
  • 网络Democratic Alliance;HDZ;disy
  1. 全国民主联盟获得了压倒性的胜利。

    The National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory

  2. 全国民主联盟在5个月前的选举中获得压倒性胜利。

    The NLD won a landslide victory in the elections five months ago .

  3. 好了,问题是非国大会失去多少支持,而诸如EFF及民主联盟等反对党会获得更多的支持。

    Well , the question is how much support will the ANC lose and will opposition party , such as the EFF , and the Democratic Alliance gain more support .

  4. 调查显示,白人掌控的民主联盟也可能在本次选举中失势,当前的领导人HelenZille在科萨地区如鱼得水,比前任在黑人选民中更受欢迎。

    Polls suggest the white-dominated Democratic Alliance is also likely to lose ground this time around . Current leader Helen Zille is fluent in Xhosa and enjoys greater appeal with black voters than her predecessor .

  5. 人民民主联盟去年开始反对支持Thaksin的政府,他们占领了政府机构,长达三个月,并占据了曼谷的两个大机场,长达一周多。

    The People 's Alliance for Democracy launched protests in May last year against the pro-Thaksin government . These included occupying the government house compound for more than three months as well as the two main airports in Bangkok for more than a week .

  6. 全国民主联盟敦促缅甸人民在5月10号对宪法草案投反对票。

    It has urged Burmese to vote against the draft on May 10 .

  7. 支持人民民主联盟的示威者已经迫使几个地区机场关闭,并扰乱了全国铁路服务。

    PAD protesters have forced the closure of several regional airports and disrupted national train service .

  8. 上个星期,人民民主联盟的支持者占领了主要政府办公大楼的大院。

    Last week , PAD supporters escalated the protests by occupying the compound of the main government office building .

  9. 这场集会是由反独裁民主联盟组织的,该联盟的追随者衣着红衣。

    The rally was organized by the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship , whose supporters dress in red .

  10. 全国民主联盟1995年从有14年之久的国民大会中退出,原因是该机构的限制性规定太多,后来该联盟被国民大会除名。

    The NLD walked out of the 14-year-long national convention in 1995 because of restrictive rules and was later expelled altogether .

  11. 草拟这部长达200页的宪法的制宪大会,根本就没有允许主要反对派“全国民主联盟”成员参与。

    The constitutional convention at which the 200-page document was drafted excluded members of the leading opposition group , the National League for Democracy .

  12. 在阿族居住的其他地区也出现枪击和武装分子的报导,其中包括靠近融合民主联盟总部的地方。

    There were also shootings and gunmen reported elsewhere in ethnic-Albanian areas , including near the headquarters of the Democratic Union for Integration party .

  13. 军政府星期四谴责全国民主联盟受未指名的外国大使馆的指使,军政府称这些大使馆试图破坏缅甸的国家稳定。

    The military government Thursday accused the NLD of taking directives from unnamed foreign embassies which it claimed were trying to destabilize the country .

  14. 警方说,他们希望和人民民主联盟谈判,但是他们有可能采用武力将抗议者赶出机场。

    The police say they want to negotiate with the PAD , but it is possible they will use force to clear the terminals .

  15. 目标应该是在国际社会中创建一个足够强大和成功的民主联盟以吸引新兴国家。

    The goal should be to create within the international community a democratic block strong and successful enough to act as a pole of attraction for emerging nations .

  16. 新政府领导人翁沙瓦是他信的妹夫。翁沙瓦表示要推动和解和与反政府的“人民民主联盟”进行对话。

    The new government leader , Somchai Wongsawat , a brother-in-law of Thaksin , had promised to promote reconciliation and talks with the anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy .

  17. 苏奈说,政府向人民民主联盟提出一项撤离方案,允许他们撤回到他们曾经在8月下旬占领的政府办公场所。

    Sunai says the government is offering the PAD an exit strategy by allowing the alliance to return to the government house compound which it seized in late August .

