
  • 网络debt scale
  1. 基本养老保险隐性债务规模精算分析&以江苏省为例

    Basic Old-Age Insurance Implicit Debt Scale Calculation Analysis & A Case Study of Jiangsu Province

  2. 伴随着经济快速发展,我国地方政府性债务规模日益扩大。

    Follows the economy to develop fast , our country Local authority debt scale expands day by day .

  3. 到1930年时,债务规模与GDP之比已达170%。

    By 1930 , debt had reached 170 per cent of GDP .

  4. 在金融危机爆发以前的2007年,公众持有的联邦政府债务规模相当于同期GDP的36.3%。

    In 2007 , before the financial crisis , federal debt held by the public was equivalent to 36.3 per cent of GDP .

  5. 而在美国,即使按最保守的估计,联邦政府债务规模占GDP比重也将突破100%。

    In the US , federal government debts will grow to more than 100 per cent of GDP even by the most conservative estimates .

  6. imf建议,所有金融机构根据自身债务规模(减去一级资本和担保存款额)支付税款。

    The IMF recommends making all financial institutions pay the levy based on the size of their liabilities , minus tier one capital and insured deposits .

  7. 上月,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)以担心力拓的债务规模为由,放弃了对力拓620亿美元的敌意收购,这动摇了投资者对力拓的信心。

    Investor confidence in Rio was shaken last month when BHP Billiton dropped its hostile $ 62bn take-over bid , citing worries about the size of Rio 's debt .

  8. 而国际货币基金组织(imf)和欧盟很可能无力筹集纾困意大利所需的巨额资金意大利存量债务规模居全球第三。

    However , the International Monetary Fund and the EU may well be unable to mobilise the huge sums of money that Italy the country with the third-largest debt stock in the world would need in a bailout .

  9. 但随着债务规模和成本上升,KKR旗下特殊情况基金等投资者正准备在亚洲迎接很多人预期出现的更为普遍的机遇。

    But investors such as the special situations arm of KKR are gearing up for what many expect to be more widespread opportunities across Asia as both the level and the cost of debt rises .

  10. 同样是欧洲央行管理委员会成员的法国央行行长诺亚(ChristianNoyer)也大力抨击了标普的这一决策,称标普此举未能把出台更有约束力的法规控制债务规模的新方案纳入考量范围。

    His counterpart at the Bank of France , Christian Noyer , also blasted the decision , saying S & P had failed to take into account new plans for more binding rules to keep public debt under control .

  11. 此外,即使在达到这种程度之前,CBO依照扩大的基线所预测的庞大且不断增长的债务规模也会对经济和联邦预算产生重大不利影响。

    Moreover , even before that point was reached , the high and rising amount of debt that CBO projects under the extended baseline would have significant negative consequences for both the economy and the federal budget . '

  12. 我们为我们的债务规模而担忧。

    We are concerned about the size of our debt .

  13. 地方政府债务规模的财务学分析

    Financial Analysis of the Debt Quantity of Local Government

  14. 目前,我国债务规模在可控范围之内,真正决定积极财政政策取向的是财政项目的效益等因素,我国积极财政政策已经转向谨慎。

    Active fiscal policy orientation depends on the benefit of the fiscal programs .

  15. 中国公共部门的债务规模增速在新兴经济体中位居前列。

    China leads the list of emerging-world governments to expand public sector borrowing .

  16. 庞大的债务规模震惊了当地官员。

    The size of the debt shocked local officials .

  17. 奥斯本需要这样的增长率来支撑他所预计的债务规模。

    The chancellor needs that growth to make his projected borrowing figures stand up .

  18. 杰汗估计,这个月恐怕很难对葡萄牙的债务规模做出一个评估。

    Jehan doubts a debt measure for Portugal will be agreed to this month .

  19. 地方政府违约债务规模及偿债准备金研究&控制和化解地方财政风险的数理经济学视角

    Research on Local Uncompensated Liabilities and Liability - compensating Reserve On the Liability of Danger

  20. 我国财政债务规模包括中央财政规模和隐性、或有债务规模。

    The financial debt in China consists of central financial debt and covert financial debt .

  21. 因此对养老金隐性债务规模的研究是养老保险制度转轨的一个重要课题。

    So the study of the size of implicit pension debt is an important topic .

  22. 另一个使人们对房地产抱有警惕的、甚至更大的原因在于它所涉及的债务规模。

    An even bigger reason to beware of property is the amount of debt it involves .

  23. 完善干部人事管理制度和考核机制,控制乡镇债务规模;

    Perfect staff the personal management system and investigate the mechanism , control the village obligation scale ;

  24. 目前的债务规模已达到和平时期创纪录的水平,忽视其中潜藏的长期风险委实愚蠢。

    Indeed , it is folly to ignore the long-term risks of already record peace-time debt accumulation .

  25. 尽管近几年乡镇债务规模在逐步增加,但相对债务风险并不算大。

    Although the size of debt of townships is increasing , the relative debt risk is not high .

  26. 乡镇财政监督管理体制不健全导致债务规模不断增大。

    Finance supervision and management system of townships is imperfect , which results in ceaseless accretion of liabilities scale .

  27. 本文的基本结论有:乡村债务规模大、增长快;

    The basic conclusions are the followings : the scale of rural debts is very large and grows fast ;

  28. 但即便付出了这么多代价,英国的公共债务规模也直到1990年时才到达一战前水平。

    Yet for all these sacrifices it was not until 1990 that public debt reached its pre-first world war level .

  29. 在债务规模上由于测算方法、资料来源、基点不同,计算出的债务额也不同。

    Due to the difference on calculation method , data resource and perspective , calculated amount of debt is diversified .

  30. 对于我的主张,主要反对论点之一在于政府为抵御萧条而积累的债务规模。

    One of the main objections to what I am saying is the size of debts governments accumulate in anti-depression spending .