
  • 网络Compute Cluster;computing cluster;computer cluster
  1. 顶部是计算集群的节点,比如大量便宜的、基于Linux的刀片服务器群。

    At the top are the nodes of a compute cluster , such as a large pool of inexpensive , Linux-powered blades .

  2. LAN(小型服务器群)和计算集群也有同样的系统管理难题。

    A LAN , a small server farm , and a compute cluster pose many of the same systems administration challenges .

  3. Rocks高性能计算集群的建立和管理

    Construction and Management of a High Performance Rocks PC Cluster Cluster Computer Cluster Computing

  4. 基于MPI的并行计算集群通信及应用

    Parallel Computation Collective Communication Based on MPI and Its Application

  5. 这个由CycleComputing管理的计算集群不仅仅在规模和性能上令人侧目,同时在价格上也非常合算,因为他们使用了SpotInstance实例。

    While impressive in size and performance , this compute cluster managed by Cycle Computing was also cost-effective because of their use of Spot Instances , according to AWS .

  6. 我单位计算机系统由多个专用于CFD的计算集群系统构成,因而称之为专用计算集群组。

    The computer sysytem in my unit consists of a group of computing clusters , and it is called the special cluster group .

  7. 科学家们可以在本国访问LHC的数据,通过本地计算集群甚至是个人PC。

    Individual scientists can then access the LHC data from their home country , using local computer clusters or even individual PCs.

  8. 通过MATLAB分布式并行计算集群和并行方法在不对算法应用造成过多影响的情况下,在多核计算机或计算机集群上更好的解决大数据量密集型计算优化问题。

    Parallel method caused little influence of the algorithm through the MATLAB distributed parallel computing cluster , and better solved intensive computing optimization problems of large amount of data in multi-core computer or multi-core clusters .

  9. 在自主搭建的MPI计算集群上进行的应用实验表明,集群计算提高了数字流域模型的计算效率,能够作为模型的计算平台。

    The application experiment on the MPI computing cluster constructed in this paper indicates that the cluster computing improves the computing efficiency of the digital watershed model .

  10. 他们的计算集群正在处理超大规模的数据并有着支持高可用性的架构,低延迟的应用,和与Hadoop相集成的数据库。

    They are processing data at a massive scale in computing clusters and have an architecture to support high availability , low latency applications as well as database integration with Hadoop .

  11. 结成了联盟。HPCC系统是一个开放源码的高性能计算集群平台为客户解决超大数据量的问题。

    HPCC Systems is an open source high performance computing cluster platform used to solve customers'Big Data problems .

  12. 为了合理利用多核集群并提高CPU的使用效率,在MATLAB分布式并行计算集群环境下研究了PCA人脸识别算法和ImageQuilting纹理合成算法的并行优化设计。

    In order to take reasonable advantage of multi-core clusters and improve the available efficiency of CPU , parallel optimization was studied which according to the algorithm of PCA-based face recognition and Image Quilting texture synthesis based on MATLAB distributed parallel computing cluster .

  13. 在处理小规模的数据集时,由于每次计算集群部署和退出任务要花掉一些时间,计算资源浪费比较严重,因此基于Hadoop的并行关联规则算法不太适合小规模数据集的计算。

    In dealing with small dataset , because each computing cluster deployment task to take some time , more serious waste of computing resources , the association rules based on Hadoop parallel algorithm is not suitable for the calculation of small-scale dataset .

  14. 控制方程在高性能计算集群(HPCC)上用Fluent软件并行计算,用高阶离散格式和SIMPLE算法进行求解,得到描述燃烧室内流动、喷雾和燃烧等过程参数的数值解。

    The models is solved using a commercial parallel CFD software FLUENT on high-performance computing clusters ( HPCC ), and high order discrete scheme and SIMPLE algorithm has been used . The numerical solution of the combustion chamber flow , spray and combustion process is acquired .

  15. 但是首先要了解超级计算集群的一些背景。

    But first , some background on the supercomputing cluster .

  16. 一种用于可扩展计算集群作业分配的机会成本方法

    An Opportunity Cost Approach for Job Assignment in a Scalable Computing Cluster

  17. 分布式计算集群容错系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of distributed computing cluster fault-tolerant system

  18. 请参见下面计算集群的可用性部分给出的信息计算集群的可用性。

    See Calculating the availability of clusters below for information on calculating cluster availability .

  19. 计算集群的可用性依赖于知道集群中每个节点的基本可用性。

    Calculating the availability of clusters depends on knowing the basic availability of each node in the cluster .

  20. 集群文件系统是缓解高性能计算集群I/O瓶颈问题的核心技术。

    Clustered file system is a key technology to easy the I / O bottleneck problem of HPC clusters .

  21. 计算集群的系统资源的使用对于系统的性能至关重要,而作业分配策略直接影响系统的计算能力。

    The usage of system resources in computing cluster is vital to system performance , and job assignment strat-egy directly affect system computational power .

  22. 首先从负载平衡的角度出发,讨论了服务器集群采用的各种负载调度方法,并以科学计算集群为模型分析了负载平衡的相关理论。

    First , we discussed the load balancing technique that has been adopted by all kinds of server cluster , and combining with scientific computing cluster model analyze the related load balance theories .

  23. 实验结果表明,数据块动态分配能够平衡计算集群中各个节点执行任务数和执行任务时间,从而改善了整个系统压力分布,实现了负载均衡。

    Experimental results show that data blocks dynamic allocation can balance the nodes in the cluster , such as count of tasks , the time of running tasks , thus improving the overall system pressure distribution to achieve load balancing .

  24. 论文依托虚实结合实验平台,研究了仿真计算集群的设计和部署问题,旨在建立虚拟实验环境的高性能后台服务架构。

    Based on the environment of Virtual and Reality United Lab ( VRUL ), this thesis made research on the design and deployment of simulation computing cluster , which is designed to establish a high performance service architecture of the virtual experiment environment .

  25. 分布式计算是集群技术的理论基础,包括中间件技术、网格技术、移动Agent技术等。

    Cluster technology is based on distributed computing , which include middleware technology , grid technology and mobile agent technology etc.

  26. Rocks是一个开放源码的Linux集群发行版,它让最终用户能够轻松地构建计算型集群、网格端点和拼接式显示器墙。

    Rocks is an open-source Linux cluster distribution that enables end users to easily build computational clusters , grid endpoints , and visualization tiled-display walls .

  27. 要理解HPC硬件,对向量计算和集群计算进行一下比较是非常有用的。

    To understand HPC hardware , it is useful to contrast the vector computing paradigm with the cluster paradigm .

  28. 失效检测技术被广泛应用于通讯协议、分布式算法、网格计算、集群管理、web服务器等应用系统中,并且被用于解决分布式系统中的一致性、原子多播等问题。

    It has been widely used in application systems , such as communication protocols , distributed algorithms , grid computing , group membership management and web server and it is always used to solve fundamental issues in distributed systems , such as coherence and atomic multicast issues .

  29. 系统主要包括云计算服务器集群和信息服务平台。

    This system mainly includes cloud computing server cluster and information service platform .

  30. 高性能计算与集群系统

    High Performance Computing and Cluster System