
  • 网络pump valve;Pump;valve
  1. 借助ANSYS有限元分析工具,对泵阀关闭状态下和冲击过程中的应力应变分布规律进行了详细分析。

    In the end , by using the fenite element analyzing tool ANSYS , the distributing law of stress and strain of fracturing pump valve at the state of closing and during the process of impact are analysed carefully .

  2. 本文在基于前人研究成果的基础上,根据往复泵泵阀信号的强非平稳特性,引入了希尔伯特-黄变换(简称HHT),对往复泵泵阀较好地进行了诊断。

    Based on former research results , according to the strong non-stationary characteristic of the pump valve signal of the reciprocating pump , this text introduces Hilbert-Huang Transform ( abbreviated as HHT ), and diagnosed the pump valve faults of the reciprocating pump well .

  3. 基于BP网络的往复泵泵阀故障识别系统的研究

    Fault Diagnosis System on Pump Valves in a Reciprocating Pump with BP Neural Network

  4. 钻井泵阀箱密封面CO2堆焊试验研究及应用

    Research and Application of CO_2 Welding the Seal Surface of Valve Box of Drill Pump

  5. DCS系统中泵阀切换的实现

    Transformation of Pumps and Regulating Valve in DCS System

  6. 液压泵阀CAPP专家系统

    Expert system for CAPP of hydraulic cylinders and valves

  7. 在模拟井下原油粘度和实际产量的条件下,对6种国产抽油泵和两种API标准抽油泵泵阀的流体阻力进行了试验研究。

    By simulating the actual working condition of subsurface pumps , the fluid resistances of eight different pump valves are tested .

  8. 现场试验结果表明,经采用物理气相沉积技术进行TiN涂层处理后,钻井泵泵阀使用寿命较未采用这项技术处理前提高了将近3倍。

    The result of field test shows that the service life of the drill pump valve treated with TiN coating Increases by three times .

  9. 100MPa自增强压裂泵阀箱疲劳强度分析

    Research on fatigue strength of 100 MPa autofrettaged fluid pump end

  10. 本文基于BP神经网络模型,通过准确采集往复泵液力端各阀箱阀关闭激起的瞬态响应,并以响应的振动频谱为主要征兆,建立了基于BP网络往复泵泵阀故障的诊断系统。

    By accurately sampling the shock signals during a pump valve shutting and based on the symptom of its vibration spectrum on the pedestal body in a reciprocating pump . this paper establishes a fault diagnosis system on pump valves with BP neural network .

  11. 主要产品有:石油石化行业(EOG)密封、液压油缸密封、气缸密封、泵阀密封和五金门控缓冲密封,也可以根据用户使用要求设计特殊用途的产品。

    Main products : all kinds of seals for Petrochemical Industry ( EOG ), Hydraulic cylinder , Cylinder , Valve , Metal gate as well as special design products according to different requirements .

  12. 对钻井泵阀阀盘运动特性进行了计算分析。3NB-1300C型钻井泵阀箱开裂原因及预防措施

    The motion of mud pump valve is analyzed . Causes for cracking failures of valve chambers on slush pumps and precautions against them

  13. 建立了偏置式钻井往复泵泵阀的运动微分方程式,得出了阀的运动规律的数值解,给出了偏置式往复泵泵阀无冲击工作的CYC条件。

    The author establishes the differential equation of Valve motion on a drilling pump with offset crankshaft , works out the numerical solution of the motion pattern of the valves and presents the CYC conditions for non-impact valve operation on such a pump .

  14. 魏斯特法尔现象及泵阀运动规律的探讨

    Discussion on Westphal Phenomenon and the Motion Pattern of Pump Valves

  15. 高冲次往复泵阀盘升程的设计建议

    Designing Suggestion of High Stroke Reciprocating Pump Valve Disk Raising Program

  16. 聚合物驱泵阀运动规律的试验研究

    Experimental study of movement law of pump valve for polymer flooding

  17. 往复泵泵阀运动规律的建模与仿真

    Mathematic model and simulation program for valve motion on reciprocating pumps

  18. 水平井抽油泵泵阀实验研究

    Experimental Study on Pump Valve Used in Horizontal and Directional Well

  19. TBW250/40泥浆泵阀座体的修复

    The Restoration of TBW250 / 40 Mud Pump Valve Base

  20. 压裂泵泵阀变形及应力分布规律的有限单元法分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Deformation and Stress Distribution on Fracturing Pump Valves

  21. 油隔离泵阀箱密封性的改进

    The Improvement of Valve Box Seal for Oil Isolation Pump

  22. 这两类方法得到的结果均说明泵阀运动存在滞后现象。

    Both methods demonstrate some delay lag occurring in pump valve movement .

  23. 海水泵阀用新型铸造铜合金的研制

    Development of a Novel Casting Cu Alloy for Seawater Pumper and Valves

  24. 泵阀箱材质自增强与疲劳强度研究

    Research on material of pump fluid end about autofrettage and fatigue strength

  25. 注聚泵阀材料的激光熔覆强化

    Laser cladding to strengthen materials of polymer-injecting pump valve

  26. 泵阀测控系统的设计

    Design of Pump and Valve Test and Control System

  27. 三是简化泵阀流道。

    Simplifying the flow passage of the pump valve .

  28. 钻井泵泵阀状态的监测与故障诊断

    / working condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of valves in triplex drilling pump

  29. 恒流量往复泵泵阀工作理论研究

    Study on the Working Theory of the Valve on Constant Discharge Reciprocating Pumps

  30. 抽油泵泵阀运动规律的计算机仿真

    Computerized Simulation of the Movement Regulation of the Valve of Oil Well Pump