
  • The WOLverine;X-Men Origins Wolverine
  1. 这部动作片的续集是讲述有关罗根的故事。在X战警影片里,金刚狼的性格赋予喜剧的特性。

    This action-packed prequel tells the story of Logan , the Wolverine character in the X-Men comic franchise .

  2. Marvel世界里最勇敢的人是给金刚狼做前列腺检查的医生。

    The bravest person in the Marvel Universe is the doctor who gives Wolverine his exam .

  3. 在获得“托尼奖”或扮演《X战警》中招牌角色金刚狼之前,休·杰克曼曾做过另一种娱乐工作:小丑。

    Before Hugh Jackman was a Tony-award winning actor or known for playing Wolverine in the " X-Men " franchise , he worked as another kind of entertainer : a clown .

  4. 因在《X战警》中扮演充满阳刚之气的金刚狼而举世闻名的休·杰克曼即将在其为立顿冰红茶拍摄的全球宣传广告中展示他温柔的一面。

    Hugh Jackman , the actor most famous as the testosterone - fuelled Wolverine in X-Men , is to show his softer side in a global advertising campaign for Lipton Ice Tea .

  5. 福克斯最近已经在如《金刚狼》、《异形:契约》和《王牌特工》这些硬核电影上打上了自己的烙印,而一部PG-13级的詹姆斯·邦德电影,可以和该公司完美契合。

    Fox has recently made its mark with hard-core films , like " Logan , " " Alien : Covenant " and " Kingsman . " A PG-13 James Bond movie would fit in perfectly .

  6. 罗斯曼在帕利中心的谈话中说,制片公司现在致力于从过去之中发掘自己的未来——2017年,这种趋势将充分显现出来,届时《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)、《金刚狼》(Wolverine)与《星球大战》系列的新作都将上映。

    In his talk at the Paley Center , Mr. Rothman said studios are now firmly committed to finding their future in the past - something that will become fully apparent in 2017 when the next iterations of " Spider-Man , " " Wolverine " and " Star Wars " are scheduled to hit screens .

  7. 这是金刚狼很好笑

    Right ? That 's Wolverine ! - That 's very funny .

  8. 金刚狼:真的?比如什么样的东西?

    Wolverine : Reingly ? What kind of things ?

  9. 同时他也在《金刚狼》中有不俗的表现。

    He also did well in X-Men Origins Wolverine .

  10. 霍华德:那被金刚狼检查前列腺的人呢?

    Howard : How about the guy who gets a prostate exam from Wolverine ?

  11. 不可否认的是,他重新定义了不同于X-战警中金刚狼的角色。

    There is no denying that he defined who Wolverine is in different appearances in X-Men .

  12. 恐怖指数:漫威漫画公司根据狼獾塑造出“金刚狼”这个超级英雄是有原因的。

    The Scare Factor : There 's a reason Marvel Comics named a superhero after this animal .

  13. 休杰克曼(饰演金刚狼)和艾伦佩姬(饰演幻影猫)都出席了当天的首映式。

    Also at the premiere was Hugh Jackman ( Wolverine ) and Ellen Page ( Kitty Pryde ) .

  14. 《金刚狼》是部普通的电影,仅仅利用了杰克曼的知名度和魅力四射的角色“罗根”而已。

    The Wolverine was a mediocre movie that simply capitalized on Jackman 's popularity and overall appeal Logan .

  15. 杰克曼将在明年接拍“X-战警2”,呈现一个全新的金刚狼。

    Jackman has a new " Wolverine " adventure coming up , with plans to start shooting next year .

  16. 就是解决—你明白我的意思吗?“装扮成电影人物金刚狼的一个人问道。

    Sort it out-you know what I mean ? " asked one person dressed as the Wolverine movie character .

  17. 不幸的是,《金刚狼》在某种程度上说是个漫画。你或许会争辩说,金刚狼在“烂番茄”获得了70%的好评。

    Unfortunately , The Wolverine was somewhat cartoonish.You may argue that it received a 70 % positive review from Rotten Tomato .

  18. 谢尔顿:你现在就是纯粹在搞笑了,金刚狼从来没表现出任何兴趣要帮助他人预防前列腺癌。

    Sheldon : Now you 're just being silly . Wolverine 's never displayed the slightest interest in helping others prevent prostate cancer .

  19. 有趣的是,曾因泄漏案闹得满城风雨的《金刚狼》,仅以720万的下载次数位列第九。

    Interestingly , for all the fuss about the " Wolverine " leak , the film came in at No. 9 with 7.2 million .

  20. 与此同时,有消息称,休正在和20世纪福克斯公司洽谈,准备回归拍摄下一部的金刚狼系列。

    Meanwhile , it has been reported that Hugh has entered negotiations with Twentieth Century Fox about returning for another installment of The Wolverine .

  21. 我是金刚狼。我以自己的所做所为出名,但这些事并不是很好。

    My name is wolverine . I am the best there 's at what I do , but what I do isn 't very nice .

  22. 据报道,由于电影《金刚狼》的拍摄遇到了问题,休·杰克曼可能将和克里斯汀·斯图尔特搭档,出演环球新片《白雪公主与猎人》中的猎人一角。

    Hugh Jackman is set to star alongside Kristen Stewart in Universal Studio 's Snow White And The Huntsman , after issues with his film The Wolverine .

  23. 他对着摄像机举起了拳头,毫无疑问,六根锋利的金属爪正沿着他的手背伸出来:他变成了金刚狼!

    He holds up his fists to the camera , and sure enough , six sharp metal claws shoot from the tops of his hands : He is Wolverine !

  24. 正是由于团队的合作,杰克曼十年前凭借在电影“X-战警”中扮演“金刚狼”在好莱坞名声大振。

    It was as part of a team that Jackman got his big Hollywood break a decade ago , when he began playing " Wolverine " in the " X-Men " films .

  25. 电影爱好者将休·杰克曼新上映的超级英雄电影《金刚狼》送上了本周的票房榜首位,票房达到5500万美元。

    Movie goers have voted for the super hero , Wolverine , starring Hugh Jackman debut in first place at the box office this weekend with a take of about $ 55 million .

  26. 他出演的两部电影《刀锋战士3》(2004年)和《X-战警前传:金刚狼》(2009年)都被认为是系列电影中最糟糕的。

    The two movies he starred in , Blade : Trinity ( 2004 ) and X-Men Origins : Wolverine ( 2009 ) , were considered to be among the worst of their franchises .

  27. 在电影公司决定选用扎克-施奈德导演新一集的《超人》电影,并重启《钢铁侠》的计划之后,达伦对就被认为是执导《金刚狼2》的大热人选。

    Aronofsky was being heavily courted for the project after the studio decided to hire Zack Snyder to direct the Superman reboot Man of Steel , which Aronofsky was also in the running for .

  28. 随着演员们的年龄和漫画书里的角色差距越来越大,在某个时候他们必然会被取代。目前看起来在下一部《金刚狼》出来之后,杰克曼便会退出这个系列。

    Since actors are ageless like comic book characters , they will have to be replaced at some point , and it sounds like if The Wolverine 2 comes together , than Jackman will call it quits after that .