
jì huà cǎo àn
  • draft plan
  1. 我们在编写计划草案和预算方案以提交5月卫生大会时,将考虑到你们的意见。

    Your views will be taken into consideration as we prepare the draft plan and proposed budget for submission to the Health Assembly in May .

  2. 这次党的全国代表会议应该根据实际经验,认真地讨论这个计划草案,使它的内容能够比较妥当,而成为切实可行的计划。

    The present national conference should discuss this draft plan conscientiously in the light of our practical experience so as to make it relatively sound in content and therefore workable .

  3. 而至于后者,没什么能比美国经济刺激计划草案中“购买美国货”(buyamerica)条款更荒唐的了。

    On the latter , nothing can surpass the folly of the " Buy America " provision in the draft US stimulus package .

  4. 市长已经发布一份空气质量行动计划草案,其中措施专门针对减少PM10和NO2的污染。

    The mayor has published a draft air quality strategy which includes specific measures to reduce PM10 and NO2 pollution .

  5. 由JuanJoséDaboub主任领导并由世行各部门代表组成的核心指导委员会已经完成了一个有关治理和反腐败的工作计划草案。

    A draft work plan on governance and anti-corruption was drawn up by a core steering committee headed by Managing Director Juan Jos é Daboub and made up of representatives from across the Bank .

  6. 本周早些时候,imf总裁尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(dominiquestrauss-kahn)表示,该组织已阅览过的各份计划草案并不相互抵触,但不少国家都过于乐观,认为自己可能无需调整政策就可实现内需增长。

    Earlier this week Dominique Strauss-Kahn , IMF Managing Director , said the draft plans the fund had seen were not inconsistent with each other , but that many countries were over-optimistic about the domestic demand growth they were likely to achieve without changes in policies .

  7. 为市建局的运作而拟备事务计划草案及业务计划草案;

    Prepare draft corporate plans and draft business plans for the operation of the authority ;

  8. 你必须是先有了计划草案,方可整合出议案。

    But you need to have your plan drafted before you can fine-tune your pitch .

  9. 大家已经看到2008和2009年规划预算方案和中期战略性计划草案。

    You have before you the proposed programme budget for2008 and2009 and the draft medium-term strategic plan .

  10. 该计划草案表示将“运用激励”来增加网络上的信任度。

    A draft of the plan said it would " use encouragement " to increase trust online .

  11. 他们表示,合资计划草案已明确表示,这不是两拓的全盘合并。

    Outline drafts , they say , make clear it is not a full-scale merger of the companies .

  12. 各组均通过重整计划草案时,重整计划即为通过。

    Where each group passes the draft restructure plan , the restructure plan will be deemed as passed .

  13. 在全球战略和行动计划草案范围内您是否认为有其它问题要考虑?

    Would you recommend any other issues to be considered within the proposed global strategy and plan of action ?

  14. 您对自己和贵组织促进全球战略和行动计划草案如何看待?

    How do you see yourself or your organization contributing to the proposed global strategy and plan of action ?

  15. 世贸组织已要求各工农业产品谈判团体的主席,在6月19日前后递交计划草案。

    The chairmen of the negotiating groups on agriculture and industrial goods have been asked to produce draft texts on or around June 19 .

  16. 除了中期战略性计划草案和规划预算方案外,摆在本届执委会面前的项目只涉及特定的一些世卫组织活动。

    Apart from the draft medium-term strategic plan and the proposed programme budget , the items before this Board cover only a selection of WHO activities .

  17. 人民法院在必要时可以决定在普通债权组中设小额债权组对重整计划草案进行表决。

    When necessary , the people 's court may decide to establish a small claims class in the common claims class to vote on the draft restructuring plan .

  18. 通过国际协商制定的控制计划草案在本周末将登在我们的网站上,并很快将定稿。

    The draft containment plan , developed through international consultation , is going onto our web site by the end of this week and will be finalized very shortly .

  19. 英国政府去年提出了这个计划草案,但它能否实现将取决于议会是否解除9250英镑的学费上限。

    The proposals for this plan were put forward by the government last year -- but making it happen will depend on Parliament lifting the fee cap above 9250 pounds .

  20. 该部分详细介绍了五谷道场申请破产重整的原因、重整计划草案的表决过程及法院的最终裁定。

    This part introduces the reason of applying for bankruptcy and reconstruction , the procedure of voting the draft of reconstruction plan and the final ruling of the court in detail .

  21. 年度计划草案或者草案初步方案,其中包括预期目标和重要指标、主要政策措施以及重点建设项目投资计划;

    The annual plan draft or the initial scheme of the draft , including desired aims , important targets , major policies and measures and the investment plan for key construction projects ;

  22. 1950年袁牧之任中央电影局长期间,由捷克斯洛伐克专家拟订了“首都电影村建筑计划草案”,后受到批评停建。

    In 1950 when Yuan Muzhi was director of the Film Bureau of China , a project of building a film village in Beijing was worked out by an expert from Czech Republic .

  23. 关于水和卫生,预期该执行计划草案将大力重申《联合国千年宣言》(大会第55/2号决议)承诺的有关目标。

    With regard to water and sanitation , it is expected that the draft plan of implementation will strongly reassert the relevant goals pledged in the United Nations Millennium Declaration ( General Assembly resolution 55 / 2 ) .

  24. 张君曾参与起草抚顺经济改革计划草案,该计划试图使抚顺摆脱对煤炭和重工业的依赖,但他们取得的进步非常有限,因为改革成本太高,这个城市难以承受。

    Mr. Zhang has helped draft plans to shift the city 's economy away from its dependence on coal and heavy industry , but progress has been limited because of the enormous costs , which the city can ill afford .

  25. 起草委员会为按计划完成草案已通宵加班,但结果仍是徒劳。

    The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule

  26. 略图;草案他给了我一份他探险计划的草案。

    sketch He gave me a sketch of his plans for the expedition .

  27. 还详细给出了听力保护计划纲要(草案)的要点。

    This paper also presents the essentials of hearing conservation program ( draft ) .

  28. 上周三,中国西北部甘肃省的一名健康官员证实,该省颇具争议的计划生育条例草案承诺给那些不生二胎、符合条件的夫妇现金奖励。

    A health official in Northwest China 's Gansu Province confirmed last Wednesday that the province 's controversial draft family planning regulation promises cash rewards to eligible couples who decide not to have a second child .

  29. 如果计划生育法修正草案在星期日被中国最高立法机关批准,全面二孩政策的实施将不再会有任何法律障碍。

    There will no longer be any legal obstacle to the implementation of a universal two-child policy , if the draft amendment to the family planning law is approved by the top legislature by Sunday .

  30. 计划部说在此阶段拿出计划草案是不可行的。

    The plan department said it was not feasible to produce draft plans at this stage .