
  1. 一种挂式隔热瓦,属于建筑材料领域。

    A hung heat insulation tile belongs to the field of the building materials .

  2. 调查人员正在探究这样一种结论,即在发射阶段脱落的泡沫塑料绝缘体,损坏了隔热瓦,或者是飞机左翼脆弱的前缘。

    Investigators are pursuing a theory that foam2 insulation3 , which fell off during the launch , damaged insulation tiles4 , or the vulnerable5 leading6 edge of the left wing .

  3. 脱离轨道后,由于潜艇并不配备散热用的隔热瓦,在超音速下也不具有空气动力稳定性,因而它将不可避免地开始翻转并在空中解体。

    Now , because the submarine has no heat-dissipating ablative tiles , and because it 's not aerodynamically stable at hypersonic velocities , it would inevitably tumble and break up in the air .

  4. 航空航天局星期天说,奋进号航天飞机防护隔热瓦上的裂缝深度超过早先的估计,因此可能需要宇航员在航天飞机仍然在太空轨道上飞行时修补损伤。

    The space agency said Sunday a gouge in the heat shield protecting the shuttle is deeper than expected , raising the possibility that astronauts may try to repair the damage while still in orbit .