
  • 网络Railway Plan;HSR;Rail Sectoral Plan
  1. 前者已开始与中国合作实施铁路计划。

    The former is already working with China on rail plans .

  2. 他的这些高架铁路计划吃进了太多的资金。

    These elevated-road schemes of his have eaten up too much capital .

  3. 2006年,十一五铁路计划工作实现良好开局。

    In 2006 , China Railway 11th Five-Year Plan has seen a good start .

  4. 为改革铁路计划管理,本文对如何建立新的运行机制与运输组织模式也进行了探讨。

    In order to reform planned management of railway , the paper expounds how to establish new operation mechanism and organization model of transport .

  5. 作为一种额外的善意姿态,中国应欢迎日本企业参与规模庞大的京沪高速铁路计划。

    As an additional goodwill gesture , China should welcome Japanese companies to participate in the mega-project of building the Shanghai-Beijing high-speed rail link .

  6. 除了上述的宏大铁路计划外,资金还将被用于汽车零件、能源、港口、水力发电和铁路。

    As well as the giant railway project , the money is expected to be invested in car parts , energy , ports , hydroelectric power and railways .

  7. 基于泛亚铁路计划和中泰铁路计划,本文阐述了东南亚铁路网的现状及其发展设想。

    Based on the Pan Asian railway planning and the China Thailand railway planning , the paper expounds the present situation and the developing concept of the railway network in Southeast Asia .

  8. 第三章介绍Petri网基本理论,包括Petri网的基本概念、基本性质,分析方法和高级Petri网,并对企业铁路作业计划编排系统进行Petri网建模。

    The third chapter introduces the basic theories of petri nets , including the basic concepts , properties and analyzing methods , and using petri nets describes the enterprise railway plan intelligent making system model .

  9. 他目前在伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)攻读博士学位,为进行相关课题的研究,他必须根据当年殖民地官员费心整理的、有关铁路建设计划的详细书面纪录,构建一个庞大的数据库。

    For his PhD research on the subject at the LSE , Donaldson had to build a massive database based on paper records of the railway building programme , gathered in painstaking detail by colonial officials .

  10. 铁路十五计划(摘编)

    The Tenth Five-year Plan of the Railway Sector ( Abrldged )

  11. 铁路运输计划计算机辅助决策系统的研究

    Study of computer aided decision systems for railway transport plan

  12. 试论铁路运输计划与市场相结合

    On the Combination of Plan and Market for Railway Transport

  13. 深化铁路货运计划改革的思考

    Considerations on Deepening Reform of Railway Freight Traffic Plan

  14. 铁路货运计划智能决策支持系统研究

    The Study on the Intelligent Decision Support System of the Railway Freight Transportation Planning

  15. 电子计算机在铁路技术计划编制中的应用

    Application of Computer on Railway Technical Planning

  16. 2003年是实施铁路十五计划的关键一年。

    The year 2003 is a critical period in implementing the railway Tenth-Five Year Plan .

  17. 机车周转图的编制是铁路日班计划的核心内容之一。

    And locomotive working diagram is one of the core contents of the railway daily plan .

  18. 新的铁路已计划好。

    A new railway is projected .

  19. 这三项铁路工程计划所需费用约为1100亿元,代表着我们为未来所作出的投资。

    These three projects will cost about $ 110 billion and they represent an investment in our future .

  20. 铁路投资计划体制改革的最终目的是为了实现投资效益的根本好转。

    The final goal of system reform of railway investment planning is to realize thorough improvement of investment benefit .

  21. 准确的车流推算结果是铁路运输计划编制和铁路车流调整的重要前提和根本保障。

    Accurate wagon flow forecast results are important prerequisite and the basic guarantee of railway transportation plan and adjustment .

  22. 阐述了我国铁路十五计划的编制原则、特点和路网主骨架、西部铁路发展、快速客运系统建设、集装箱运输系统建设、既有铁路技术改造、运输安全设施保障体系、铁路信息化建设等主要内容。

    The compiling principles , features and main contents for the Tenth Five-year Plan of Chinese railways are elaborated .

  23. 随着国家大力发展高速铁路的计划,越来越多的高速铁路线路不断开通或即将开通。

    With the country to vigorously develop high-speed railway , more and more high speed railway line was opened or is about to open .

  24. 随着在柬埔寨的关键缺口得到填补,一项讨论已久的连接中国和东南亚6国的铁路网计划正迅速向前推进。

    Plans for a long discussed rail network to link China to six south-east Asian countries are advancing as critical gaps are filled in Cambodia .

  25. 秦沈客运专线是我国铁路九五计划的重点建设项目,也是我国铁路建设技术水平的标志性工程。

    The special line for passenger transport from Qinhuangdao to Shenyang is one of the key projects in the Ninth Five-Year Plan and also a remarkable one in the construction technology of Railway in China .

  26. 介绍了铁路投资计划项目管理从息系统的开发背景、系统目标、系统框架结构、系统主要功能和关键技术,展示了其强大的计划管理功能和良好的通用性。

    The writers introduce the background , objects , architecture , main functions and key techniques of the railway investment project items management information system . And bring forth the strong project management functions and well flexibility .

  27. 本文通过对铁路货运计划的制定过程研究,提出使用智能决策支持系统支持货运计划的制定过程,解决单纯的专家系统所不能解决的调整策略量化问题,使计划制定过程更加高效。

    The intelligent decision support system was elaborated in this paper that solved the problem of the quantification of the adjustment strategy of the Sino-railway transportation planning . The process of the plan making is becoming more efficient by the help of the IDSS .

  28. 铁路施工计划的提报、编制、审核和实施是铁路施工的中心环节,随着计算机技术在铁路工作中的逐步应用,铁路施工计划管理也将逐步实现计算机智能管理。

    The preparation , establishment , examination and implementation of railway construction plans were key link for railway construction , with the development of computer technology in railway work , the computer intelligent management would be applied to the management for railway construction plans .

  29. 随着铁路行业由计划经济体制向市场经济体制的不断转变,J公司人力资源方面暴露出的诸多问题已经成为阻碍企业发展的瓶颈,而其中最突出的则是薪酬管理方面的问题。

    Along with the shift from former centrally planned economy to market economy , problems occurring in human resources administration in J Company have been the bottleneck that abstracts enterprise development . And among which , problems during compensation administration are the foremost problems .

  30. 本文正是在这一需求推动下,利用Petri网对企业铁路调度作业计划智能编排系统进行建模,引入变迁触发推理规则,对已建立的模型进行时间知识的推理,以解决系统常见的问题。

    Under this demand promotion , this paper describes the enterprise railway shunting trip plan intelligent making system model using petri nets , and imports the transition firing reasoning rules , and performs temporal reasoning based on the established model to resolve the common problems of system .