upswept aftbody , which extends the usable range of Mach number .

  21. 采用二维平面应变模型,分析了土层自由场的混凝土隔振墙、空沟和建筑下部的波阻块等屏障的隔振效果。

    Utilizing the two-dimension model , the effect of vibration isolation barriers including concrete filled trenches , open trenches and WIB ( wave impeding barriers ) under a building is analyzed .

  22. 试验表明,地表一致性反褶积与单道预测反褶积组合应用,剖面信噪比较高;多道脉冲反褶积,剖面波阻特征较好。

    The testing shows that combined application of surface conformity deconvolution and single - trace prediction deconvolution leads to high S / N profiles , and multi-traces impulse deconvolution leads to well wave group characteristics .

  23. 结果表明,此方法可明显提高叠后处理剖面的分辨率,改善同相轴的连续性,加强波阻特征,并最终使叠后处理剖面质量得到较大的改进。

    Results show that this technique can be used to remarkably improve the resolution of post-stacked profile , continuity of event and intensify wave impedance in order to finally improve the quality of post-stack processed profile .

  24. 前掠翼飞机气动特性优越,具有包括临界马赫数高、波阻低和克服翼尖失速等很多优点,但扭转发散问题也是制约前掠翼机广泛实用化的障碍。

    Torsional divergence problem is an obstacle in the application of forward-swept wing aircraft , despite its many advantages in aerodynamic characteristics , such as high critical Mach number , low wave drag and no wingtip stalling .

  25. 本文通过变分法,在同时考虑弹体头部波阻、摩擦阻力二音之和满足其极值条件(欧拉方程)时,得到了最小阻力的头部外形。

    This paper uses the variational method to calculate the configurations of projectile nose with the minimum drag under the conditions that the sum of nose wave resistance and frictional resistance satisfies the extremes ( Euler equation ) .

  26. 分析水平阻力与内波波要素的关系,采用实验室实验的方法,研究了水平桩柱与内波的相互作用,焦点是研究内波波要素与波阻之间的关系。

    The interaction between internal waves and a horizontal cylinder is studied by using a laboratory experiment , the focus being the dependence of the factors of the internal waves on the resistance of the horizontal cylinder induced by the internal wave .

  27. 建立了具有一定精度的、简洁的二元混压式超声速进气道总压恢复、流量系数、附加阻力系数、唇口波阻系数和有效动能效率等性能预估模型;

    A simple and fast model is presented , which allows the calculation of 2D mixture-compress supersonic inlets performances , such as pressure recovery , mass flow ratios , additive-drag coefficient , wave-drag coefficient and effective kinetic efficiency , with an acceptable accuracy .

  28. 吸积盘内缘区域的波阻将使盘内的角速度偏离开普勒速度而减小,引力势能使流体加热和加速。

    In the transition region of accretion disk , the angular velocity deviates from and is smaller than the Keplerian angular veloeity if the wave dissipations are included , and the gravitational potential energy will convert into heat or kinetic energies of accretion gas .

  29. 超音速条件下,弹丸的空气阻力包括波阻、底阻和摩阻,其中底阻约占总阻的20%~40%,减小弹丸飞行中的空气阻力对改善其弹道性能是十分有利的。

    The flight drag of a projectile includes wave , base , friction drag under supersonic speed , and the base drag is about 20  ̄ 40 percent in total drag . To reduce the flight drag of a projectile is very useful to its trajectory .

  30. 脉冲转换增压系统中的气波封阻作用&兼论脉冲转换器的一种特殊用法

    The Exhaust Blockade Effect in Pulse - Converter Supercharging System & On a Special Usage of Pulse - Converter