
  • 网络Dust removal system;Dedusting system;ESP;E.I.C.S.
  1. 武钢三烧电除尘系统风量平衡研究

    Study on Air Volume Balance of ESP Systems in the Third Sintering Workshop of WISCO

  2. 改进后的电除尘系统,增强了自动化管理水平及控制能力,实现了电除尘系统故障预测,提高了除尘效率。

    Now , the level of automatic management , capability of control and efficiency on the ESP system are improved greatly , in addition , it can also predict the equipment fault .

  3. 炼钢布袋除尘系统的PLC自动控制

    PLC Automatic Control of Dust-Removing by Using Fabric Bags in Steel-Making

  4. 粮库除尘系统的PLC控制

    The PLC Control of Dust Remover System of Grain Magazine

  5. 水泥除尘系统的PLC控制

    The PLC Control System used in Dust Removing System of the Cement Plant

  6. 静电除尘系统的PLC控制

    PLC Control of the Static Electricity Dusting System

  7. 本文介绍一种PLC控制的静电除尘系统。

    This paper introduces the application of PLC controller in static electricity dusting system .

  8. 将PLC和触摸屏相结合,对静电水膜除尘系统进行了设计,实现了除尘系统的自动控制。

    The design of electrostatic water membrane dedusting system is realized based on PLC and touching screen .

  9. DDE方式在钢厂除尘系统中的应用

    Application of DDE Mode in Dusting System of Steelmaking Plant

  10. 在5t/h冲天炉上设计安装湿式除尘系统,达到了预想的效果。

    The design and installation of wet type dust collector on a 5t / h cupola have been desired .

  11. 3t转炉除尘系统设计与实践

    Design and Practice on fume cleaning system of 3T converter

  12. 本控制系统采用基于PLC的模糊PID控制方法,并通过变频器调整风机转速,实现了除尘系统的低耗运转。

    The control system adopts the fuzzy PID control methods based on the PLC , and adjust fan speed through the inverter to lower the power consumption of the pneumatic dedusting system .

  13. 15t转炉除尘系统热平衡计算

    Heat Balance Calculation of Dedusting System of 15t Basic Oxygen Furnace

  14. LTG为纺织工业提供完整的空调及除尘系统

    Complete Systems for Air - conditioning and Waste Removal in the Textile Industry

  15. 15t氧气顶吹转炉除尘系统改造

    Reconstruction of the Capacity of 15t BOF Dedusting System

  16. 酒钢选矿厂原料F2皮带尾部除尘系统设计

    Design of the Dust Removing System at the Tail of F2 Belt for Raw Material at Jiuquan Steel ( Group ) Co. 's Concentrator

  17. 针对目前除尘系统中普遍存在的成本高、效率低、运行不稳定等问题进行了详细的研究分析,提出了一套基于自适应PID方法实现参数自整定的方法;

    For the ubiquitous shortcomings of high cost , low efficiency and unstable running of the dust-removing system at present , the paper puts forward an idea of realizing the parameter automatic adjustment using the self-adaptive PID method .

  18. S7-200PLC在铝熔炼炉及其除尘系统的应用

    Application of S7-200 PLC in Removing Dust of Casting Aluminum Furnace

  19. MXC·JXC-4.3-5-S型焦炉消烟除尘系统浅析

    Analysis of MXC · JXC-4.3-5-S Coke Oven Dust Removal System

  20. 略阳发电厂4号输煤皮带DSX型多点负压多级旋流湿式除尘系统设计

    Wet Type Dedust System Design of Coal Conveyer Belt DSX Type Multi points Pressure , Multi Step Rotational Flow

  21. 通过对风幕集尘除尘系统风流流场的分析及用Fluent软件进行的数值模拟,直观的获得了此系统风流流场特征。

    Intuitive access the characteristics of the air flow of this system through the analysis of the wind screen of dust removal system Merry flow analysis Dust-collecting and dedusting system with air curtain and numerical simulation with Fluent software .

  22. 本文首先通过对火车装料时扬尘的扩散状况,以及某筛贮焦楼火车装焦现有通风除尘系统的控制效果进行CFD模拟分析,确定了课题中侧吸罩加四周挡风装置的尘源控制方案。

    After simulation analysis on the dust diffusion and the control effects of the existing ventilation and dust removal system , this paper put forward side suction hood and around windshield device ventilation method to control the dust diffusion of dust source .

  23. 了解Bischoff除尘系统的关键部件环缝洗涤器的阻力特性是控制炉内压力控制的重要基础。

    The pressure drop of the annular gap scrubber of the blast furnace is important basis of inner furnace pressure control .

  24. 对引进英国LawDenis公司的CN16/48系列塔式烘干设备的主要特点、物料干燥过程及原理、设备的主要结构等方面,尤其是燃烧炉、风机除尘系统进行了详细的分析和介绍。

    The main characteristics , drying principle and drying process as well as the main structure , particularly the furnace and fan type dust control system , of the CN16 / 48 series tower type drier imported from the British Law-Denis Company are introduced and analyzed .

  25. 本文对珠江钢厂150t电炉烟气废钢预热及除尘系统组成、设备选择及功能说明等进行了综述。

    This article describes the composition of scrap preheating ( with waste fume of the EAF ) and dedusting system of Zhujiang 150t EAF , the selection of equipment and their functions .

  26. 在入口气速低于23m·s-1时旋风除尘系统的压降稍有增加,而在入口气速大于23m·s-1时旋风除尘系统的压降则略有下降。

    The pressure drop is slightly higher when the inlet gas velocity is under 23m · s-1 , while decreases a bit when the inlet gas velocity is greater than 23m · s-1 .

  27. 介绍了江门市电化厂对锅炉除尘系统、沉灰池,ADC生产中废水、废酸以及盐泥、氯水和建设综合废水的治理措施。

    The renovations of boiler dust-removing system and dust-condensing cell , and the treatment of waste water , waste acid and salt slurry produced in the production of ADC as well as chlorine water and waste water from the construction in Electrochemical Plant of Jiangmen City are introduced .

  28. 前言:阐述了除尘系统在亚麻纺织行业中的作用,并介绍了我厂纺LTG型除尘系统的应用与改进。

    The function of dusting equipment in linen textile line were discussed in the paper , and the application and improvement of imitative " LTG " dusting system of our factory were introduced here .

  29. 通过对唐钢二炼钢厂3×30t转炉除尘系统改造设计的总结,对转炉湿法除尘的有关问题做了探讨。

    Based on the conclusion of reform design of dust-trapping system of 3 × 30 ton converter of No. 2 steelworks of Tangshan Iron and Steel Company , some issues about wet dust-trapping of converter are discussed .

  30. 根据安钢100t带指形托架的竖式电炉(FSF)炼钢生产情况,分析了废钢预热技术,研究了钢铁料结构、二次燃烧、氧油烧嘴和除尘系统对该技术的影响。

    According to present of Angang 100t Finger Shaft arc Furnace ( FSF ) steelmaking process , the paper analyzed the technique of scrap preheated and discussed the effect factor such as raw material preparation , oxide-fuel burner , post-combustion and deducts system .