
  1. 民族预科教育极大地促进了民族高等教育的发展。

    It has greatly promoted the development of ethnic higher education .

  2. 论新时期高校民族预科教育的创新

    On Innovation of Nationality Preparatory Education in Colleges during New Era

  3. 民族预科教育课程体系改革初探

    An Exploration of Course System Reform of Ethnic Preparatory Training Program

  4. 民族预科生是应备受关注的特殊群体。

    National pre-college students should be concerned by a special group .

  5. 少数民族预科学生汉语自主学习能力浅析

    The Research of Mandarin Self-learning Ability of the Minority Nationality Preparatory Students

  6. 论少数民族预科学生创新能力的培养

    On the Development of Subcollege Nationality Students ' Creative Ability

  7. 民族预科物理衔接教学的研究与实践

    Study and Practice of Linking Teaching on Preparatory Physics For Minority Students

  8. 少数民族预科学生族群意识与教育管理

    The Education Management and Ethnic Awareness of Minority Pre-university Students

  9. 关于民族预科数学教学的探讨

    Probe into Teaching of Mathematics of Preparatory Course for Nationalities

  10. 少数民族预科生汉字偏误分析

    The Error Analysis of Chinese Character by Preparatory Course Students

  11. 中国民族预科教育研究文献计量分析

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Literature on Ethnic Preparatory Education in China

  12. 少数民族预科班化学教学法初探

    On the teaching methods of chemistry to the minority students in preparatory course

  13. 民族预科教育简述

    A Brief Introduction of Ethnic Preparatory Training Courses Education

  14. 浅谈推动少数民族预科素质教育

    On Promotion of Quality-Oriented Education in Minority Preparatory Course

  15. 民族预科物理实验教学初探

    Probing Into the Teaching Physical Experiment for Preparatory Students

  16. 高校民族预科化学实验课教学改革与实践

    On the Reformation of the Chemistry Experimental Course

  17. 浅谈民族预科生的数学扶贫教学

    A Brief Talk on Aid-the-poor Teaching of Mathematics for the Ethnic Preparatory College Students

  18. 民族预科数学课堂教学浅谈&点燃民族学生的希望之火

    About the Teaching of Maths in Preparatory Course

  19. 第四部分总结广西民族预科教育的发展经验。

    The fourth part is summarizing the developing experience of Guangxi ethnic pre-college Education .

  20. 民族预科物理实验教学改革的探索和实践

    A Probe and Practice of Reform on Physics Experimental Teaching for University Preparatory Students

  21. 少数民族预科教育培养模式研究与实践

    The Study and Practice on the Model of Ethnic Minority Preparatory Training Courses Education

  22. 民族预科学院民族传统体育课教学现状与发展对策

    National Pre-University College of Jishou National Traditional Physical Education Teaching Status and Development Strategies

  23. 略论高校民族预科语文多媒体教学

    Discussion on Chinese Teaching of the Multimedia of Preparatory Course for Nationalities in Universities

  24. 少数民族预科生学习策略调查报告

    An Investigation of English Learning Strategies Used by Preparatory Undergraduates in an Ethnic Minority University

  25. 论西部大开发与民族预科教育的发展

    On the Large-scale Development in west China and Preparatory Training 's Ethnic Education in University

  26. 调查发现,民族预科生具有正确的、朴素的、简单的数学知识观;

    Survey found that , the national pre-college students have right conception of mathematical knowledge ;

  27. 内蒙古工业大学民族预科生英语写作错误分析(英文)

    An Analysis of Errors in the English Writings of Minority Preparatory Students in IMUT ;

  28. 少数民族预科生汉语阅读焦虑调查分析

    Research on the Anxiety of the Ineffective Chinese Learning of The Minority Learners Preparing for College

  29. 民族预科班物理概念教学的探讨

    A survey on the teaching of the preparatory physical concept for the students of minority nationality

  30. 21世纪的少数民族预科教育面临着重要的挑战和发展机遇。

    Ethnic preparatory course education faces important challenges and developmental opportunities in the 21 st century .