
  • 网络Pumpability
  1. 半结晶OCP在较低温度下产生胶冻,在用油低温性能泵送性差,易造成供油不足导致早期磨损。

    Gel , which is formed in the oil blended by semi-crystalline OCP under low temperature , will result in the poor low temperature pumpability , and the wear will occur easily in the first run duration .

  2. 其它特性包括出色的水污染忍受性和抗高温氧化能力用于换油中心的泵送设备亦展示出良好的泵送性。

    Other formulation characteristics include superior water tolerance , high temperature oxidation resistance , and good pumpability by service station dispensing systems .

  3. 该堵剂用调节pH值及变化配方等方法,在70~130℃下可控制成胶时间,在成胶前有较好的泵送性和在孔隙中的滞留能力。

    Through the means of pH adjusting and formula modification , the time for gel formation can be controlled under the temperature of 70  ̄ 130 ℃ . It has favorable pumping ability and retention ability in pores .

  4. 泵送混凝土塑性裂缝成因分析及防治措施

    Cause Analysis and Prevention Measure of Plastic Crack for Pumping Concrete

  5. 早强高标号泵送混凝土工作性的控制

    The Control of Working Performance of Pumped Early Strength Concrete

  6. 本文介绍了泵送混凝土塑性裂缝产生的原因及预防和处理方法,对提高泵送混凝土施工水平具有重要的指导意义。

    In this paper , the causes of the concrete plastic cracking are introduced , and the methods of its precautions and curing are provided .

  7. 商品砼为满足运输或泵送的流动性要求,一般水泥用量较多,砼的稠度较大,容易引起收缩裂缝的出现。

    The quantity and the thickness of commodity concrete is more than normal concrete , which tends to occur shrinkage crack in structure when transporting or pumping .

  8. 如何控制中低强度粉煤灰泵送混凝土板面塑性收缩裂缝

    How to control the board plastic shrinking crack from the low and medium intensity fly ash pump concrete

  9. 对保证泵送混凝土的耐久性和建筑物的合理使用寿命有长远的经济效益和社会效益。

    It has a long term economic benefit and social benefit to guaranteed pumping concrete durability and building reasonable service life .

  10. 试验结果表明,这五组配比浆液的稠度适中,搅拌和泵送容易,施工性好,可根据不同的使用条件(孔隙率、水流速度等)选用不同配比的浆液。

    The results show that the slurry of the five groups has moderate ratios and it is easily mixed and pumped . Different ratios of the slurry can be selected under different conditions of use ( porosity , water velocity , etc. ) .

  11. 泵送砼的可泵送性分析及其配合比设计

    Pumpable Analysis and Mix Design of Pump Concrete

  12. LTS&1型增密硅灰泵送混凝土添加剂能显著地改善泵送混凝土可泵性,同时也明显地提高硬化后混凝土的均质性和强度等性质。

    LTS-1 replenishment of pumping concrete of densitied silica fume can markedly improve the pumpability of pumping concrete and obviously increase the quality and strength of hardened concrete .