
  1. 金融稳定论坛的文件建议大型银行按照通用模板同时进行披露,其中包括资产负债表内外风险敞口的通用估值方法。

    The FSF paper suggests simultaneous disclosure by the largest banks to a common template , including common valuation methodologies for on and off-balance sheet exposures .

  2. 假如银行账目中存在基本面不佳的资产,金融稳定论坛的建议是:强迫他们提高资本金;限制股息和奖金的派发;由政府出面购买银行的股本;鼓励困境中的银行与健康银行合并。

    If banks have fundamentally bad assets on their books , the FSF discusses forcing them to raise capital ; restricting dividend and bonus payments ; the authorities buying equity in banks ; and encouraging mergers between troubled and healthy banks .

  3. 这种更广泛的声音也必须出现在金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)等其它会议中。

    This broader range of voices must be heard in other venues such as the Financial Stability Forum .

  4. 盖特纳还敦促金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)进行改革,将所有的g20国家包括进去,从而赋予其更大的权力。

    Mr Geithner also urged reform of the Financial Stability Forum so it includes all G20 countries , giving it a stronger mandate .

  5. 正如金融稳定论坛(FinancialStabilityForum)最近指出的那样,银行和其它金融机构需要至少再筹集3600亿美元的资金,才能应对尚未实现的亏损。

    As the Financial Stability Forum recently noted , banks and other financial institutions will have to raise at least another $ 350bn of capital to deal with yet-to-be-realised losses .

  6. 来自金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)的一份机密选项文件显示,世界各国的央行和财政部官员尚未对造成信贷危机的基本问题的分析达成共识。

    Central bank and finance ministry officials from around the world have yet to agree an analysis of the fundamental problems underlying the credit crisis , a confidential options paper from a recent top-level meeting suggests .

  7. 例如,银行业监管标准将由巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)制定,而金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)将负责协调对大型跨国银行的监督。

    For example , banking regulations will be drawn up by the Basel Committee on banking supervision , while the Financial Stability Forum will be responsible for co-ordinating the oversight of large multinational banks .

  8. 发达国家同意向中国、印度等新兴经济体开放包括金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)在内的主要标准制定机构的成员身份,并承诺增加新兴经济体在国际货币基金组织(imf)中的发言权。

    The industrialised economies agreed to open up membership of key standards-setting bodies , including the Financial Stability Forum , to emerging economies such as China and India , and promised to increase their say at the International Monetary Fund .

  9. 它需要预先判知风险,与金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)合作制定政策和监管反应机制,促进七国集团(g7)及其它地区部长们的联系,以确保相关措施得到有效贯彻。

    It will identify risks in advance , co-operate with the Financial Stability Forum to design policy and regulatory responses and strengthen links between ministers , in the group of seven and beyond , to ensure effective follow-up .

  10. 金融稳定论坛和其他任何审视这场信贷危机的国际机构面临的问题是,对贝尔斯登(BearStearns)适用的政策或许并不适用于瑞银(UBS)或德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)。

    The problem for the FSF or any other international body examining the credit crisis is that a policy that might be right for Bear Stearns might not apply to UBS or Deutsche Bank .

  11. 金融稳定论坛将于4月中旬向七国集团(G7)呈递一份由央行和财政部官员签署的报告。

    The FSF will deliver a report to the Group of Seven meeting in mid-April , signed off by central bankers and finance ministry officials .

  12. 金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

    The Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy , has started to tackle these issues .

  13. 在流动性管理方面,金融稳定论坛提出了一种不那么强硬的做法。

    On liquidity management , the FSF adopts a less heavy-handed approach .

  14. 金融稳定论坛的报告提议,监管机构应在2009年或以后就此问题进行调查。

    The FSF report suggests regulators should investigate the issue in 2009 or later .

  15. 三是金融稳定论坛应该发挥更大作用。

    Third , the Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ) should play a bigger role .

