
bèng zhàn
  • pump station
泵站[bèng zhàn]
  1. 基于变频和PLC系统的智能化节能联合泵站

    Intelligent and Energy-saving Pump Station Based on Inverters and the PLC

  2. CAD技术在泵站工艺设计中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of CAD Technology in Process Design of Pump Station

  3. 轴流泵站进水流道的CAD

    The CAD of Inlet passage of an Axial Flow Pumping Station

  4. 用PC来实现液压泵站控制系统的油温油压自动控制

    Automatic Control of Oil Pressure and Oil Temperature with PC

  5. 智能CAD技术在液压泵站三维建模中的实现

    Implementation of intelligent CAD technique in three dimensional ( 3d ) modelling of hydraulic pump station

  6. MODEM实现自来水加压泵站远程监控

    The Remote Monitoring of Running Water Pump Station With Modem

  7. 微机型保护继电器和PLC在泵站综合自动化中的应用

    Application of Numerical Protection Relay and PLC Used in Integrated Automatic System of Large Pumping Station

  8. 元露排水泵站DCS系统设计

    Design of a DCS System for Drainage Pumping-station in Coal Mine

  9. 泵站系统故障诊断智能PETRI网

    An Intelligent Petri-net for Fault Diagnosis of Pumping Station Systems

  10. 泵站下闸通水对n的影响很大,泵站运行1年后,n值在1.0附近;

    The effect of the pumping station operation on n is greatest , at that time , the n equals ( 1.0 );

  11. 本文以质量管理理论为基础,借鉴国内外先进的质量管理理论理念,研究滨海新区G泵站市政工程质量现状和管理中存在的问题。

    This thesis studies quality management problem in Binhai New Area G pumping station municipal engineering , which is based on management theory .

  12. 基于GPRS无线网络构建二次加压泵站的SCADA系统

    Construction of SCADA System Based on GPRS Wireless Network in Secondary Pressurization Pump Station

  13. 污水提排泵站远程SCADA系统的实现

    Remote SCADA system for sewage drainage pump station

  14. 基于ADSL技术实现污水泵站的远程监控

    Remote Monitoring and Control of Sewage Pumping Station Based on ADSL Technology

  15. HSE管理体系在大庆油田联合泵站的应用

    The Application of HSE Management System in Daqing Oilfield

  16. 泵站系统可靠性的FTA分析

    Analyzing FTA on Power Unit System Reliability

  17. 介绍了使用VisualC++6.0编制的中型测控软件在泵站智能控制系统中的应用。

    An application of medium scale measurement and control software , which is edit with visual C + + 6.0 , for intelligent control system of pump station is introduced .

  18. 泵站电机双馈调速控制系统设计用MATLAB辅助实现电力市场的输电阻塞管理方案

    Design of Adjustable Speed Drive System with Bi-Directional Power Transferring Converter for Pump Using Motors A SOLUTION TO ELECTRIC POWER TRANSFERRING JAM MANAGEMENT ASSISTED BY MATLAB

  19. TL型调速离合器在输油泵站中的应用及节能效果的分析

    An Analysis of the Application and Engergy-Saving Effect of TL-Speed Control Clutch in Oil Pump Stations

  20. 基于MCGS的供水泵站的远程监控系统

    Remote Monitoring and Controlling System of Water-Supply Pumping Stations Based on MCGS

  21. 基于MDT和ARX的泵站流道设计

    Design for the Flow Route of Pumping Station by Using MDT and ARX

  22. 针对目前油田的实际情况,利用MCS-51系列单片机构成了油田采油泵站自动监测系统,该系统由监测总站监测分站组成。

    This paper presents a auto-monitoring system for oil extraction pumping station in oil field aiming at the actual situation .

  23. 用CDPD技术实现泵站远程控制

    The Long Distance Control of the Pump Station Using the CDPD Technology

  24. 低扬程双向流道泵站是我国独创的泵站型式,为深入了解其流道内流场特性,首次运用基于壁面律的RNGkε的湍流模型对流道进行数值模拟。

    The RNG k - ε turbulent model with wall-function law is firstly applied to simulate the flow of the reversible two-way passages pumping station .

  25. 结合深圳市污水提排泵站远程SCADA系统的应用,具体介绍了系统的结构和设计方法。

    Accompany with sewage drainage pump station in Shenzhen City , it is introduced in this article that the structure and the application of this SCADA system .

  26. 以轴流泵出现动力机过载情况为例,说明了泵站系统故障诊断智能PETRI网的构造和诊断方法。

    The definition of fault diagnosing intelligent petri net and an example of engine overloading of axial pump were described detailed to explain the model and diagnosis method with fault diagnosing intelligent petri net .

  27. 基于RNG湍流模型的双向泵站出水流道流动计算

    Numerical simulation of flow in the outlet passages of reversible pumping station by RNG k - ε turbulent model with wall-function law

  28. 根据该泵站的实际情况,对如何进行自动化监控的结构设计,系统组成特别是PLC的网络模式的选择、程序的设计和运用进行详细说明。

    According to the actual circumstance , the paper expounds how to design the structure of automation supervision and control , select the system structure especially the choice of the PLC 's network mode , and design and run the program .

  29. 建立了管径优化与泵站优化计算的数学模型,确定了模型的解法并引入了LINGO优化软件包。

    Mathematical models for pipe diameter optimization and pump station optimization calculation were constructed , solution to model was determined and LINGO optimization software package was introduced .

  30. 本文采用Android平台相关技术,实现了包含泵站优化运行实时调度、南水北调沿线测站实时水情查询、泵站优化辅助决策知识查询三大功能的系统。

    The dissertation represent that Android technology results in three function systems of real-time scheduling of pumping station optimizing operation , current hydrologic data inquiry of South-to - North Water Diversion , auxiliary decision-making knowledge of pumping station optimizing .