
  • 网络Whitcomb;Whitcombe;Susan Whitcomb
  1. 领导力培训机构“学院”(TheAcademies)的老板苏珊•惠特科姆称,多年来,她一直把感谢行为充分应用于这家位于加州弗雷斯诺的公司的管理之中。

    For years , Susan Whitcomb says she has made good use of gratitude at her Fresno , Calif. - based leadership coaching business , The Academies .

  2. 他搜索枯肠想找一找惠特科姆下士对他怨恨的缘故。

    He racked his memory for some clue to the origin of Corporal Whitcomb 's bitterness toward him .

  3. 在这项为期26个月的改造工程中,惠特科姆夫妇的建筑师约翰・廷茅斯(JohnTinmouth)及景观设计师琳达・波拉克(LindaPollak)设计了一面面板,它包括一处人工水景和用于让600棵植物附着在烟囱上的凹槽。

    During the 26-month remodeling project , the Whitcombs ' architect , John Tinmouth , and landscape architect , Linda Pollak , designed a wall of panels with a water feature and recessed slots for 600 plants to bracket to the chimney .

  4. 惠特科姆的园艺师埃玛&12539;德凯雷斯(EmmaDecaires)说,现在根据什么植物能在那儿存活,什么植物能保持水土,每年春季那面面板都必须重新种上植物。

    Now , the wall must be replanted each spring , ' based on what plants will survive there , and what plants will hold the soil , ' said Emma Decaires , the Whitcombs ' horticulturalist .

  5. 惠特科姆表示:尽管父母做出了最大努力,但个人终究是个人。

    Despite the parents ' best efforts , individuals are going to be individuals .

  6. 周日早上米尔福德消防队员从惠特科姆居民楼的电梯里解救出一名被困人员。

    Milford Fire Department personnel on Sunday morning freed a person stuck in an elevator at the Whitcomb House .

  7. 惠特科姆也研究过狼蛛&一种平均相当于二角五分硬币直径的常见田间品种。

    Whitcomb also has worked with wolf spiders , a common field variety averaging about the diameter of a quarter .

  8. 弗罗里达大学昆虫学名誉教授威拉德-H-惠特科姆几十年来一直在为蜘蛛唱赞歌。

    Willard H. Whitcomb , emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Florida , has been singing the praises of spiders for decades .

  9. 惠特科姆表示,这一过程不仅基本符合多数成年人一生中考虑金钱问题的3个阶段,而且可以在重要时刻帮助子女,无论是首次购房还是组建家庭。

    The process , says Ms Whitcomb , not only broadly traces the three stages in which most adults think about money during their lives , but it can also give children a leg-up at important milestones , be it buying a first home or beginning a family .