
  • 网络Diamond Grinding Wheel;diamond wheel
  1. 金刚石磨轮的接触放电修整方法

    Electro-Contact Discharge Dressing for Diamond Grinding Wheel

  2. 该装置在金刚石磨轮上布设单根镍铬电偶丝,同磨轮基体组成半人工热电偶。

    The semi-artificial thermocouple is composed of the steel substrate and a single Ni-Cr thermocouple wire which is embedding in diamond grinding wheel .

  3. 加工电熔锆刚玉砖用电镀金刚石磨轮的研制和应用

    Development and application of electroplated diamond grinding wheel for machining fused cast ZIRCON-CORUNDUM refractory bricks

  4. 单层电镀金刚石磨轮的研究

    Development of monolayer electroplated grinding wheel tool

  5. 本文介绍了运用电镀金刚石磨轮于磨削技术,实现对熔融石英高效精密加工的磨削工艺。

    With this technology , the workpiece made of melted quartz can be precisely machined .

  6. 精密磨削中修整金刚石磨轮的新技术&双电极接触放电修整

    A New Technique of Dressing Diamond wheel for Precision Grinding-Dressing by Discharging through Contact of Twin Electrodes

  7. 双电极接触放电是一项修整金属结合剂金刚石磨轮的新技术。

    The electro - contact discharge dressing with a couple of electrodes is a new kind of technology to dress metal bonded diamond grinding wheels .

  8. 本文提出了一种粗粒度电镀金刚石磨轮,以磨削代替铰削,克服了铰刀的不足。

    In this paper , a kind of coarse grain electroplated diamond grinding wheel is proposed , which can overcome the deficiency of reamer by grinding in place of reaming .

  9. 纳米SiO2改性金刚石柔性磨轮磨削性能的研究

    Study on grinding performance of nano-SiO_2 modified flexible diamond wheel

  10. 金刚石柔性磨轮磨削性能的实验研究他的性格是刚与柔的结合。

    Study on grinding performance of soft diamond grinding wheel His character is a combination of strength and kindness .

  11. 用金刚石滚轮修整磨轮及其对磨轮的磨削性能的影响

    Effects of using the diamond roller to dress the grinding wheel on grinding wheel performance

  12. 因此,有序排布技术往往应用于金刚石锯片、金刚石磨轮等低浓度金刚石工具中。

    Therefore , orderly arrangement technique is often applied to the diamond saw blades , diamond grinding wheels , and other low concentration diamond tools .