  16. 但很明显,金融稳定论坛希望银行和信用评级机构变得更为透明。

    But it is clear it wants banks and credit ratings agencies to become much more transparent .

  17. 他们欢迎设立金融稳定论坛,以协调各个国家和国际组织的工作。

    They welcomed the establishment of the Financial Stability Forum to co-ordinate efforts by various national and international bodies .

  18. 在上周五的华盛顿餐会上,决策者与领先的私营部门银行家讨论了食品危机和金融稳定论坛的改革计划。

    Policymakers discussed the crisis and the FSF plan with leading private sector bankers at a dinner in Washington on Friday .

  19. 金融稳定论坛已经从危机中汲取了教训,其工作成果亦有赖于国际社会的努力。

    The FSF has been drawing lessons from the crisis and its work has been built upon by the international community .

  20. 对于第一套方案,金融稳定论坛秘书处指出,这类措施可能损害市场对资产负债健康状况的信心。

    In the former , the FSF secretariat notes the danger that such measures could damage market confidence in balance sheet health .

  21. 财政部长们应当评估这些建议,从调控者、扩张的金融稳定论坛及其他相关机构的分析中找到出路。

    Finance Ministers should assess the adequacy of these proposals , drawing upon the analysis of regulators , the expanded FSF , and other relevant bodies .

  22. 目前我们有国际货币基金和世界银行,这两个具有良好基础的机构。我们还有金融稳定论坛。

    At the moment we 've got the IMF and the World Bank , two old , established institutions , and we 've got the Financial Stability Forum .

  23. 文件中不大可能包括激进的选项,但金融稳定论坛秘书处正鼓励各国官员考虑,假如信贷危机延续下去,他们可能做出的反应。

    It is unlikely to include radical options in the paper , but the FSF Secretariat is encouraging national officials to consider hypothetical responses if the credit crisis continues .

  24. 金融稳定论坛也应当迅速地扩展到新兴经济体,同时也应当尽快恢复这些国家的成员身份。

    The Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ) must expand urgently to a broader membership of emerging economies , and other major standard setting bodies should promptly review their membership .

  25. 国际货币基金组织、金融稳定论坛以及其他的机构应当通力合作更好地意识到自身的弱点,预见到潜在的压力并积极地在经济危机中发挥重要作用。

    The IMF , in collaboration with the expanded FSF and other bodies , should work to better identify vulnerabilities , anticipate potential stresses , and act swiftly to play a key role in crisis response .

  26. 金融稳定论坛秘书处提出,在这种情况下,答案或许应是提升问题资产支持证券持有人及证券价值评估的透明度,同时协同披露各家银行的次贷风险敞口及其他风险。

    In this case , the FSF secretariat suggests the answer might lie in greater transparency over who owns the problem asset-backed securities and how they are valued , alongside a co-ordinated revelation of individual banks ' exposures to subprime and other risks .

  27. 金融稳定论坛报告中措施最严厉的领域(必会遭到银行的反对)是,对于风险高于旧有监管指引评估水平的资产,将要求提高银行持有的相关监管资本。

    The most draconian areas of the FSF report , certain to be opposed by banks , relate to proposed increases in the regulatory capital that banks must hold in respect of assets that proved more risky than previously thought under the old regulatory guidance .

  28. 上一次全球金融危机过后为此目的设立的金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum),对于预防10年后一场更为严重的灾难几乎没有发挥作为简直是毫无作为。

    The Financial Stability Forum , created for that purpose after the last global financial crisis , did little obviously too little to prevent an even worse meltdown a decade later .

  29. 这些新举措将迫使银行重新考虑它们用以将抵押贷款等资产重新打包为复杂金融证券的商业模式。此举是由国际监管机构委员会金融稳定论坛(FinancialStabilityForum)所倡导的。

    The new measures , which are being spearheaded by the Financial Stability Forum – a committee of global regulators and supervisors – could force banks to rethink the business models they use to repackage assets such as mortgages into complex financial securities .