
  • 【计】computer revolution
  1. 个人计算机革命以及硅谷的颠覆性创新理念在一定程度上源自自制计算机俱乐部的创立。20世纪70年代中期,这家俱乐部成立于加利福尼亚州门洛帕克的一个车库中。

    The personal computing revolution and philosophy of disruptive innovation of Silicon Valley grew , in part , out of the creations of the Homebrew Computer Club , Which was founded in a garage in Menlo Park , California , in the mid-1970s .

  2. 因为这也就是计算机革命的本质

    because that 's what the computer revolution is all about .

  3. 到20世纪80年代,计算机革命已进入全盛时期。

    By the1980 's the computer revolution was in full swing .

  4. 同时也是未来计算机革命的关键

    and the key to the future computer revolution .

  5. 然而,最重要的趋势起因于微型计算机革命。

    The most important trend , however , resulted from the microcomputer revolution .

  6. 计算机革命的影响在不久的将来就会被人们感受到。

    The consequences of the computer revolution will be felt in the short-term future .

  7. 不久的将来就会感觉到计算机革命的影响。

    The effects of the computer revolution will be felt in the short-term future .

  8. 这就是广受赞誉的开启了个人计算机革命的火花。

    It is widely credited as the spark that began the personal computer revolution .

  9. 我们再次以计算机革命为例,来说明这个问题。

    Once again , the computer revolution has served as an illustrative case study .

  10. 计算机革命带来的经济后果。

    The economic consequences of the computer revolution .

  11. 计算机革命可能像工业革命一样从根本上彻底改变社会。

    The computer revolution may well change society as fundamentally as did the Industrial Revolution .

  12. 伴随计算机革命的到来,新一代思想家已经脱颖而出。

    A new generation or visionaries has sprung up , enabled by the computer revolution .

  13. 第二次计算机革命后期,移动计算和智能手机开始占据主导。

    In computing 's second wave , mobile computing and the smartphone took center stage .

  14. 但发起下一波计算机革命的既不是公司也不是政府

    But it 's not corporations or the government that create the next computer revolution .

  15. 计算机革命的最大限度运用还待在硅电路的拐弯处。

    The ulitimate applications of the computer revolution are still around the bend of a silicon circuit .

  16. 虽然计算机革命不可能从根本上解决这两个问题,但却会带来积极的作用。

    While the computer revolution is unlikely to cure these problems , it will have a positive impact .

  17. 过去一个世纪中,工业革命和计算机革命将世界能源消耗水平提升了数倍。

    During the passed century , Industrial Revolution and computer revolution multiply the global energy consumption by several times .

  18. 这听起来或许跟做梦一样,但计算机革命正在努力把这一切变为现实。

    This may sound like a dream , but the computer revolution is set to turn it into a reality .

  19. 随着第三次计算机革命的突飞猛进,设计师们必须满足消费者不断尝试新技术的需求。

    As the third wave gains momentum , designers must meet the demands of clients who want to experiment with new tech.

  20. 这次即将到来的通信革命带来的好处和问题都将比个人计算机革命所带来的好处和问题要大得多。

    The new conviniences and problems brought by this new communication technology revolution will be bigger than those brought by the computer revolution .

  21. 西方哲学史上对人的认识能力问题研究的逻辑进程,及当代计算机革命所引发的经典认知加工理论,是福多的模块理论的思想背景。

    The theoretical background of Fodor 's module theory is the logical course in the research of human cognition in the western philosophical history .

  22. 对广大消费者而言,要全面应用计算机革命的一切成果为时尚早。

    For the mighty army of consumers , the ultimate applications of the computer revolution are still around the bend of a silicon circuit .

  23. 大多数人可能还没有意识到,我们已经感受到第三次计算机革命的影响。

    Most people might not realize it yet , but we are already feeling the impact of what 's known as the third wave of computing .

  24. 即使是在过去70年中基本上没发生多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。

    Even the automobile industry , which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years , is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution .

  25. 在计算机革命、生物技术革命及其他重大科学进步中,联邦政府资助的研究人员的最大作用是构想宏伟的计划。

    In the computing and biotech revolutions , as in other significant scientific advances , the most useful role that federally funded researchers could play was to think big .

  26. 同样,格拉德威尔推测软件才子出生的最佳年份是1955年-因为20世纪70年代中期,个人计算机革命才刚刚起步,而这些1955年出生的人此时正是风华正茂,

    Similarly , Gladwell calculates that the best year for a software genius to be born was 1955-just old enough for the start of the personal-computer revolution in the mid-1970s .

  27. 现在卡内基梅隆大学的科学家们发现,他们的这一发明还有其它用途将计算机革命前出版的书籍和报刊数字化,使它们能够被索引、搜索并存储为在线文本。

    Now the Carnegie Mellon scientists have found another use for their invention digitising books and newspapers published before the computer revolution , so that they can be indexed , searched and stored as online texts .

  28. 现在的科幻小说则更多地着墨于计算机革命、机器人还有环境问题对人类的影响,而类似来自火星的小绿人和过去的科幻主题已经很少有作家涉及。

    The science fiction of today expresses the impact of the computing revolution , robotics and our environmental challenges , while it is less concerned with little green men from Mars and other themes of past sci-fi .

  29. 现在的科幻小说则更多地着墨于计算机革命、机器人还有环境问题对人类的影响,而类似“来自火星的小绿人”和过去的科幻主题已经很少有作家涉及。

    The science fiction of today expresses the impact of the computing revolution , robotics and our environmental challenges , while it is less concerned with " little green men from Mars " and other themes of past sci-fi .

  30. 为防有读者不清楚,施瓦布罗列了前三次工业革命:18世纪末的运输和机械化生产革命、19世纪末的大规模生产革命,以及上世纪60年代的计算机革命。

    In case you are wondering , Schwab defines the first three as : the transport and mechanical production revolution of the late 18th century ; the mass production revolution of the late 19th century , and the computer revolution of the 1960s .