  18. 人民民主联盟指控颂猜是前总理他信的代理人。他信由于面临腐败指控,在8月逃离泰国。

    The PAD accuses Mr. Somchai of acting as a proxy for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who fled Thailand in August in the face of corruption charges .

  19. 反对党人民民主联盟在这里为示威者安排了帐篷和椅子,向他们提供食品和饮料,还有一个为人民民主联盟领导人讲话准备的讲台。

    The anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy has set up tents and seats and provides demonstrators food and drink . There is a stage where PAD leaders give speeches .

  20. 但是匈牙利中间偏右的主要反对党青年民主联盟-匈牙利公民联盟对政府接受金融援助计划提出批评,说此举可能使匈牙利的主权受到损害。

    But Hungary 's main center-right opposition party , Fidesz , has criticized the government for accepting the financial rescue package , saying it could compromise the country 's sovereignty .

  21. 但是,主要的反对党全国民主联盟和其他人权团体强烈谴责政府推出的宪法草案,说这个草案的目的就是让军方继续掌权。

    But the main opposition party , the National League for Democracy , and other rights groups condemn the draft constitution , which they say will only keep the military in power .

  22. 她说服军事大将放松管制,并向国际社会请求经济制裁以获得国际支持,在2015年的选举中,她为全国民主联盟取得了压倒性的胜利。

    She enlisted international support for economic sanctions that helped persuade the generals to loosen their grip , leading to elections in 2015 and an overwhelming victory for her National League for Democracy .

  23. 人民民主联盟的领袖星期五说,尽管受到警方采取行动的威胁,而且他们也越来越丧失民心,他们仍然决心继续坚持抗议。

    Leaders of the People 's Alliance for Democracy on Friday said they remain determined to press on with the protest despite the threat of police action and a growing loss of public support .

  24. 全国民主联盟一些成员被要求赴缅甸首都内比都。但是他们是否要会见参议员韦布还不清楚。

    A few members of the NLD have been asked to travel to Naypyidaw , the country 's capital , while Webb is there , but it is not clear if they are to meet with the senator .

  25. 包括美国和英国在内的民主国家联盟(被称为自由在线联盟(FreedomOnlineCoalition))应当实施支持自由且开放的全球互联网的政策。

    A grouping of democracies including the US and the UK , known as the Freedom Online Coalition , should implement policies that support a free and open global internet .

  26. 只有“副社长赵显娥是会长的家庭成员这一事实”才能解释此事,颇有影响的民间组织参与民主人民联盟(People’sSolidarityforParticipatoryDemocracy)说。

    The episode cannot be explained " except by the fact that Vice President Cho Hyun-ah was a member of the chairman 's family , " said the influential civic group People 's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy .

  27. 虽然民主国民联盟进行了提前的竞选获胜庆祝,但还是有指责选举不公正的声音。

    Despite the early celebration from NLD supporters , there were allegations of voting irregularities .

  28. Abdelkefi建议成立一个永久性组织——突尼斯民主妇女联盟,使其成为一个政党。

    Abdelkefi suggests one longstanding group -- the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women -- could be reshaped into a political party .

  29. 今年1月,安倍首次以领导人身份出访,目的地是越南、泰国和印度尼西亚,他在行程中阐明了建立亚洲民主国家合作联盟这一虽未明说但明显针对中国的愿景。此举使其在中国招致一些批评。

    Mr Abe drew criticism from some in China in January during his first trip abroad as leader - to Vietnam , Thailand and Indonesia - for laying out a vision for a coalition of Asian democracies that would co-operate in what appeared to be unspoken but obvious opposition to China .

  30. 另一方面,韩国民主劳动组合总联盟星期三开始全国范围的部分罢工,向抗议进口牛肉的人表示支持。

    Separately , the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions , began a partial nationwide strike , Wednesday , in solidarity with the beef protesters .