
mín fǎ yuān yuán
  • sources of civil law
  1. 礼&传统民法渊源与制度重合之特征法向变形是岩体节理的重要特征之一。

    Courtesy : The Overlap of the Origin and the System of Chinese Traditional Civil Law ; The normal deformation of is one of the important characters of rock joints .

  2. 本文主要以元代民法渊源、婚姻家庭和继承及民事诉讼为中心来讨论元代民法制度,得出元代民法制度出现了:民法渊源多元化;

    In this paper , I mainly talk about the civil law system of Yuan Dynasty , focusing onthe sources of civil law , marriage ~ family ~ inheritance and civil procedure .

  3. 论传统民法的渊源及特点

    The origins and characteristics of Chinese traditional civil law

  4. 民法的渊源是民法学上一个基本而又重要的问题,也是法学研究上的一个重要问题。

    THE REALM OF LEARNING The source of civil law is a basic and important issue in the realm of civil law .

  5. 第三章民法理念的历史渊源及其基础在论述民法理念与罗马法及市民社会的历史渊源关系的基础上,进一步论述了民法理念产生的社会经济基础和法哲学理论基础。

    On the base of expatiating the historical source of civil-law idea , Roman law and burgher society , this essay ultimately expatiates the social economic base and law-philosophy theoretical base .

  6. 所以,对民法法源问题的深刻研究,不仅可以廓清目前民法渊源的混乱局面,明达和规制各法源的效力,阐明和规范民事审判中法官的自由裁量权;

    So , the study of civil law sources can not only dissolve the problem of this confusion condition , regulate the effect of kinds of civil law sources , elaborate the judge 's discretion in civil law application ;