
jìn huò
  • stock with goods;lay in a stock of merchandise;replenish one's stock;purchase of merchandise;stock (a shop) with goods
进货 [jìn huò]
  • [stock (a shop) with goods] 商店中为准备销售而进的货物

进货[jìn huò]
  1. 同样,作为社会物流服务系统重要环节的铁路货运系统的进货、运输等物流需求是随机的。

    Also , stock with goods of railway freight transportation system and transportation logistics needs , as important links of social logistics service system , are random .

  2. 我是女装部的进货员。

    I was a buyer for the women 's clothing department .

  3. ERP系统中进货批量决策模型的研究和实现

    The Model of Lot - sizing Decision in ERP

  4. 如果没有足够的商品发送,并且所剩的重新进货的天数小于五天,则第一个case元素的逻辑将返回True。

    The logic for the first case element is to return true if not enough items were shipped and the number of days left for the items to be restocked is less than five .

  5. 当P2P二手市场不存在时,商品进货成本越高,零售商越有动力进入二手市场。

    When P2P second-hand markets do not exist , the retailer has more motives to open up second-hand markets when marginal wholesale price is high .

  6. 主要实现了仓库的进货、RFID跟踪销售、WSN监控库存及员工信息的全面、动态、及时的管理。

    Main achievement of the warehouse stock , RFID tracking sales , WSN monitoring a comprehensive inventory and employee information , dynamic , and timely management .

  7. 总部设在上海的Z公司依仗在裸钻进货上的价格与优先权等优势,也在上海介入了钻石首饰零售业务。

    Z Company , which company 's Headquarter located in Shanghai , has the priority in the diamond 's stock carry out his retail shop in Shanghai also .

  8. 在传统的ERP的质量模块中对质量控制的模块的设计仅仅理解为物流过程中的进货检验、过程检验和最终检验等相关的质量检验。

    The quality module of traditional ERP system is usually considered to be incoming inspection , in-process inspection and final inspection and so on included in quality test and inspection .

  9. 本论文在全面阐述了ERP的概念、原理的同时,重点研究了进货批量决策的理论基础,深入地分析了现有模型在ERP中运用的一些缺陷;

    In the dissertation I explain the concept and principle of ERP ; explain the research on the theory of Lot-sizing decision and analyze the defects of the traditional models ;

  10. 问题是其春夏款商品已经进货,因此,公司警告称,Gap品牌局势扭转较慢将影响其新财年的利润。

    The problem for Gap is that it has already bought for the spring and summer seasons , so it warned its profit for the brand-new fiscal year will be hit by a slower turnaround at Gap brand .

  11. 与SupplierA中列出库存产品名称不同,SupplierB保存了产品信息清单,例如生产日期、库存日期或是重新进货日期等。

    Instead of listing a product as refurbished or not as in Supplier A , Supplier B keeps a list of information for its products such as manufacturing date , inventory date , and restocking date .

  12. 考虑r1和r2的进货成本不同,成本低的零售商有投资IT的可能。

    If the different stock cost was considered , the retailer with low cost would have the possibility of IT investment .

  13. 问题是其春夏款商品已经进货,因此,公司警告称,“Gap品牌局势扭转较慢”将影响其新财年的利润。

    The problem for Gap is that it has already bought for the spring and summer seasons , so it warned its profit for the brand-new fiscal year will be hit by a " slower turnaround at Gap brand . "

  14. 当前两种情况均为False时,剩下的唯一一种情况就是发送的商品超过订购的商品,或者是没有足够的商品发送,而且重新进货的时间又太长。

    The only case that is left , when the first two cases are false , is that more items were shipped than were ordered , or not enough were shipped , but the restocking time is too long .

  15. 本论文的创新点在于该优化模型把公司的资金、价格折扣和资金预付比例等因素考虑进来,有效地改善了ERP系统进货批量决策的效果。

    The innovation is that in the optimizing model I have taken some factors into consideration , such as fund , discount and prepay proportion , etc , which efficiently improves value of the use of the ERP system .

  16. 是为数不多的只能从这儿进货的东西之一ashraf姐妹知道你拍她们吗

    One of the few things they outsource here.Did the ashraf sisters know you were filming them ?

