
jīnɡ luò xiàn xiànɡ
  • meridian phenomenon
  1. 临床4例经络现象的报告

    Report on 4 Cases of Clinical Meridian Phenomenon

  2. 经络现象的再生(初步报导)

    Regeneration of meridian phenomenon ( preliminary report )

  3. 中国经络现象研究的现状与前瞻

    Present and Prospect situation in the Research of Channel Phenomenon in China

  4. 经络现象的生理学和生物物理学研究的新进展和展望电磁驻波叠加作为经络系统的背景

    The advances and prospect in physiological and biophysical approaches of acupuncture meridian system

  5. 计算机化红外热像仪用于针灸原理和经络现象的研究

    Computerized Thermovision for the Study of the Principles of Acupuncture and Meridian Phenomena

  6. 红外热像图用于针刺原理和经络现象的研究

    Research on the acupuncture principles and meridian phenomena by means of infrared thermography

  7. 目的:探讨经络现象与人体胚胎发育过程的关系。

    Objective To probe into relationship between meridian phenomenon and process of embryo development .

  8. 经络现象的时间理论之一:穴位研究

    Time theory on meridian :ⅰ . acupoint research

  9. 对人体经络现象直接观察与照相的探讨

    Exploration on the method of direct observation and photography of channels on human skin

  10. 人体胚胎发育过程中的经络现象

    Meridian phenomenon in the development of human embryo

  11. 结论:药物应成为经络现象作用机制的重要研究手段。

    Conclusion Medicine should become an important way for study on mechanism of meridian phenomenon .

  12. 本文是作者使用计算机化红外热像仪进行的有关针灸原理和经络现象研究的综述性介绍。研究涉及下述方面:(1)面瘫患者面部病理特征和针刺该病疗效的热图像观察;

    An investigation into the principles of acupuncture and meridian phenomena by computerized infrared thermovision is reported .

  13. 并且在模型的基础上,实现经络现象,尤其是对循经感传现象的演示和模拟。

    Besides , realize the meridian phenomenon with model as its basis , particularly the demonstration and imitation of the propagated sensation phenomenon along meridian .

  14. [目的]作为最常见的临床经络现象,循经感传是一种循径路走行的异常感觉,机制正在探索中。

    [ Objective ] As a most often phenomenon of meridian , the phenomenon of perceptual extension is an abnormal sensation , its mechanism is unknown .

  15. 在我国的经络现象研究中,它体现为如下的十六字方略:肯定现象,探索规律,提高疗效,阐明本质。

    In research of channel in China , it reflect general plan asfollow : affirm appearance , research regulation ; improve therapeutic effect , clarify essence .

  16. 目前,有关人体经络现象的研究是经络现代研究的突破口和关键,需要多学科发挥各自的学科优势,联合开展攻关,这是本论文立题的依据。

    At present , human meridian phenomenon is the key point or breakpoint for meridian modern study , which needs combination with many subjects using their advantages to tackle the problem .

  17. 目的:验证外周阻断的观点,为阐明经络现象的机理和经络的实质提供实验依据。

    Objective To test and verify the peripheral blocking action of the Urinary Bladder Meridian and to provide experimental basis for expounding the mechanism of meridian phenomenon and essence of meridians .

  18. 从而提出调节度概念,作为经络现象的统一度量机制、经脉线上与经脉线外特性差异性和经脉循行线及其存在的评价准则。

    Hence , a concept of regulation degree was put forward and could be used as an unified measuring unit or criteria for examining MP , the difference of electrical characteristics between the meridian route and outside of the meridian route , and for judging the existence of meridian .

  19. 研究者们已应用多学科技术,通过电、声、光、磁、热和同位素等物理方法检测了经络现象,进行了经络定位的尝试,其中利用经络的电特性对经络进行研究的技术比较成熟。

    Researchers have applied multi-disciplinary technical , for example , using electricity , sound , light , magnetic , thermal and isotopic methods to test the Meridian phenomenon , and as the attempt of the Meridian localization . The technology of using the electrical characteristics of meridians is mature .

  20. 经络阻滞现象机理的进一步探讨

    Further investigation on the mechanism underlying the phenomenon of channel blocking

  21. 经络与方位对应现象探讨

    Study on the Homologous Phenomenon of Meridian and Orientation

  22. 因此,作者有理由相信基于医学光子技术的经络光学将开辟人体经络现象研究的一片新天地。

    Therefore , we believe that " Meridian Optics " will exploit a new field for human meridian study by means of medical photonic techniques .

  23. 内容包括经络电极的测定、经络现象的动态数据获取与建模、皮肤极化电位的测定和调节度定义等。

    This paper contains discussions on electrical detection of meridian , acquirement of dynamic data of MP , establishment of model detection of cutaneous polarization potentials , and the definition of regulation degree .

  24. 方法:通过对药物穴位注射后药理效应形成及影响因素的分析和药物对穴位、经络影响特点的讨论,探讨药物与经络现象之间的作用关系。

    Methods Interaction between drug and meridian phenomenon was explored through analysis of formation of pharmacological effects and influencing factors , and discussion of characteristics of formation of pharmacological effects and influencing factors , and discussion of characteristics of effects of medicine on acupoints and meridians after acupoint-injection of medicine .

  25. 经络场能平衡仪是根据人体经络穴位特异电磁现象及热灸疗法对人体生命产生影响的原理设计而成的一种治疗仪器。

    The Jing-Luo magnetic field and energy balancing apparatus is an equipment designed according to the theory of special electric and magnetic phenomena of human body and the effect of moxibustion .

  26. 方法:从分析经气的概念入手,通过对经气的内涵,经络的功能,历代经典医籍的记载,2000余年临床实践以及全国经络感传现象研究结果等方面进行分析,理论实践两相验证。

    Methods The concept and intension of Channel-qi , functions of Channels , classical books of past dynasties , the research results of channel transmission at home and others are analyzed .

  27. 方法:本于中医唯象思维结合经络的现代研究,分析研究经络实质具体性地归属某一种解剖关系的不合理性和经络现象与人体生命功能活动的关系。

    Methods Based on thinking of phenomena in TCM in combination with modern studies of meridians , the unreasonableness about that meridian essence concretely belongs to some anatomic structures , and the relation between meridian phenomena and human life activities are analysed and studied .