
  • 网络Flue gas denitrification;denox
  1. 本文介绍了主要的烟气脱硝技术,从技术和经济角度对几种烟气脱硝技术进行了对比与分析,提出了最佳的脱硝技术方案&选择性催化还原法(SCR)烟气脱硝工艺。

    This paper introduces key DeNOx technologies . Several kinds of DeNOx technologies are compared and analyzed from economic and technical aspects , the paper puts forward the optimal denitrification plan & Selective Catalytic Reduction .

  2. SCR法烟气脱硝技术在燃气余热锅炉上的工程应用

    Engineering Application of Flue Gas DeNOx Technology in Exhaust-heat Boiler

  3. 添加剂对电晕放电烟气脱硝效率和NOx转化影响

    Effect of additives on NO_x removal and transformation by pulsed corona discharge

  4. CeO2/ACF的低温SCR烟气脱硝性能研究

    Low temperature SCR of NO in flue gas on CeO_2 / ACF

  5. 火电厂烟气脱硝技术介绍烟气低温SCR脱硝技术的现状与展望

    Present status and perspectives of low-temperature SCR of flue gas denitrification technology

  6. 燃煤电厂SCR烟气脱硝技术的研究

    Study on SCR technique for flue gas denitrification in coal-fired power plants

  7. SCR烟气脱硝反应塔动力学模型与实验研究

    Dynamic Model and Experimental Research of SCR Flue Gas Denitration Reaction Tower

  8. 火电厂SCR烟气脱硝工艺系统设计

    Research on SCR flue gas denitrification system design for thermal power plants

  9. 选择性催化还原脱硝工艺(SCR)是一种高效的烟气脱硝技术。

    Selective Catalytic Reduction Process is a high-efficient flue gas denitrification technology .

  10. SCR烟气脱硝系统的运行方式及控制

    Operation mode and control of SCR Flue Gas Denitrification systems

  11. SCR法烟气脱硝数值模拟及先进控制

    Numerical Simulation and Advanced Control of SCR Flue Gas Denitrification

  12. SCR烟气脱硝过程中SO2和SO3的测量

    Measurement of so_2 and so_3 in SCR Flue Gas Denitrification

  13. SCR烟气脱硝系统性能试验中几个问题的探讨

    Inquisition Into Several Issues about Performance Test Of SCR Flue Gas Denitration System

  14. SCR烟气脱硝系统的负面影响研究

    Study on the Disadvantageous Influence of SCR Denitrification System

  15. 火电厂SCR烟气脱硝催化剂特性及其应用

    Characteristics of SCR catalyst and its application in coal-fired power plants DeNOx system

  16. 以纳米TiO2为载体的燃煤烟气脱硝SCR催化剂的研究

    Study of SCR Catalyst for Coal-fired Flue Gas Denitrification Grafted on Nanometer Titania

  17. 基于数值模拟的SCR法烟气脱硝技术优化设计

    The Optimization Design of SCR DeNO_x Technology for Flue Gas Based on Numerical Simulation

  18. 电厂锅炉SCR烟气脱硝系统设计优化

    Design optimization of SCR system for coal-fired boilers

  19. SCR烟气脱硝自动控制系统及其在三河电厂的应用

    SCR Flue Gas Denitration Automatic Control System and its Application in Sanhe Power Plant

  20. 大型燃煤电站用SCR烟气脱硝催化剂发展概况

    Overview of the development of SCR flue gas Denitration Catalyst in Large Coal-fired Power Plant

  21. 最后,在前述工作的基础上,搭建了基于Matlab的SCR烟气脱硝仿真平台。

    At last , basing on the foregoing work , we build the SCR flue gas denitrification platform in Matlab .

  22. 研究结果表明,SCR为该电厂首选烟气脱硝技术。

    The research results evinced that SCR technology is the preferred gas denitration technology for this plant .

  23. 因此开发具有自主知识产权的SCR烟气脱硝技术具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of significance to develop the SCR denitrification technology that possesses independent intellectual property .

  24. 蜂窝式SCR催化剂烟气脱硝试验研究

    Experimental Study of Flue Gas Denitration by Using a Honeycomb Type SCR ( Selective Catalytic Reduction ) Catalyst

  25. 600MW机组SCR烟气脱硝装置技术开发

    Research & Development of Denitrification Device for 600 MW Power Unit

  26. 论述了燃料燃烧过程中NOX的形成机理,燃烧过程中NOX控制技术和主要的烟气脱硝技术。

    This paper introduced the mechanism of NOX formation in coal combustion , NOX control methods and key DeNOX technologies .

  27. 选择性催化还原(SCR)是目前国际上应用最广泛、技术最成熟的高效烟气脱硝工艺。

    The Selectivity Catalyst Reduction ( SCR ) which currently is the most wide used efficiently technique applies in flue gas denitrification .

  28. 对于SCR法烟气脱硝技术,从设备布置方式、工艺流程、主要系统和催化剂类型等方面进行了详细介绍。

    For the SCR process , equipment arrangement , technical process , key system and catalyst type are also discussed in detail .

  29. 综合考虑脱硝和SO2氧化问题,最佳的烟气脱硝温度区间为310℃~400℃。

    The optimum reaction temperature for flue gas denitrification ranged in 310 ℃ - 400 ℃, with the consideration of both denitrification and SO_2 oxidation .

  30. 本文从SCR工艺的原理出发,介绍了与德国STEULER公司在烟气脱硝技术方面合作的相关运行工艺。

    The article presents the relevant operation technology in flue gas de-nitration technology in collaboration with STEULER Company of Germany from the view point of SCR technology principle .