
  1. 铁路区间通过能力绘图系统设计

    Design on Plot System of Railway Passing Capacity of Railway Sections

  2. 提高铁路区间信息传输可靠性的安全散列算法

    Secure Hash Algorithm of improving reliability for railway information transmission among block

  3. 关于铁路区间允许占用率计算方法的研究

    Methods for Calculating the Allowed Rate of Railway Section Occupation

  4. 铁路区间信号测试用基础数据数据库构建策略

    Strategy of Designing DB in Safety Test System for Railroad Section Signal

  5. 铁路区间通过能力计算方法的变革

    The Evolution of Calculation Method for Railway Section Through Capacity

  6. 高速铁路区间渡线的设置受诸多因素的影响。

    Setting section crossover in high-speed railway is subject to many factors .

  7. 高速铁路区间通过能力计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Carrying Capacity of High - speed Railway Section

  8. 关于计算铁路区间通过能力的图解法

    On the graphics for calculating railway section carrying capacity

  9. 铁路区间信号的发展和展望

    Development of and Prospect for Railway Section Signal

  10. 铁路区间绿色通道研究

    Study of Green Corridor in Railway Section

  11. 目前,铁路区间通信主要通过现有铁路沿线敷设的铜质电缆。

    At present , the communication of railway relies on the copper cable along the railway .

  12. 铁路区间测试评估平台移频信号数据采集技术及其实现

    Data Acquisition Technology for Frequency - shift Modulated Signal in Automatic Railway Block Testing and Assessment Platform

  13. 铁路区间信号系统测试评估平台&信息传输通道的建模及仿真研究

    Testing and Assessment Platform of Railway Section Signal Systems & study on modelling and simulation of the information transmission channel

  14. 场景子系统划分为3个子模块:底层部分、三维模型库、铁路区间仿真部分。

    The subsystem is composed of three parts : fundamental part , 3D model library , railway block simulation part .

  15. 三维交互的虚拟场景子系统是铁路区间信号系统测试平台的一个子系统,它为该平台提供了一个虚拟的现场环境。

    As one part of the system , the interactive 3D virtual scene subsystem provides a virtual scene environment for the platform .

  16. 区间信号系统测试评估平台是对铁路区间自动闭塞信号系统进行可靠性、安全性测试及评估的平台。

    The testing and assessment platform for railway block signaling is a system to test and assess the security and reliability of automatic block signaling .

  17. 铁路区间信号系统信息传输通道,作为铁路区间信号传输的途径,是铁路区间信号系统测试评估平台的重要研究对象,因此,信息传输通道仿真子系统是测试平台的一个关键子系统。

    As a virtual channel for information transmission , the simulated transmission channel subsystem is playing an important role in the testing and assessment platform .

  18. 铁路区间通信是铁路专用通信的重要组成部分,主要是为铁路区间作业人员提供对外联络的通信设施。

    Railway section communication is an important part of railway communication . They are the communications facilities which primarily provide external liaison for the railway workers .

  19. 铁路区间采用光纤通信方式,可以大大增加系统的传输带宽,同时光纤防电磁干扰的优点可使区间通信的质量更高。

    Optical fiber communication system used in railway section can increase the system bandwidth greatly and the advantage of optical fiber can prevent electromagnetic interference causing higher quality communication .

  20. 本文概述四十年来我国铁路区间信号的发展及所取得的成就,并对今后的发展提出意见和建议。

    This paper briefs on the development and achievements of section signal of the Chinese railway in the past 40 years , and puts forward some ideas and suggestions on future development .

  21. 场景子系统的设计中,描述了实体的运动层次链接关系和数据结构,并实现了三维虚拟场景的建模和铁路区间自动闭塞的仿真。

    In the design of the subsystem , the dynamic hierarchic link and data structure of an entity are described and the modeling of the virtual scene and the railway automatic block simulation are realized .

  22. 铁路区间光纤综合接入系统,是适应铁路提速后站间距离加长、列车运行速度提高而满足区间综合信息传输需要的区间高速信息系统,其中配置了先进网络监控与管理系统。

    Optical integral access system in railway section is a high speed information system with advanced supervision system , which meets the needs of transmission of integral information in section since section distance become longer and the speed of train is up .

  23. 铁路区间自动闭塞系统的可靠性和安全性的测试与评估是铁路安全控制领域广为关注的焦点,开发区间自动闭塞系统可靠性和安全性自动测试与评估平台是解决这一问题的有效途径。

    The reliability and safety of railway automatic block system has always been a focus deeply studied by many researchers . It is an appropriate approach to develop a computer test and assessment system of the railway automatic block system to solve this problem .

  24. 从铁路区间通过能力绘图系统的需求和设计目标入手,对绘图系统的结构和功能进行分析,介绍了系统设计和开发过程中的关键技术及方案。

    Starting with the requirement and design target of passing capacity plot system in railway sections , the essay analyzes the structure and function of plot system , and introduces in detail about the key technologies and schemes applied in the system design and development .

  25. 深圳地铁穿越铁路的区间隧道盾构法施工技术

    On Shield Method Construction Techniques of Shenzhen Metro Crossing-railway Interval Tunnel

  26. 铁路跨区间无缝线路关键技术的试验研究

    An experimental study on Key Techniques of trans-section CWR

  27. 高速铁路跨区间无缝线路铺轨机组研制商榷

    Discussions about Research and Development of Track-laying Machine Unit for Continuously Welded Cross Sectional Railway Line

  28. 为了保证高速列车安全、平稳地运行,高速铁路跨区间无缝线路的稳定性必须有足够的安全储备。

    In order to guarantee high-speed train running safe and stably , the safety reserve must be enough for the stability of high-speed railway over-section continuously welded rail ( CWR ) track .

  29. 介绍了北京城市铁路14标段区间隧道采用旋喷桩墙和二重管无收缩浆液WSS工法注浆施工技术,保证了建(构)筑物的安全,保证了工期。

    In this article , authors introduce construction technology of spiral spray pile and double pipe non-shrinkage mortar WSS adopted in 14 segment tunnel of Beijing urban railway , which can assure the safety of building and construction period .

  30. 铁路车站和区间信号设备的现状与发展

    Current status and development of railway station and section signal facilities