
  • 网络Line infantry
  1. 由于线列步兵的特质限制,他们在面对大炮的狂轰滥炸和散兵的精准狙击时显得脆弱无力。

    By their very nature , line infantry are vulnerable to bombardment from artillery and sniping from skirmishers ;

  2. 这些手持骑枪的骑兵能够对线列步兵发动毁灭性的冲锋。

    These cavalrymen , armed with lances , have a devastating charge , which is especially effective against enemy line infantry .

  3. 然而如果将他们派去对抗训练有素形成方阵的线列步兵,那么他们的弱点也将暴露无遗。

    However , should they find themselves facing well-disciplined line infantry , formed in square , their weaknesses would swiftly become evident .

  4. 当他们隐藏自己排成松散阵型时,他们是线列步兵的噩梦,而他们的军服使得他们与大自然混为一体,帮助他们悄然接近猎物。

    At their best in cover , their loose formation makes them a tough target for line infantry , and their uniforms allow them to blend into the landscape as they stalk their human prey .