
  • 网络Oil separator;grease trap
  1. 于西九龙废物转运站兴建及运作隔油池废物处理设施。

    Construct and operate a grease trap waste treatment facility ( GTWTF ) within West Kowloon Transfer station .

  2. 隔油池废物处理设施可平均每日处理400立方米隔油池废物。

    The grease trap waste treatment facility will be capable of handling average load of 400 cu . m. per day .

  3. 预曝气斜管隔油池具有气浮和强化重力分离的双重作用,表面负荷可达4m3/(m2·h),除油效率高。

    Pre-aerated tube oil-water separators have the enhanced function of flotation and gravity separation with surface loading of 4 m 3 / ( m 2 · h ) .

  4. 采用IVP活性炭吸附法治理污水场隔油池散发的多组分含H2S废气。

    Adsorbing and removing the hydrogen sulfide waste gas from oil separator of waste water treatment plant by IVP activated carbon .

  5. 采样体积为1L时,各酚最低检出浓度为3μg/m~3。测定了几种炼油厂废气中苯酚和甲酚的浓度。催化燃烧法处理炼油厂隔油池废气

    The minimum detection level for one litre air sample was 3 μ g / m3 . Pilot Study on Catalytic Combustion of Waste Gas from Oil Separating Tank in Refinery Plant

  6. 改造工程总投资1534万元,盘活了2个5000m3的贮水罐(资产1200万元)和原斜板隔油池的占地500m2。

    The overall investment of the innovation project is 1 534 million RMB . Two 5 000 m 3 water storage tanks ( cost 12 million RMB ) and 500 m 2 land space occupied by the former oil-water separators are saved for reuse .

  7. 水压爆破法拆除多格式大型隔油池

    Demolition of multi-lattice large-scale oil separation pool with water pressure blasting

  8. 直接过滤法处理隔油池出水中试研究

    Study on Direct Filtration Pilot-plant Test of Effluent from Oil Separating Tank

  9. 隔油池污泥脱水处理工艺研究

    Research on the Dewater Process for the Oil Separator Sludge

  10. 斜管隔油池和气浮池结构优化改进

    On Improvement to structrure of Sloping Tube Settling Tank and Floatation Pond

  11. 斜板隔油池油滴脱除率的计算

    Calculation of Oil Leaching Rate for Oil Proof Sump with Tilted Plate

  12. 大型隔油池水压爆破拆除

    Demolition of large oil - separating pond by water-pressure blasting

  13. 隔油池在萘氨洗涤工艺上的应用

    Tar oil-isolating tank used in naphthylamine coke washing process

  14. 炼油厂的环境保护与隔油池建设

    Environmental protection and oil interceptor construction in oil refinery

  15. 隔油池在常减压装置的应用

    Application of Oil Separator to Crude Distillation Unit

  16. 催化燃烧法处理炼油厂隔油池废气

    Pilot Study on Catalytic Combustion of Waste Gas from Oil Separating Tank in Refinery Plant

  17. 非洲吉布提共和国独户住宅生活污水处理,多采用化粪池或隔油池→生物滤池→渗井工艺。

    Septic tank-biofilter-infiltration process is generally adopted to treat domestic sewage from detached houses in Republic of Djibouti , Africa .

  18. 文章系统地给出了用水压爆破法连续拆除多格式超大容积隔油池的爆破参数的设计及其技术处理。

    The design and technical processing of blasting parameters which are used to demolish a multi-lattice large-scale oil separation pool with water pressure blasting were systematically described in this paper .

  19. 试验结果表明:稠油污水经过斜板隔油池和溶气气浮池预处理后,出水油含量和悬浮物均可达到回注和进热采锅炉的要求;

    Experiment result shows that after pre treatment through tilted plate interceptor and dissolved air flotation pit , oil content and suspended particles in outlet water meet the requirement of reinjection and thermal recovery boiler ;

  20. 对于斜板隔油池,考虑到板间液流的速度分布和油滴的粒径分布,提出一个油滴脱除率的计算方法,可用于斜板隔油池的设计计算。

    In consideration of the velocity distribution of liquid stream and the distribution of grain diameter between plates , a method of calculating oil leaching rate has been offered . It can be used to design and calculate the oil proof sump with tilted plate .

  21. 过滤与浮选式三级隔油池装置联合使用试验表明:使用改性纤维球过滤能进一步降低出水含油量,提高油份去除率,且有滤速高、利于反洗的优点;

    Modified fiber ball filter combined with air-flotation three stage oil / water separator , the results indicate that : the oil content can be reduced further oil removal efficiency can be enhanced , the filtration rate is high and modified fiber ball can be washed easily ;

  22. 介绍了新区采用装置区围堰内全部雨水和罐区初期污染雨水进污水场处理,其它区域雨水利用雨水隔油池进行处理的方法。

    Besides , introduces the way that all rainwater inside cofferdam of new area and the initial potion of pollutant rainwater is introduced into waste water treating plant wherein it is treated , for the rainwater from other area is introduced into interceptor wherein it is treated .

  23. 斜板隔油沉淀池的设计与应用

    Design and Operation of Angle Plate Settling Tank for Oily Wastewater Oil of Bay