
  • 网络The Real Steel
  1. 最近,数字领域公司承担的项目包括电影《铁甲钢拳》(RealSteel)和《变形金刚2:卷土重来》(Transformers:RevengeoftheFallen)。

    Recent digital domain projects include real steel and Transformers : Revenge of the fallen .

  2. 在电影“铁甲钢拳”中,休·杰克曼扮演一位退役拳击手,也是一位不称职的父亲,在片中他和10岁大的儿子再次取得了联系。

    In " Real Steel ," Hugh Jackman plays a washed up boxer and failed father who gets a second chance when he reconnects with his10-year-old son .

  3. 在休·杰克曼主演的科幻影片《铁甲钢拳》中,机器人拳手帮助一位生活不如意的父亲与自己的儿子重新建立亲情。

    Photo : Melissa Moseley / Dream Works Battling robots in the boxing ring help a wayward father reconnect with his young son in the new sci-fi action film " Real Steel , " starring Hugh Jackman .