
  1. 你们知道,自由之地和勇者之家的理念是美利坚合众国民族的脊梁,

    You see this idea of being the land of the free and the home of the brave , it 's woven into the fabric of America .

  2. 这些感情铸造着我们民族的灵魂和性格,是中华民族精神的脊梁,对促进中国社会的进步,道德的提高,文化的昌明,有着独特的功能。

    To make research of it would not only promote the progress of China society but enhance its moral and cultural level , presenting its exclusive function .

  3. 民族精神和时代精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支柱和强大精神动力,是中华民族的伟大脊梁。

    National spirit and epoch spirit are what a nation rely on to survive , and they are the great support of Chinese nationality .