
  1. 投资对农业经济增长影响的时序资料分析:计量经济分析和农业经济增长影响因素的深层次分析&通径分析。

    The analysis of time sequence data of investing 's influences to the the agriculture economy growth : econometric analysis and profound level analysis of the influence factor of the agriculture economy growth & Analyse openly directly .

  2. 以江西省1085户农户问卷调查数据为基础,利用Logit模型对农产品营销中影响农户合作意愿的因素进行了计量经济分析。

    Based on data obtained from questionnaires on 1 085 farming households in Jiangxi Province , the paper conducts econometric analysis of factors that affect farmers ' readiness to cooperate in marketing the agricultural products by making use of the Logit modal .

  3. 青岛港港口吞吐量与青岛市GDP关系的计量经济分析

    An econometrical analysis of relationship between the throughout of Qingdao Port and GDP of Qingdao

  4. 自回归条件异方差(ARCH)类模型突破了传统计量经济分析的同方差假定,对现代资本资产定价理论产生了深远的影响。

    Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity ( ARCH ) models , which broke though the assumption of constant variance of traditional econometrics , have had a profound influence to the modern capital asset pricing theory .

  5. 计量经济分析方法在国外旅游研究中的应用&基于ATR和TM所载文献的统计分析

    The Application of Econometric Methods in Tourism Research Abroad : Based on a Statistic Analysis of the literatures of Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Management

  6. 我国城镇居民消费需求结构计量经济分析

    The econometric analyses of consumption structure of urban residents in China

  7. 中国大陆省市经济增长收敛性的空间计量经济分析

    Spatial Econometric Analysis on Provincial Economic Growth Convergence of China

  8. 研究方法:计量经济分析方法和建模。

    Methods of econometric analysis and demonstration modeling were employed .

  9. 这些学者使用大量的数据、计量经济分析和统计方法进行了相关研究,证实了歧视的存在及其产生的经济效应。

    These scholars confirmed the existence of discrimination and its economic effects .

  10. 股票价格和会计盈余相关性的动态计量经济分析

    An Analysis of Dynamic Econometric Relationship between Stock Prices and Accounting Earnings

  11. 环境污染与住房价格的计量经济分析模式

    The Model of Measurement and Economic Analysis in Environmental Pollution and Housing Price

  12. 该模型采用了部门活动水平分析、计量经济分析和线性规划分析方法,可应用于温室气体减排技术选择和减排对经济影响分析。

    The model uses branch activity analysis , econometric analysis and linear programming .

  13. 我国消费函数形式的计量经济分析

    The Econometric Analysis of the Consumption Function in China

  14. 集装箱吞吐量及主要影响因素的计量经济分析

    Econometric analysis based on the throughput of container and its main influential factors

  15. 城市化与经济发展的计量经济分析

    A Metrological Analysis on Urbanization and Economic Development

  16. 电力消费与其相关因素计量经济分析

    Econometric Analysis on Power Consumption and Correlated Factors

  17. 荒漠化防治政府直控型政策实施的计量经济分析

    Inquiring into the Foundation of Quantitative Economic Implemented by Direct-controlling Policy of Government of Combating Desertification

  18. 省域经济增长与电力消费的局域空间计量经济分析

    A Local Spatial Econometric Study on Relationship between Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth of Chinese Provinces

  19. 专利创新与区域经济增长关联机制的空间计量经济分析

    A Study on Relation Mechanism of Patent Innovation and Regional Economic Growth of China 's 31 Provinces

  20. 本文的经验研究部分主要是运用计量经济分析方法测量农村劳动力转移规模。

    The empirical analysis part mainly employs the econometrics method to measure the scale of rural labor transfer .

  21. 中国城镇化发展与农民收入增长关系的动态计量经济分析

    An Analysis of Dynamic Econometric Relationship Between Development of Urbanization and Income Growth of Rural Residents in China

  22. 运用卫生经济学中计量经济分析方法,分析患儿疾病经济负担以及实施全环境保护的效益成本比。

    Econometric analysis of health economics was used to analysis the disease economic burden , benefit-cost ratio of TEP .

  23. 运用计量经济分析和森林资源价值评价方法获得案例点水源涵养林木材效益、环境效益关于林龄的函数。

    Econometrics and forest resource evaluation methods are adopted to decide the environmental and timber benefit functions of forest ages .

  24. 本文运用计量经济分析模型,对上海1978~1999年的消费需求动态及其影响因素进行了全面的验证。

    This paper applies econometric model to verify comprehensively the changes in consumption growth and their influence factors ( 1978 ~ 1999 ) .

  25. 根据格兰杰因果检验和计量经济分析得出,长株潭区域金融的货币化程度与经济增长呈负相关。

    According to the Granger causality test and econometric model test , a negative correlation was found between the monetization of regional finance and economic growth .

  26. 居民消费支出与可支配收入的长期均衡及短期波动关系研究&对韶关城区居民家庭生活抽样调查数据的计量经济分析

    Relations between Residents ' Consuming Expenditure and Disposable Income : Long-term Equilibrium and Short-term Fluctuation & Economic analysis on the sample surveying data of living standard of Shaoguan people

  27. 计量经济分析表明,当前中国城市自来水定价改革完全可行。论文以公地悲剧模型和古诺模型说明中国城市自来水定价必须以完全成本为基础。

    The paper illustrates that the pricing reformation of water supplying in China must be based on the whole cost with the model of public domain tragedy and Cournot model .

  28. 然后利用C&D生产函数和残差法对吉林省玉米、水稻和大豆单产增长中各因素的作用进行计量经济分析;

    Second , it has analyzed the factors that influence the growth of per hectare yield of maize , soybean and rice respectively with C-D production function and Surplus method .

  29. 从研究方法的应用演进来看,经过30多年的发展,从静态的零星运用到比较系统的、动态的多种方法的整合运用,计量经济分析方法在旅游研究中的应用日渐成熟。

    It appears that the use of econometric methods in tourism research has gradually advanced from static and sporadic applications to dynamic and integrated applications in the past three decades .

  30. 此外,文中运用到了新制度经济学、数理经济分析、博弈论、预测分析方法、计量经济分析方法等理论和方法,使得文章的研究富有一定的理论和方法基础。

    Moreover , in method of new institutional economic , mathematical economic analysis , game theory , predictive analysis and numerical economics analysis , this paper has deep foundation of theory and method .