
  • 网络Inlet filter;FRING
  1. 可提供最坚固的双夹层不锈钢进口过滤器。

    Includes the strongest double walled stainless steel inlet strainer available .

  2. 从轴流压缩机叶片设计、操作、环境腐蚀、进口过滤器缺陷、维修维护等方面分析了首级动叶片疲劳断裂的原因。

    In the design 、 operation 、 environment corrosion 、 defect of inlet filter 、 mending maintain for axial flow compressor blade , analyze the cause of fatigue for first stage blade .

  3. 蜡泵进口多功能过滤器与搅拌装置的改造

    Revamping of multi function filter and agitator in paraffin pump inlet

  4. 进口自动软化过滤器在水处理应用中的问题

    Problems Existing in the Imported Automatic Softening and Filtration Apparatus in Water Treatment Operation