
  • 网络EXD;EEx d;Ex d;flameproof
  1. 隔爆型接线端子的结构型式与技术要求

    Structures and Technical Requirements of Flameproof Connecting Terminals

  2. 单片机在千伏级隔爆型磁力起动器控制系统的应用

    The Application of Single Chip Microcontroller in Flameproof Magnetic Starter Control System of Thousand Volts Class

  3. ABD8电子综合保护器在矿用隔爆型真空磁力起动器中的应用

    Application of ABD_8 Electronic Synthetical Protector in Mining Flame-Proof Vacuum Magnetic Starter

  4. 阐述了以MCS-51系列80C31八位单片机为核心构成的千伏级隔爆型磁力起动器实时监测控制系统。

    Realtime monitoring and control system for thousand volts class ALP magnetic starter which core is MCS-51 series80C318-bit single chip microcontroller is described here .

  5. BKD1-400/1140、660隔爆型真空馈电开关常见故障及预防

    Common Faults and Precaution for BKD_1-400 / 1140 、 660 Flame-Proof Type Vacuum Feed Switch

  6. 对于矿用隔爆型高压真空配电装置的选择性漏电保护功能的实现采用了首创的基于PLC高速计数器的零序电流方向判断理论,该理论的应用大大提高了本系统对漏电保护的准确性。

    For high-pressure explosion proof vacuum distribution equipment to achieve selective leakage protection function first using PLC-based high-speed counter determine the direction of the zero sequence current theory , the application of the theory of the system greatly improved the accuracy of the leakage protection .

  7. BQC-25矿用隔爆型手提式起动器的研究

    On type BQC-25 flameproof portable starter used in coal mine

  8. 在煤矿局部通风中,660V隔爆型变频器与智能型瓦斯风电闭锁装置配合使用、对安全节能和提高掘进生产率具有明显作用。Air(初三适用)

    In coal mine local ventilations , 660V flameproof frequency variable speed regulator , matched with intelligent methane locking device of air door and power , could improve mine safety , energy saving and mining productivity .

  9. SBD系列隔爆型LED巷道灯是我公司完全按照行业标准MT221-2005《煤矿用防爆灯具》进行设计的最新隔爆型巷道灯。

    SBD series riot mode LED of street lamps can fit for industry standard MT221-2005 ( the coal mine used riot lamp ) and has design the newest riot street lamps .

  10. 为了满足恶劣的井下环境,本课题研究开发矿用短时工作制隔爆型逆变器,电压幅值可达660V。

    In order to satisfy the bad environment of coal mine , study and develop the flameproof inverter of mine short-time duty .

  11. 文章对QC83-80N矿用隔爆型空气磁力起动器的真空化改造特点进行了论述。

    This paper presents the characteristics of the vaccum reform ofthe QC83-80N flameproof magnetic force starter with reversible air contactors used in mine .

  12. 针对原矿用隔爆型手提式起动器在井下使用中的所存在的问题,本文开发设计了BQC-25矿用隔爆型手提电磁起动器。

    The paper develops and designs BQC-25 flameproof portable electromagnetic starter for mine in view of the problems of similar starter occurred for use underground coal mine .

  13. 对GB8286-2005《矿用隔爆型移动变电站》(新标准)与GB8286-1996(老标准)进行了对比分析,并对新标准中的有关内容进行了说明。

    The new standard , GB8286-2005 , mining flame-proof movable substation is compared with the old standard , GB8286-1996.The relative contents in new standard are explained .

  14. 就如何改进YB2隔爆型三相异步电动机的隔爆结构进行了分析,并提出了行之有效的解决方案。

    How to improve the flameproof structure of YB2 Series flameproof three-phase induction motor is the main topic in this article and tried and true solution has been put out .

  15. I类隔爆型电气设备螺纹紧固件的设计

    Design of Thread Fastener of I - style Flameproof Electrical Apparatus

  16. 矿用隔爆型潜水排沙泵在三采区的应用

    On Mine Explosion-Diving Pump Sediment in Mining Area of Three Applications

  17. 矿用隔爆型矩形箱体外壳强度设计计算

    Design and Calculation Strength of Flame proof Rectangular Tank for Mine

  18. 新型矿用隔爆型智能电磁启动器的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the New-type Explosion-division Intelligent Electromagnetic Starter

  19. 改善大功率隔爆型变频器散热性能的研究

    Research for Improving Heatbarrier Performance of High Power Isolating Blast Inverter

  20. 煤矿用隔爆型多功能无高压触点电容式发爆器

    Multifunction No High Voltage Switch Securement Capacitor Coal Mine Exploder

  21. 谈矿用隔爆型组合开关控制站的开发

    Talking about the Development of Control Station of Mining Flame-Proof Combined Switches

  22. 隔爆型潜水泵用电机的设计研究

    The Design and Research of Motors for Explosion-Proof Submersible Pump

  23. 矿用隔爆型移动变电站用高低压侧开关的研究

    The Special Design of Mining Flameproof Transformer-Mounted High-Voltage and Low-Voltage Side Switchgear

  24. 矿用隔爆型磁力起动器止口变形的消除方法

    Methods of eliminating the mouth deformation of the mine flame-proof magnetic starter

  25. 关于隔爆型填料式引入装置结构及施工的安全要求

    Safe Requirements of the Structure and Construction for Flameproof Gland Entry Device

  26. 浅谈隔爆型高压电机结构与性能之关系

    Discussion on Relationship between Structure and Performance of Flameproof High-voltage Induction Motor

  27. 浅谈矿用隔爆型电机软启动控制器的应用

    Application of soft starting controller in mine explosion-proof motor

  28. 隔爆型电机防爆安全质量问题分析

    Analysis of Flame - Proof Motor on Safety Quality

  29. 电器:有隔爆型、普通型。

    Electrical appliances : flameproof type , normal type .

  30. 隔爆型电气设备用透明件视窗防爆结构浅谈

    Discussion on Explosion-proof Structure of the Transparent Window Used in Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment