
  1. 完成一宗债券买卖,也不一定代表即时取得债券的所有权。

    Striking a deal in a bond purchase does not necessarily mean that you have immediate title over the bonds .

  2. 这安排将加强国内投资者在跨境债券买卖时的风险控制,从而获得更安全及更有效的结算服务。

    The provision of secure and efficient settlement service will enhance risk management by mainland investors engaged in cross-border debt securities trades .

  3. 做市商作为连接债券买卖双方的中介机构,是债券流通转让的市场实现条件,也是市场发育成熟以至正常运行的关键。

    As the medium of connecting buyer to the seller of the bonds , market maker not only helps realize the exchange of the bonds , but also helps the bond market develop and run normally .

  4. 国内各商业银行也已经认识到发展投资银行业务的重要意义,积极开展债券买卖、基金销售和托管、短期融资券等投资银行业务,并取得了一定成效。

    Domestic commercial bank has also been recognized the importance of investment banking business , has Active trading of the sale of bonds , marketing and hosting fund , short-term financing bill and has achieved some success .

  5. 面对如此严峻的形势,宏观管理部门依据变化了的经济环境,采取了以下相应的积极措施:1998年10月中国人民银行允许保险公司进入全国银行同业拆借市场,从事债券买卖业务;

    Confronting the tough environment , the supervisor takes the following positive measures according to the changing economic conditions : the central bank allows insurance companies to enter the inter-bank borrowing market in the October of 1998 ;

  6. 目前,银行客户服务中心业务可提供银行转帐、查询、外汇买卖、股票债券买卖、代缴话费、水电费、煤气费等代缴费业务。

    Nowadays , services offered by Call Center are account transfer , inquiring , trade of foreign exchange , deal of shares and bond , and paying the expense of telephone , water , electricity and gas on the commission basis .

  7. CDS的消亡加剧了整个信贷市场的流动性干枯,交易商们提出,流动性较好的衍生品替代市场将有利于公司债券的买卖。

    The demise of CDS has exacerbated the liquidity drought across the broad credit market and dealers argue that a liquid derivative alternative will benefit the buying and selling of corporate debt .

  8. Ratha说,该债券为买卖双方创造了双赢局面。

    The bond creates a " win-win " situation for sellers and buyers , Ratha says .

  9. 投资者在投资于债券交易所买卖基金前,应详细考虑上述风险。

    Investors should consider these risks before they consider investing in a bond etf .

  10. 大多数点心债券的买卖价差为100个基点左右,这表明其流动性非常之弱。

    In a sign of the dearth of liquidity , the bid / ask spreads on most dim sum bonds are about 100 basis points .

  11. 此外,实物机制亦能促进相关债券的买卖,从而提高相关债券在市场的流动性。

    More broadly , the in-kind mechanism also helps generate trading activities of the underlying bonds , thereby adding liquidity to the underlying bond market .

  12. 一个精通股票,债券,商品和买卖特权的经纪人必须在专门的政权交易所注册。

    A broker who specializes in shares , bonds , commodities , or options must be registered with the exchange where the specific securities are traded .

  13. 现阶段全国银行间债券市场主要的交易业务为债券回购和现券买卖,其中现券买卖交易量应当成为衡量银行间债券市场流动性的主要指标。

    At present the bond repurchase and trade are the main dealing in the national interbank bond market , among which bond market is regarded as the main index measuring this liquidity .

  14. 方便跨境债券交易进行货银两讫结算,藉以减少跨境债券买卖的结算风险。

    To reduce settlement risk of cross-border securities trade by facilitating DVP settlement for cross-border securities transactions .

  15. 透过本系统买卖之国际债券,以到期还本日前第四个营业日为该债券于本系统买卖之最后交易日。

    The fourth business day prior to an international bond 's date of repayment of principal at maturity is the final day on which transactions in that bond may take place through the IBTS .