
ɡé jiānɡ jiǔ
  • Ginger separated moxibustion;ginger moxibustion
  1. 隔姜灸神阙治疗慢性腹泻疗效与免疫功能的关系

    Relationship Between Effect & Immunologic Function in Shenque Ginger Moxibustion for Chronic Diarrhea

  2. 隔姜灸对化疗患者细胞免疫及生活质量影响的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Ginger Moxibustion on Cytoimmunity and QOL in Patients with Malignant in Chemotherapy

  3. 隔姜灸组治疗后临床痊愈率和总有效率均较温针灸组高,但两组疗效比较无差异(P)0.05)。

    Clinical curative rate and total effective rate of test group were higher than that of control group after treatment , but there was no difference between the two groups ( P 0.05 ) . 2 .

  4. 三伏天隔姜灸治疗前患者血清IL-13含量与健康人血清IL-13含量差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。

    There was extremely significant difference on serum IL-13 between the patients and the healthy volunteers before treatment ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  5. 针刺配合隔姜灸神道穴治疗能够改善颅内动脉ICA、VA、BA平均血流速度,与普通针刺对照组比较(P0.05),差异具有统计学意义。

    Acupuncture and acupoint shendao Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion treatment can improve velocities of blood flow of intracranial arteries : ICA . VA 、 BA , compare with control group ( P0.05 ), with significant differences .

  6. 方法:口服中药煎剂、隔姜灸神阙及中药煎剂保留灌肠综合治疗。

    Approach : take decoction orally with traditional Chinese medicine enema .

  7. 隔姜灸关元治疗原发性痛经疗效观察

    Effect of the Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion on Guanyuan for Primary Dysmenorrhea

  8. 隔姜灸治疗慢性腹泻临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Treating Chronic Diarrhoea with Moxibustion Insulated by Ginger

  9. 隔姜灸治疗颞颌关节功能紊乱症26例

    Observation on 26 Cases of Functional Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Treated with Ginger separated Moxibustion

  10. 穴位埋线配合隔姜灸治疗更年期漏尿的临床研究

    The Clinical Study of Catgut Implantation in the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Menopause

  11. 电针配合隔姜灸治疗宫颈癌根治术后尿潴留疗效观察

    Observations on Electroacupuncture plus Ginger-separated Moxibustion for Treatment of Cervical Carcinoma Radical Postoperative Uroschesis

  12. 隔姜灸关元穴对痔手术后尿潴留患者排尿的影响

    Effect of ginger-partition moxibustion on Guanyuan on patients with urinary retention following hemorrhoids operation

  13. 皮肤针叩刺加隔姜灸治疗神经性皮炎33例

    Clinical observation on the treatment of neurodermatitis by the cutaneous needle and moxibustion with ginger

  14. 目的观察隔姜灸关元治疗原发性痛经的效果。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion on guanyuan for primary dysmenorrhea .

  15. 结论隔姜灸关元治疗原发性痛经安全简便,疗效良好。

    Conclusion Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion on guanyuan is a safe and effective method for primary dysmenorrhea .

  16. 结论:皮肤针加隔姜灸治疗神经性皮炎临床疗效良好。

    Conclusion : The cutaneous needle and moxibustion with ginger has a good clinical effect on neurodermatitis .

  17. 结论:隔姜灸配合情志调护能安全有效地治疗老年病人术后尿潴留。

    Conclusions : Moxibustion and psychological care is more effective in treating elderly patients with postoperative uroschesis .

  18. 目的比较透刺配合隔姜灸与温针灸治疗膝骨关节炎的疗效差异。

    Conclusion Point-through-point acupuncture plus ginger moxibustion has a better effect than warm needling in treating genual osteoarthritis .

  19. 目的:观察皮肤针叩刺加隔姜灸对神经性皮炎的治疗效果。

    Purpose : To observe the clinical effect of the cutaneous needle and moxibustion with ginger on neurodermatitis .

  20. 隔姜灸组则在进行化疗的同时,即从化疗的第一天起进行隔姜灸。

    Moxibustion with ginger group accepted Chemotherapy and moxa cone moxibustion at the same time from the first day .

  21. 伏天隔姜灸和药物敷贴治疗咳喘2112例疗效分析

    An Analysis of the Curative Effect of 2112 Cases of Cough and Asthma Treated with Ginger-separated Moxibustion on Dog Days

  22. 粗针齐刺加隔姜灸治疗梨状肌综合征36例疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of 36 Cases of Piriformis Injury Syndrome Treated by Triple Needling with Thick Needles Plus Ginger-Partitioned Moxibustion

  23. 目的比较不同灸量隔姜灸对急性高血脂状态大鼠的调节效应差异及量效特征。

    Objective To observe the different effects among different doses of ginger-separated moxibustion on levels of blood lipid and the dose-effect relationship .

  24. 目的探讨隔姜灸、隔蒜灸、隔药饼灸于施术过程中产生药理作用的基本成分。

    Objective To investigate the basic ingredients of pharmaceutical action produced in ginger partition , garlic partition and medicinal cake partition moxibustion .

  25. 结论:针刺配合隔姜灸神道穴组治疗中风失语的临床疗效优于普通针刺组,疗效显著。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture and acupoint shendao Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion group treat aphasia after apoplexy is clinically much more effective than the normal acupuncture , with a very significant result .

  26. 方法:采用粗针齐刺加隔姜灸治疗梨状肌综合征36例,并与局部封闭治疗32例进行比较。

    Methods 36 cases of piriformis syndrome were treated by triple needling with thick needles plus ginger partitioned moxibustion and 32 cases by local blocking , and their therapeutic effects were compared .

  27. 并观察患者临床症候、生存质量在治疗前与疗程结束后3个月的变化,评定三伏天隔姜灸的近期疗效及对成人支气管哮喘患者生存质量的影响。

    And to assess the short-term curative effect and the effect on the quality of life in the patients by observing the changes of their sings and symptoms and quality of life before treatment and after finishing the periods of treatment for 3 months .

  28. 隔姜灸可以有效地控制或缓解膝关节骨关节炎的发展,提高患者的生活质量,且安全有效,取材方便,价钱低廉,易学,值得推广。

    Ginger-separated moxibustion can effectively control or mitigate the development of knee osteoarthritis and improve patients ' quality of life . It is a safe and effective therapy , with convenience of materials obtaining and low price , which is easily to be learned and deserves promotion .

  29. 隔姜蒜督灸对ESR、CRP的改善作用优于隔姜督灸。

    The improvement effect of Du-Moxibustion across ginger and garlic to ESR and CRP is better than that of Du-Moxibustion across ginger .

  30. 治疗组采用隔姜蒜督灸治疗,对照组采用隔姜督灸治疗。

    Treatment group were treated with Du-Moxibustion across garlic and ginger therapy .