
chú qù
  • remove;eliminate;only if;drop;get rid of;detach;unless;take out of;expunge;do away with;work off;give up;strip down;prune back
除去 [chú qù]
  • (1) [give up;do away with;get rid of;drop;discart]∶去掉

  • (2) [only if;unless]∶除非

除去[chú qù]
  1. DSA设备使用简明的数字和模拟滤波器除去多余的输入和输出频率。

    DSA devices use transparent digital and analog hardware filtering to eliminate aliased input and output frequencies .

  2. 通过消除实现完整DOM接口的需求,就可以除去树中的某些数据。

    By removing the requirement to implement the full DOM interface , I was able to eliminate some data from the tree .

  3. 这种治疗需要把死皮的表层除去。

    This treatment involves scrubbing off the top layer of dead skin .

  4. 用洗涤液可除去油渍。

    Grease marks can be removed with liquid detergent .

  5. 我怎么才能把这点污渍除去?

    How can I get this stain out ?

  6. 真空包装的火腿片应在食用前30分钟把包装除去。

    Vacuum-packed ham slices should be unwrapped 30 minutes before serving .

  7. 整形外科医生可以除去最表层的皮肤。

    A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin .

  8. 当驳船抵达圣地时,辅祭除去了柩衣。

    When the barge reached the shrine , acolytes removed the pall .

  9. 除去水,蛋白质占了体重的一半。

    Excluding water , half of the body 's weight is protein .

  10. 他们已经得到承诺,7月份的工资除去辛劳补助外将全额发放。

    They 've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment .

  11. 除去所有开支,我们净赚200元。

    Our net earnings were , clear of all expenses , about 200 yuan .

  12. 除去付昂贵的房租,这个月还净余150元。

    After paying a high rent for the house , we still have 150 yuan left .

  13. 在使用这种水之前,必须先过滤,以除去污物。

    You have to filter out the dirt before using the water .

  14. 先除去所有的锈迹再上油漆。

    Clean off any corrosion before applying the paint .

  15. 除去你和我还有其他五个人。

    There are5 other people besides you and me .

  16. 想法除去你那讨厌的感冒。

    Try to get rid of your nasty cold .

  17. 除去过渡元素外,价电子位于最外面的电子层。

    Except for the transitional elements , valency electrons are in the outermost electron shell .

  18. 记住,你可以除去任何你发现令你讨厌的东西。

    Remember that you can expunge anything you find undesirable .

  19. 他们继续除去分子,直到细胞不再转录基因为止。

    They continue to remove molecules until the cell stops transcribing the gene .

  20. 除去专业知识之外,他们知道的很多。

    They know lots of things other than what they 're specialized in .

  21. 晏子认为首先必须除去土地庙中的老鼠。

    Yan Zi believed they should get rid of the mice in the temple first .

  22. 在再生器中放进冷却盘管能控制温度,也能除去过多的热量

    Cooling coils are introduced into the regenerator to control the temperature and remove the excess heat .

  23. 但是有个问题:有些时候,病人们会对药产生抗药性,许多年后,在癌症被除去之后又重新患上。

    But here 's the problem : sometimes patients become resistant to the drug , and then years after they 've been declared to be cancer free , they come back .

  24. “我也得了这个病,也为它感到非常痛苦。如果我能把你的病治好的话,我早就先把自己治好,除去这种痛苦了。”

    and told his patient , " You see ? I am also bothered by baldness . If I could cure the disease , I ought first to rid myself of it . "

  25. 后来,有人鼓动周处进山杀猛虎,人河斩蛟龙,希望能除去两害,只留一害。

    Later , someone instigated4 Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce tiger , and to the river to behead the ferocious dragon , in the hope of getting rid of two evils , leaving only one .

  26. 除去几座殿堂我无法进去,除去那座祭坛我不能上去而只能从各个角度张望它,地坛的每一棵树下我都去过,差不多它的每一米草地上都有过我的车轮印。

    Aside from some buildings that I had no way to enter , aside from the altar that I had no way to reach but could only gaze at from every possible vantage point , I had been under every tree in the park , and my chair 's wheel-prints were left on almost every meter of grass .

  27. 以皂土为吸附剂,将花色素酶从粗果胶酶制剂中除去。分离效果受pH和皂土用量影响。

    Anthocyanase was removed from pectinase preparation by adsorption with bentonite .

  28. g被大部分除去,胶原纤维得到了较好的松散。

    Is removed , and the fibers of collagen are well opened - up .

  29. 用DNA-球形碳化聚合物吸附剂由血液灌流除去哺乳动物血中DNA抗体及其免疫复合物

    Removal of DNA Antibodies and DNA Immune Complexes from Mammal Blood with Spherical Carbonaceous Polymeric Adsorbent by Hemoperfusion

  30. 应除去CO2,并使含油污水呈微酸性,可抑制结垢的形成。

    It can prohibit the fouling by making the oily wastewater in presence of acidic property and CO_2 removal .