
xiàn jí huà
  • linear polarization;linearly polarized
线极化[xiàn jí huà]
  1. 一种实用线极化矩形微带贴片接收整流天线的仿真设计

    Simulated Design of a Linear Polarization Rectangular Microstrip Patch Rectenna

  2. 首先详细分析了干扰机天线为圆极化和线极化两种典型情况下有源诱饵的极化特性,探讨了雷达目标的极化散射特性;

    Firstly , the polarization characteristic of the active decoy is analyzed under the condition of which antenna polarizations are circular polarization and linear polarization . Then , some polarization scattering properties of the radar target are also discussed .

  3. 在X、S波段对多种椭圆极化进行了测试,还完成了0°~180°范围内多种线极化波测试。

    The various ellipse polarization in X and S band and the line polarization in 0 °~ 180 ° space are discussed .

  4. 一种形式新颖的12dB线极化RFID天线的研究

    Research into a Novel 12 dB Linear Polarized Antenna for RFID

  5. 本文首先引入LP模(即线极化模)的一种定义,并讨论了LP的正交性问题。

    A new definition for LP modes is introduced . The orthogonality of the LP-modes in sense of power is discussed .

  6. MMIC组件构成的天线阵变线极化扫描的研究

    Study of Beam Scan with Variable Linear Polarisation Directions of Antenna Arrays Using MMIC T / R Modules

  7. 分布式三元矢量天线二维波达方向及线极化状态估计多元混合正态分布情形下的外汇期权组合非线性VaR模型

    A Distributed Vector Sensor with Three Dipoles for Two Dimensional Direction of Arrival and Linearly Polarized State Estimation Nonlinear VaR model of FX options portfolio under multivariate mixture of normal distributions

  8. 研究了用于接收卫星直播电视的径向缝平面天线的分析和设计方法,以及该天线在Ku波段能够辐射线极化锐方向性波束。

    The analysis and design of radial line slot planar antenna which can radiate linearly polarized pencil beams in Ku-band are presented for the application of receiving direct broadcast from a satellite .

  9. 本文提出了一种线极化径向隙缝天线(RLSA)。

    A design for a linearly polarized radial line slot antenna ( RLSA ) is proposed .

  10. 对目前回旋振荡管领域研究的热点&内置式准光模式变换器进行了理论研究和数值摸拟,采用Vlasov辐射器和准光反射面实现线极化准高斯模HE11的横向输出方式。

    At present the hotspot of gyrotron study field that the inner quasi-optical mode converter with a special reflector is investigated . Quasi gauss mode HE_ ( 11 ) can be realized with Vlasov launcher and quasi-optical reflector .

  11. 该电路利用一专用电控移相器,通过改变场效应管(FET)栅极的直流控制电压,电控两极化端口间的0°或90°相差,实现天线阵由线极化到圆极化的捷变。

    The design method of active circuit is introduced , in which by changing the gate voltage of FET of a phase shifter , 0 ° or 90 ° phase shift between dual ports is electrically controlled , resulting in the agility from the linear to circular polarization .

  12. 高压线极化散射矩阵的理论建模

    Modeling of the Polarization Scattering Matrix of the High Voltage Wire

  13. 线极化静电摇摆器自由电子激光的理论分析

    The analysis of a planar electrostatic undulator free electron laser

  14. 星载线极化天线接收椭圆极化波的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Linear Polarization Antenna Receiving Elliptical Polarization Wave for Space Vehicle

  15. 卫星地面站接收线极化数字、图文卫星电视节目三个角度的计算与调整

    Computing and Adjusting of the Three Angles of Satellite Digital TV and Teletext TV Program

  16. 线极化径向线隙缝天线

    A Linearly Polarized Radial Line Slot Antenna

  17. 双-双绕螺旋线极化摇摆器磁场

    Double bifilar helix linear polarized wiggler field

  18. 本文同时对加平行板的圆锥喇叭进行了研究,其特点是辐射线极化波。

    Another antenna which is conical horn with a metal plate lens radiates linear polarized wave .

  19. 地球静止卫星线极化辐射的地面视在极化角

    The apparent polarized angle on the earth from the linear polarized radiation of a geostationary communication satellite

  20. 正、负电子三光子湮灭中光子线极化的测量

    A measurement of the linear polarization of photons emitted from three photon annihilation of positrons & electrons

  21. 二维向量多项式分布分布式三元矢量天线二维波达方向及线极化状态估计

    A Distributed Vector Sensor with Three Dipoles for Two Dimensional Direction of Arrival and Linearly Polarized State Estimation

  22. 通过对线极化目标信号和椭圆极化雷达天线匹配情况的分析和计算,获得了有关的公式和曲线。

    By analyzing the case linearly-polarized beacon signal and elliptically-polarized radar antenna , the related formulas and curves are given .

  23. 并优化出双频工作天线,双频比为1∶131,而且具有同向的线极化。

    The ratio of these two frequencies is 1 ∶ 1 31 and both frequencies have the same linear polarization .

  24. 导出球形卫星上任意位置处径向天线辐射场的线极化和圆极化分量表达式。

    Expressions for linearly-and circularly-polarized components of radiation field from radial antenna placed in arbitrary position on spherical satellite are derived .

  25. 无论是线极化波,圆极化波,椭圆极化波,都可由两个同频率的其场矢量相互正交的线极化波组合而成。

    Each of linear , circular and elliptic polarization wave can be decomposed two orthogonal linear polarization wave at the same frequency .

  26. 用这一方法可以简便地将线极化电磁波转变为椭圆极化波或圆极化波。

    Using this method , we can get elliptical Wave of any axes ratio from a beam of linear Polarized electromagnetic wave .

  27. 时延扩散与收发距离、路径损耗及收发天线不同线极化方向的关系等等。

    The relationship of delay spread to distance between transmitter and receiver , the relevant path loss , the polarization and directivity of antenna .

  28. 该天线在馈电端电控单一有源电路就可实现整个微带天线阵由线极化到圆极化的极化捷变和信号放大。

    The polarization-agile of the whole array from linear polarization to circular one is achieved by electrically controlling the only active circuit at the feed port .

  29. 圆极化器是应用广泛的微波器件之一,其主要功能是将线极化波转换成圆极化波。

    Circular polarization is one of microwave equipment with broad application . its the mostly function is switch linearly - polarized wave into circular polarized wave .

  30. 馈源和天线的实测值表明:波束偏轴角的均匀性和极化性能良好,在对线极化信标跟踪时,天线姿态平稳、捕获目标快而准,获得了令人满意的跟踪效果。

    In tracking the signal target with linear polarization , the target is catched out quickly and exactly , and the situation of the antenna is stable .