  17. 本文将ERP系统分为八个子系统,即基础信息系统、产品数据系统、计划管理系统、仓储库存系统、质量检验系统、采购进货系统、生产控制系统、销售订单系统。

    The ERP system is divided into 8 sub-systems . They are base information system , product data system , project management system , storage system , quality control system , stock system , production control system , sale & order form system .

  18. 商品卖出后供货商就会再进货。一揽子购货定单(简称BPO):指从单一销售商购买低值货物和劳务。

    When the item sells the suppliers can restock it . Blanket purchase order - BPO : A purchase of low value goods and services from a single vendor .

  19. 除了购买廉价中国商品以外,concord还会从沃尔玛(wal-mart)等大型美国零售商的清仓甩卖中进货,然后将这些未售出的商品运至包括墨西哥和智利在内的33个国家。

    Apart from buying cheap Chinese goods , Concord also sources from clearance sales by large US retailers such as Wal-Mart and ships those unsold products to 33 countries , including Mexico and Chile .

  20. 这意味着要沿着全长300多英里(480千米)加州海岸线,拜访从圣路易斯(SanLuisObispo)到圣迭戈(SanDiego)的每一个汽水批发商,检查是否有人从错误的销售人员进货的行为。

    To do so meant visiting every major soda wholesaler from SanLuis Obispo to San Diego - about 300 miles ( 480km ) of California coast - andchecking whether any were selling soda from the wrong salesperson .

  21. 传统的生产模式,其质量控制方法与质量管理过程一般为进货检验、过程检验及产品终检三阶段模式。OEM模式的质量控制与管理方法与传统的生产模式既有联系又有较大的区别。

    Generally , quality control and management process can be divided into three periods , such as incoming inspection , process inspection and final inspection in tradition operation mode There are relation and difference for quality control between OEM and tradition mode .

  22. 但黄光裕(他的粤语名字是wongkwongyu)展现出了资本家的本能,他直接从广东家乡的工厂进货,然后在北京出售。

    But Mr Huang ( who is also known by the Cantonese version of his name , Wong Kwong Yu ) showed his capitalist instincts by buying goods directly from the new factories in his Guangdong hometown and selling them in Beijing .

  23. 在这个东非国家,40岁的中国实业家CandyMa(见上图)刚刚在她由政府建起的新工厂里雇了200名实习工人,这个月,她邀请了沃尔玛(Walmart)、H&M和特易购(Tesco)的进货商前来参观工厂。

    Candy Ma , a 40 year-old Chinese industrialist , has hired 200 trainee workers at her government-built factory in the east African country , and this month she invited buyers from Walmart , H & M and Tesco to inspect the facility .

  24. 所以,第五章节在以上第三章所建立的考虑延迟发货罚金的EOQ数学模型的基础上,引进数量折扣模型,帮助零售商更好地选择进货策略。

    Therefore , the fifth chapter in more than a third by Chapter set up to consider the delay in shipments of fine EOQ mathematical model based on the introduction of the number of discount model to help retailers to better stock selection strategy .

  25. 纽约米其林一星餐厅GramercyTavern行政副总厨霍华德・卡拉奇尼科夫(HowardKalachnikoff)说,两年前龙虾的下船价大幅下滑后,餐厅换了一个直接从缅因州渔民手里进货的龙虾供应商,每磅成本下降了约三美元。

    When off-the-boat prices for lobster were plummeting about two years ago , Gramercy Tavern in New York switched to a lobster supplier who buys directly from Maine fishermen , reducing the restaurant 's cost per pound by about $ 3 , says Howard Kalachnikoff , executive sous chef at the one-Michelin-star restaurant .

  26. 保证进货材料的质量和控制采购成本的上升

    Ensure Quality and Reduce Stock 's Cost Raising about Stocking Material

  27. 负责进货检验、过程检验及最终检验工作。

    Responsible for incoming inspection , in-process inspection and final inspection .

  28. 告诉他我为你们酒吧进货进多久了

    Tell him how long I 've been stocking your liquor .

  29. 从外国进货,推高了时装饰物的零售价。

    Exotics are pushing the boundaries of fashion accessory price points .

  30. 商场多种商品的进货决策模型

    Decision Model of Purchase of Multi-Kind Goods in Shopping Center