
  • 网络import agent;CIF;express-imports from hongkong
  1. 进口代理服务商素质不一,各有所长,并非所有货物进口都能做得好,我司海邦国际在“二手机械”进口报关方面具有非常强的优势。

    Import agent service quality is differ , strengths , not all imports of goods can do well and we sheng tong international in " second-hand machinery " import declaration has very strong advantage .

  2. 最近要进口二手仪器,想找专业二手仪器进口代理免费提供咨询。

    Recently to imported second-hand machines , looking for professional second-hand machinery import agent provide free consultation .

  3. 咱们能在担任你方海外贸易的进口代理中起重要作用。

    We can play an important part as a buying agent in your overseas trade .

  4. 关于德国水暖产品进口代理报关商检清关总部办公地址更改通知:从1102-1103-1605室迁至1003-1006室!

    Plumbing products on the German import customs inspection clearance agency headquarters office change of address notification : 1102-1103-1605 room moved from the1003-1006 room !

  5. YiHe公司是专业从事进口设备代理的贸易公司,代理产品包括化工、制药和食品机械等方面。

    YiHe Ltd. is specialized in imported equipment trading company acting as the agent products , including chemical , pharmaceutical and food machinery and so on .

  6. 中国白糖出口,糖蜜进口,代理食糖期货业务。

    Sale of Chinese white sugar , Purchase of molasses , agency on international sugar futures trading .

  7. 服装部、轻工部、进口部、代理部。

    Industry Dept. , Import Dept. , and Agency Dept.

  8. 本公司是一家专业从事进口五金工具代理销售的贸易公司。

    This is a company specialized in imports of hardware sales agent of the trading company .

  9. 成立于1996年的日升轴承集团,核心事业是进口轴承的代理与经销,并且经营进口皮带和密封件。

    Founded in1996 nison bearing group , the core business is imported bearing agent and distribution , and importing belt and seals .

  10. ABC公司是一家从事进口纸张、木浆代理销售的贸易公司。

    ABC company is the import pulp & paper trading company .

  11. 偶尔有进口货,但不急,有没有价格更有优势的进口报关运输代理服务公司?

    The occasional imports , but don 't worry , have the price of the import declaration has more advantages transportation agency service company ?