
  • 网络Transportation time;Transit time;Shipping Time;delivery time
  1. 特定物品和高价值货件可能会因为海关通关而需要额外的运输时间。

    Certain commodities and high-value shipments may require additional transit time for customs clearance .

  2. 方法根据结肠运输时间和运输指数选择功能性出口梗阻型便秘患者,给予太宁治疗,并设康妇消炎栓为对照。

    Methods Patients with functional outlet obstructive constipation were selected according to colonic transit time and transit index .

  3. 不同运输时间持续段上,仔猪的站立和躺卧行为所占比例(Friedmantest,P<0·001)和仔猪的活动激烈程度有显著差异(Chi-squaretest,P<0·01);

    A significant effect of transport duration on piglets ' standing , lying ( Friedman Test , P < 0.001 ) and active ( Chi-square Test , P < 0.01 ) behaviour ;

  4. 结论FC患者体重指数升高,存在结肠传输缓慢,具有各节段结肠运输时间分布不均匀、以左半结肠和乙状结肠直肠区为主的特点;

    Conclusion FC patients were characterized by increased BMI and CTT prolonged and unevenly distributed in subsections , especially in the left half colon , sigmoid and rectum ;

  5. 考虑制造单元间的运输时间和运输费用,研究了对于制造资源面向T、Q、C的优化配置的方法,该方法支持制造资源动态调整及优化配置。

    Considering the transport time and transport fee , we studied the optimized configuration of manufacturing resources according to time 、 quality and cost , and put forward a technology for realizing dynamic adjustment and optimized configuration of manufacturing resources .

  6. MTTR值基于以下假设,即在站上有充足的备件,无需花费运输时间。

    MTTR values listed assume complement of spares are available on site and do not include travel time to site .

  7. 分布式配送系统在运输时间均匀分布条件下的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Distributed-Distribution System Under Uniform Distribution of Transportation Time

  8. 货物运输时间价值确定方法研究

    Research on Methods for Value of Time Determination for Freight Transport

  9. 机器带不可用约束和任务带运输时间的排序

    Scheduling with Machine Has Non-availability Constraint and Jobs Has Delivery Times

  10. 多台平行批处理机在线排序和带有运输时间的在线排序

    Online Scheduling on Parallel-batch Machines and Online Scheduling with Delivery Times

  11. 基于战时模糊运输时间的路径优化

    Optimizing the Military Transportation Path Based on the Fuzzy Time in War

  12. 基于不确定运输时间的军械紧急调运模型研究

    Study on the Ordnance Urgency Transport Model Based on Uncertain Delivery Time

  13. 运输时间根据特定贸易路线可能有所不同。

    Transit times may differ based on specific trade lanes .

  14. 带运输时间和一个不可用约束的两台平行机排序

    Two parallel machines scheduling with one availability constraint and jobs with delivery times

  15. 如货物运到江苏,运输时间需要多久。

    If does the cargo transport Jiangsu , how long the transportation time needs .

  16. 考虑到产品的性质和运输时间那看来太快了。

    543 That seems quite soon considering the nature of the product and shipping time .

  17. 运输时间不确定与上游可控提前期的供应链优化与协调

    Optimization and Coordination of Supply Chains with Uncertain Transport Time and Controllable Upstream Lead Time

  18. 论旅客运输时间价值的决定

    Value of Time of Passenger Transport

  19. 首先,采购时间段和运输时间段之间,几乎总会有一个时间的间隔段。

    First , there is nearly always a lead-time between the ordering time and the delivery time .

  20. 交通路网对运输时间、效率等的限制将直接影响到物流园区内的物流活动。

    Transportation Network restricting on transportation time and transportation efficiency will affect the logistics action in Logistics Park .

  21. 一位业内高管表示:油价肯定可以抵消运输时间问题的影响。

    The oil price can certainly offset the issue of delivery time , ' ' says one industry executive .

  22. 我想知道你的公司税率,运输时间和价格,和材料。

    I would like to know about your companies rates , shipping times and prices , and the materials .

  23. 分别以运输时间最少、运输距离最短、运输成本最低为目标建立多目标0-1规划模型;

    The0-1 programming model is built with multiple-objectives of the shortest transport time and distance and the lowest transport cost .

  24. 只有在超细棉花市场上,所售商品也可以放在运输时间定在2010年第二季度。

    Only on the extra-fine cotton market , lots could also be placed for shipping dates in the2nd quarter of2010 .

  25. 因子分析结果表明,运输时间对所测指标均无显著影响(P>0.05)。

    Factor analysis results showed that transport time did not affect all parameters in the present study ( P > 0.05 ) .

  26. 功能性便秘患者在中医分型中属气秘者,结肠运输时间延长。

    Patients with functional constipation in traditional Chinese medicine typing are gas Stagnation persons . Colonic transit time of them was prolonged . 3 .

  27. 根据具体轧线布局计算坯料的出炉运输时间,并确定坯料的出炉剩余时间。

    The conveying time after slab discharging is calculated according to the layout of rolling line , with the remaining time after discharging also calculated .

  28. 针对运输时间不确定的军械紧急调运问题,将运输时间处理为模糊随机变量,建立在任务时间限制期下的最大可能性路径选择模型以确定调运路径。

    Aiming at the problem of ordnance urgency transport with uncertain delivery time , the paper deals it with the fuzzy variable and establishes a routing-selected model .

  29. 第二、将运输时间和中转时间的不确定性、以及碳排放等问题引入多式联运供应链的动态构建,建立了多式联运随机模型。

    Secondly , to deal with the time uncertainty of transport and transit , as well as carbon emission of multi-modal transport , a stochastic model is proposed .

  30. 就地育苗,就地造林,减少起苗到造林地的运输时间,保证了苗木质量,提高了造林成活率。

    Raise seedling and build vineyard locally , reduce transportation time between seedling garden and vineyard , thus ensuring the quality of the seedling and enhance the survival rate of forestation .