
  1. 此次三方合并,将推动合并后的实体跻身全球10大期货交易所之列。目前,日本的期货市场已落后于地区及全球的增长速度,部分原因是技术老化和监管障碍。

    A three-way merger would propel the combined entity into the global top 10 of futures exchanges at a time when the Japanese platforms have lagged behind regional and world growth , in part because of ageing technology and regulatory barriers .

  2. 文章进一步研究了国外的金融期货法制化监管的主要内容,通过对美国、英国、日本三国金融期货市场的探讨,对其金融期货市场监管进行了比较分析。

    Through the research on financial futures in America , Britain and Japan , the thesis probes into the legal administration of financial futures abroad further and makes comparison among the various administrations .