
  • 网络Pump station equipment;equipment of pumping station
  1. 用液压马达来驱动水泵叶轮,就可以很好的解决移动泵站设备布置和减轻水泵的体积重量问题。

    Using hydraulic pressure driven pump impeller can partly solve the problem of design of moveable pumping station and alleviating pump 's size and weight .

  2. 本文论述了取水泵站站址的选择、吸水口高程的确定以及泵站设备、输水方式、管材和管道阴极保护形式的选择缘由。

    The selection of the pump station location and equipments , determination of the suction height of the pump , adoption of the water transportation scheme and the cathodic protection of pipelines are presented in this paper .

  3. 主要阐述了如何对往复式柱塞泵进行设备的自动监测,以及在油田采油单位的应用情况,对今后开展往复式柱塞泵站设备的监测工作提供参考。

    How to make an automatic monitoring to the reciprocating plunger pump equipment is chiefly expounded , and makes a brief introduction to its development situation in oilfield . It provides the reference to the monitoring work of reciprocating plunger pump on pump stations .

  4. DBS系列集成泵站供水设备,能够自动调节以满足用户的用水要求。

    This DBS intergrated booster station can adjust the flow automatically according to the demand of the line network .

  5. 引黄工程GM3泵站主要设备负荷效率分析

    Directing the Yellow Project GM3 Pumping Station Main Equipment Load Efficiency Analysis

  6. 影响泵站机电设备维修质量原因分析与对策

    Quality Influence Analysis and Countermeasures for the Maintenance of Electromechanical Equipments

  7. 泵站辅助设备管道安全检测

    Safety detection of pipelines of accessory equipment of pump station

  8. 泵站配电设备的节能途径

    The Energy Saving Ways for Pump Station Distribution Installations

  9. 泵站机电设备状态模糊综合评价供配电设备的状态评价方法及相应对策

    State Evaluating Methods of Power Supply and Distribution Equipment and the Related Countermeasures

  10. 现代大中型泵站机电设备检修模式的探讨

    Probe into the Inspection Mode of the Electromechanical Equipment of the Modern Large and Medium - sized Pump Station

  11. 江西省大中型泵站机电设备现状及更新改造技术的探讨

    Discussion of the present situation and the renewing technology of the mechanical and electronic equipments of the large or medium type pump stations in Jiangxi Province

  12. 该系统能够有效地指导注水站管理,保证注水泵机组长期安全、可靠、高效运行,促进泵站的设备管理水平的提高,并取得明显的经济效益,实现了注水泵站的现代化管理。

    And it can increase the management level of the pump plant . The good economic benefit is got . Modernized management of the injection pump station is realized .

  13. 贯流式泵站主机和辅助设备的节能设计及应用

    Design and application of host and supplementary equipment in tubular pumping station

  14. 成果对大型梯级泵站形式和机组设备结构功能的合理设计选型有重大意义。

    Results are significant to reasonable design and selection of large step pump stations , structures and functions of pump unit equipments .

  15. 泵站由若干单件设备组合而成,其可靠性取决于单件设备的可靠性和它们的组合形式,据此可建立该系统可靠性模型,通常用可靠性逻辑框图表示。

    The reliability for a pumping station , which is made up of a series of elementary equipment depends on the reliability of every elementary equipment and its combination form . Accordingly , the reliability model of this system can be established , generally illustrated with reliability logic diagram .

  16. 本文针对泵站的特点,对泵站电气设备发生电气火灾的原因,以及在事先预防、消防、自动报警等方面采取的各种措施作了详细的阐述。

    In this paper the characteristics of pumping stations , electrical fires occurred in the electrical equipment of the pumping station , and prior to prevent fire . Automatic Alarm and so provided a detailed description of the various measures .