
  • 网络Countries with economies in transition;transition economies
  1. 由此认为,这3个经济转型国家只有培养出卓越的人力资本,增加吸收能力,提高科学技术的创新能力,才能充分利用FDI的外部性和溢出效应,促进经济的可持续发展。

    At last , only through good cultivation of humen capitals , a rapid increase of absorptiveness and improvement of technical innovation , the three countries with transitional economy can enjoy FDI externalities and spillovers of FDL to promote their sustainable development .

  2. 东欧部分经济转型国家医疗费用支付方式的改革与发展趋势

    The trends and development of hospital payment system reform in transition countries

  3. 经济转型国家汇改的剖析与借鉴

    Analysis on Exchange Rate Reform in the Economy Transformation Nations and Their Implication for China

  4. 经济转型国家与资本外逃

    Economic Transition Countries and Capital Flight

  5. 不论是发达国家、经济转型国家还是发展中国家,非正规就业人员在整个就业人口中的比重呈上升趋势。

    Whether developed countries or developing countries , the percent of informal employment is rising among the whole employment .

  6. 经济转型国家的竞争法与市场经济国家的竞争法之间有许多不同之处。

    There are many differences about competition law between countries with economic transition and countries with developed market economic system .

  7. 在经济转型国家中,肥胖症正在成为一种真正的公共卫生挑战,而在高收入国家中已经是这种情况。

    Obesity is becoming a real public health challenge in transitioning countries , as it already is in high-income nations .

  8. 国际社会要求发展中国家和经济转型国家加强其国家级林业机构的能力。

    The international community requires the developing countries and economic transforming countries to strengthen the ability of nation level forestry administrations .

  9. 经济转型国家中小企业融资之所以出现这些特征,是因为受到现实的一般性因素和经济转型背景下特殊因素的共同影响。

    The SMEs ' financing take on these characters because of some general factors based on reality and some special factors in transition period .

  10. 第四部分通过考察经济转型国家的失业治理的措施,指出其对我国的借鉴意义。

    Part IV point out its reference meaning in our country through studying the measures of the unemployment control in the economic transition country .

  11. 因此,深入探讨影响经济转型国家中小企业融资的因素有助于经济转型国家中小企业融资问题的解决。

    Thereby , researching these factors that impact the SMEs financing will help to solve the problem of the SMEs financing in transition countries .

  12. 中感染率:在发展中国家、经济转型国家和卫生条件好坏不定的地区,儿童在早期没有受到感染。

    Intermediate : In developing countries , countries with transitional economies and regions where sanitary conditions are variable , children escape infection in early childhood .

  13. 对经济转型国家匈牙利1990-2001年间的国情变化和主要卫生改革政策,以及医疗保险和医疗服务提供系统的改革进行了总结分析,提出了经济转型国家的改革经验对我国的借鉴。

    Hungary as a country in economy transition , its experiences in health sector reform were summarized , and policy implications to China were drawn .

  14. 资本外逃是发展中国家特别是经济转型国家中普遍存在的一个问题,困扰了许多国家的经济发展。

    Capital flight , which is prevalent in developing countries , particularly in countries with economic system transition , stands in the way of economic development .

  15. 各经济转型国家的经验证明,国有商业银行不良贷款问题解决的好坏,直接关系到一国经济转型的成败。

    The experience of other economic transition country have proven that whether a country can solve the problem of NPLs smoothly will affect the transition process .

  16. 经济转型国家非正规就业发展的一般规律:城市非正规就业呈现出随着城市经济发展水平的提高先增加、后降低、最后趋于稳定的发展过程。

    The common rule in economic transformation countries is that urban informal employment increases at first , then decreases , finally stabilize with economic development . 7 .

  17. 因此,分析我国国有商业银行不良贷款形成的原因,吸取其他经济转型国家国有商业银行改革的经验,就显得十分必要。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study the reason of NPLs of SCB and learn the lesson of the SCB reform of other economic transition country .

  18. 1990-2001年匈牙利的卫生改革及对我国的启示&经济转型国家卫生改革经验报告(二)

    Experiences on Health Care Reform in Hungary During 1990-2001 and Policy Implications to China & Experiences in Health Sector Reform in Countries of Economy Transition ( 2 )

  19. 建立良好的市场秩序一直是发达国家苦苦追求的目标,对我国这样的经济转型国家来说,更是一个亟待解决的难题。

    Establishing a healthy market order has always been the goal of developed countries , is an urgent problem for our country as an economies in transition country .

  20. 作为经济转型国家,中国和俄罗斯都把吸引外国投资作为发展本国经济的重要措施,为了吸引外资,两国都制定了各自的外资法,但两国的外资法又存在诸多的不同之处。

    China and Russia take the foreign investment as important measures to promote the economic development . China and Russia have established their own foreign investment legal system .

  21. 灵活就业是一种适应性强、发展空间广阔的就业形式,不仅适用于发达国家,同时也适用于发展中国家及经济转型国家。

    Flexible employment is a strong adaptability and development space broader forms of employment , applicable not only to the developed countries , but also applicable to developing countries and countries with economies in transition .

  22. 经济转型国家金融市场发展的一般规律是:规模扩张先于结构优化,规模扩张到一定程度后,结构优化就成为市场能否持续稳定发展的关键。

    There is a common rule in transition countries : expansion of scale leads up optimization of structure . When the former arrives to some degree , the later will become the key factor of the sustained and steady development .

  23. 但是,就像大多数经济转型国家一样,我国在经济快速增长的同时,不同地区之间和不同人群之间的收入差距也越来越大,这导致相对贫困问题的日益严重。

    But , like most countries with economies in transition , our country is in economic fast growth while , between different regions , and the income gap between different groups is also growing , which leads to the problem of relative poverty is increasingly serious .

  24. 许多报告,尤其是来自发展中国家和经济转型期国家的报告,提及需求与可用于履行其义务的资源之间的差距。

    Many reports – especially from developing countries and those with economies in transition – refer to gaps between the needs and the resources available for meeting their obligations .

  25. 此外,我们决不能忽视具有沉重疾病负担的小岛屿国家、经济转型期国家和中等收入国家面临的特别挑战。

    In addition , we must not neglect the special challenges faced by small island states , countries in transition , and middle-income countries with a high disease burden .

  26. 其中,经济转型期国家温室气体排放总量总体上呈逐年下降趋势,非经济转型期国家的温室气体排放总量有逐年增长的趋势。

    The total emission of greenhouse gases from economies in transition ( EIT ) showed an obvious decease trend , but the total emission from non-EIT countries displayed a gradually increase trend .

  27. 经济法是转型国家制度设计中的一项重要内容。它是调整国家对经济活动的管理所产生的社会经济关系的法律规范的总和。

    As a norm of economic activities , the economic law is an important component of resetting of institution .

  28. 它建议向绿色经济转型中的国家采用较少污染、能效高的技术,从而保持它们的繁荣。

    It recommends that countries in transition to becoming green economies adopt less polluting , resource-efficient technologies to maintain their prosperity .

  29. 的确,对于一个像中国这样处于经济转型时期的国家来说,国家的干预对于资源调配和规章制度的审批来说还是必不可少的。

    Granted , state involvement is still necessary in a transition economy such as China 's & to marshal resources and gain regulatory approvals .

  30. 我国作为一个发展中的、正向市场经济转型的社会主义国家,面临着大量的、有些是独特的国家经济安全问题。

    As a socialism country in the process of developing and market economy reforming , China faces many , some of which are unique , economy security problems .